Welcome to ENG 1101-LC!

Hi Everyone —

Welcome to our ENG 1101-LC OpenLab space. As you already know, our class is held across four different platforms (Zoom, OpenLab, Google Drive, and Discord). Each of these provide different functions for us:

  • Zoom — synchronous meetings with chat and video (e.g., class video discussions).
  • Discord — asynchronous chat (e.g., questions you may need answered ASAP).
  • Google Drive — document control and distribution (e.g., assignments, readings, grades).
  • OpenLab — asynchronous group discussion (e.g., class text discussion).

So, here on OpenLab, you will be able to respond to our weekly class discussion questions and find other basic course information that will also be in our Course Documents folder on Drive.

If you need to find us on Discord, you can do so here — https://discord.gg/kg7Thnk. Be sure to join the ENG 1101-LC channel!

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