A City Tech OpenLab Course Site

Anne Lamott “Shitty First Drafts”

1 Comment

  1. Kevin Weng

    I think this reading has helped me feel a bit more confident writing my first draft. In the past years or writing first drafts I would always struggle because in my head I though it had to be written perfectly like it was a final.I guess the word first draft didn’t help me realize you can improve on it later. on haha. Liked the part where she says first draft is shitty then the second is good then the 3rd draft is bad. Another part that made sense to me was that you won’t get to the good ideas if you don’t let your brain and hands just write. This is because you have all this information in your head, if you don’t write it then it will just get lost in your head. This reading also gave me a perspective on how authors create their master pieces. I always thought they just winged it and wrote their stories like it was nothing. However now I realize its the same process that everyone else does when they are writing something.

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