Monthly Archives: February 2017

Jose Guerrero

The first story I read was “All you Zombies”. This story was confusing for me because I didn’t know where it was going. I was trying to understand why the character was referred to as he and then she. After reading the entire story it explained what was going on with the character and I began to understand more. I was still a little confused in the end, from what I understood Jane was the man who took her own baby and put it up for adoption. She was never able to find the man because it was herself and was nowhere to be found because she time traveled to get the baby. I was interested in the time traveling aspect and the paradox of how her life was affected by herself or himself in the end. I did not completely read the other story but I did like the science fiction aspect of how they time traveled to hunt dinosaurs. My favorite thing they spoke about was how a very small change could cause a ripple effect and could possibly change the entire future.

Reaction to the readings – Willy Chong

I find “All You Zombies” by Robert Heinlein to be a very interesting short story. While the main character of the story turned out incredible weird and did not really make much sense using common sense, the story did caught my attention since it was about time travel. It was very surprising to me that the protagonist turned out to be the only character throughout the story. Furthermore, the craziest thing I found in this story is that the protagonist had both sex organs(Female/Male).

On the other hand, the short story “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury was much more interesting as they time traveled to the period where dinosaur were still alive. It was a very interesting story since the story focused on hunters traveling to the past to hunt T-Rex. Can you image hunting a  huge dinosaur?

Derick Isaac, thoughts on “All You Zombies”

Good morning class,

I did not get to read both stories but i read a little bit of “All You Zombies” and it was very different, as it  should being it is a science fiction story. i wouldn’t exactly say it made my mind wander but before i got any clarification by further reading the story i was confused as to if the person was a woman or a man. The “mother” but “man” talk made me think it was just a joke that would be revealed later in the story but when i got up to the part where he/she had the baby i lost my mind. I will definitely finish this story.

Kevin Bayolima Short Story Response

I found both stories interesting as they dealt with science fiction and the sensitivity of time travel. Bradbury’s Sound of Thunder dealt with the use of time travel as a hunting activity. This has inspired films such as Back to the Future and the Butterfly Effect. I found this essential since Bradbury helped accomplish the theme of dystopian futures. It also showed us how sensitive time is as one alteration can impact the future immensely. Heinlein’s All You Zombies takes time travel in a different approach as the story shows us how time can be manipulated in a way to make sure events happen. Throughout the story we see little by little as all these characters are actually one in the same. I can see this story inspiring the movie the terminator as it uses time travel to make sure certain events happen. I believe these stories were the origins of the time travel genre and it fits with our class as the narrative is well told to the audience for them to clearly understand what is happening.


Hello Class, My name is Derick Isaac, born and raised in Brooklyn. My major is computer systems technology and im going for my bachelors. I will be graduating by spring 2018. I enrolled in this class because it is required but i hope to develop my writing during this semester.