Week 3

This past week I received a response from one of the companies I applied to: Student Global LLC. I was to be interviewed by the head of myKlovr, its education technology division, to discuss my position.

On Friday I accepted the phone call. I was informed of the objective of its education technology division, myKlovr: to encourage education and connection with schools and businesses, and to supply counseling for college students. The company was in need of additional design help. I discussed how I had grown with design, and how I was eager to help people who were in this exact situation, how willing I was to grow among like-minded creators. Our conversation was a good one.

I was nervous, obviously, at the prospect of the interview and what could go wrong, but I approached it with determination and honesty. I am expecting a follow-up this coming Monday.

In addition to that, thanks to assistance from a friend, I am to meet up with Alyssa Ettinger this coming Tuesday to discuss a potential position with her as well. I hope to land one of the two so that I can begin my learning experience as well as my contribution.

As this happens I continue to try to keep up with updating my portfolios, while also juggling my classes. It continues to prove difficult to do.

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