Week 15, Lecture

It has been a good semester, and I appreciate you all working with me thus far in our class.

This is the last weekly lecture, but I will still hold office hours this week and then I will be available by email or appointment in the days leading up to the final due date for everything in the class: Monday, Dec. 21.

Remember to refer to previous lectures 11-14 and the corresponding Weekly Writing Assignments for models and useful information for the Collaborative Project.

If you would like to take advantage of the extra credit offer from last week, you can still catch videos of one of those events–the City Tech Science Fiction Symposium. I posted videos there of each panel. Choose a session video, watch it from start-to-finish, and write a 250 word summary of who spoke and what they spoke about. Email your summary to me by Monday, Dec. 21.

Good luck in our class, your other classes, and your lives. When we can return to in-person classes, stop by my office sometime for a conversation in Namm 520.

Week 15, Weekly Writing Assignment

For this week’s Weekly Writing assignment, I would like you to choose a different person from your team than the previous persons who emailed me last week and the week before. This new team member should write an email to me (jellis at citytech.cuny.edu) and cc all the other team members. Use the subject, “ENG2575, Week 15 Update.” In the body of your email, write a professional message of about 250 words describing what your team has done over the past week to work on the project. This email should be written collaboratively through conversation (phone, Zoom, Google Hangouts) or text communication (text message, social media, etc.). It isn’t up one person to write this email. All team members are expected to say and contribute something to the email about what your team has been doing. For example: Did you have a meeting? Who is working on what? What research leads were found? What do you plan to do next? Don’t forget to include a salutation to open and a closing at the end. This is due by Wednesday, Dec. 9.

Week 14, Lecture


Due Dates

The Collaborative Project is due by Monday, Dec. 21. No work will be accepted after that date as I need time to grade and submit grades. As an incentive, I am offering 1 bonus point per day that your team submits your collaborative project early up to 7 points (essentially one week early). If you need until Monday, Dec. 21 to complete the project, I want you to take it, but if your team is done early and feels good about your deliverables, you may turn it in early and receive the bonus points.

Any individual projects and weekly writing assignments are also due by Monday, Dec. 21. If you haven’t done a project, please get it done and submit it (remember: something is better than nothing). If you have any questions about this, please email me at jellis

Student Website Examples

Remember, yours will be slightly different due to the different affordances and constraints of our current situation during the pandemic. Yours should have a landing/first page that includes your presentation video embedded on the page, a shared/viewable link to your analytical research report, and brief description of your project; a problem page summarizing your research; a solutions page summarizing your research; and an “About” page with short bios for each team member.

Presentation Recording

The links below last week’s lecture might be useful, too.


Review the lectures and links for the previous weeks that relate to the collaborative project.

Week 14, Weekly Writing Assignment

For this week’s Weekly Writing assignment, I would like you to choose a different person from your team than the person who emailed me last week. This new team member should write an email to me (jellis at citytech.cuny.edu) and cc all the other team members. Use the subject, “ENG2575, Week 14 Update.” In the body of your email, write a professional message of about 250 words describing what your team has done over the past week to work on the project. This email should be written collaboratively through conversation (phone, Zoom, Google Hangouts) or text communication (text message, social media, etc.). It isn’t up one person to write this email. All team members are expected to say and contribute something to the email about what your team has been doing. For example: Did you have a meeting? Who is working on what? What research leads were found? What do you plan to do next? Don’t forget to include a salutation to open and a closing at the end. This is due by Wednesday, Dec. 2.

Week 13, Office Hours

Prof. Ellis' office in Namm 520.

I hope everyone is doing well during this week before Thanksgiving!

If you want to talk with me about anything relating to the class, visit my office hours today on Google Hangouts.

Due to testing for tomorrow’s Science Fiction Symposium, I will be in an out of office hours for short tests. If you don’t see me, stick around and I’ll pop back into office hours shortly!

Week 13, Lecture


Analytical Research Report Presentation

Analytical Research Report Website

  • How to create a project on the OpenLab
  • Help > Sites (look at the section on Building Sites)
  • Your site should have:
    • a landing page with your presentation video embedded (copy and paste the link into the content section), a link to your Research Report Google Doc (Share > Anyone with the link), and a brief description of your project
    • an about page with bios (and photos if you choose to include them) of all team members
    • a problem page that briefly describes the problem and its background
    • a solution page that briefly describes/lists the solutions to the problem that you found