Internship – Week 1

Life has been busy. I completely forgot to keep up with these.

I began interning at Changing the Present at the beginning of October.

Changing the Present is a non-profit organization that specializes in giving gifts to society by way of education and healthcare organizations and businesses. As a startup, the company doesn’t have the funds to operate at a pace its workers would appreciate. But what they are working for and serving as a marketplace for companies to help those in need is a very noble cause.

Upon arriving at that office (both when I began and when I went to the interview prior) I could see how mellow, how homely it was. It was kind of comforting, seeing how plain it looked. It fit their cause well; working with little, helping those with just as much.

Right off the bat I got along with both my supervisors: Alyssa, head of editorial, and Robert, head of the business. My goal there is to prove my competence and ability to work alongside them to reach their design goals. In getting to know them and working with them during my briefing, I may have earned their respect and appreciation.

I’ve been tasked with designing banners for the websites and other media hosted by expected beneficiaries.

My worries of finding a position have eased considerably. Being able to contribute and get things done with individuals dedicated to their work is icing on the cake.

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