Monthly Archives: March 2017

Technical Summary

While Doing this assignment I learned a couple things. I realized that a lot of information can be concise and summarized since in my article a lot of the content was just restated to prove or to support a point previously made. However, when it cam to technical information I found it very hard summarize, it all seem relevant and very specific.
Overall, the assignment forced me to be more concise and help me to find ways how to convey a lot information with few words.

Feelings on the Technical Summary – Xavier Rodriguez

Overall I felt the technical summary was not the hardest thing I’ve had to do in my college career. Due to not taking an English composition class in years I felt that the initial start phase of finding the article and starting the summary was the hardest. Once I found an article I felt comfortable writing about starting the actual summary was very difficult. Once I outlined the things I needed to talk about and the things I should talk about the writing part became a lot simpler. I actually had a hard time not staying under or at the 500 words once I was in stride. So the hardest part was starting the writing and the easiest part was when I was in the middle of writing.

500 word summary review

I found the summary to be difficult in that the material is very dry. When I summarized the information I found that my words became very robotic. There was also difficulty in trying to pin point what was very important since my article was very technical and gave off a lot of information about the topic. Trying to summarize and reword very straight forward information was also very difficult.

Summary Aftermath

For me one of the hardest part of this assignment was trying to take all the points the author was stating, and write them more fluent in my summary, instead of just kind of listing them. When I was done with the summary, one thing that I was pleased was how efficient I was able to pick out the main points. The only little problem that I had what the transition between the points.

Kevin Bayolima Technical Summary After Thoughts

At first i was uncomfortable with the assignment due to using the Ursula Search Engine. From my experience articles from the libraries database tend to be long and use words and math equations that look foreign to me. However when i started it i found the article I wanted to do it on. It was difficult to summarize with the constraint of 500 words because there was 11 pages of information to evaluate. Although I did learn from this project  to remove redundant information and keep the important information within the constraint of 500 words.

Technical Summary

The technical summary assignment was fairly easy. Any assignment that is short I feel is  typically an easy one especially when having to discuss a topic which you have enough information to deliver. If there was a challenging aspect to it, I would say it would have to be trying to choose what is most essential to discuss.