Masum Hossain 750-Word Expanded Expanded Definition of Database.

TO : Prof. Jason Ellis

FROM Masum Hossain


SUBJECT: Expanded Expanded Definition of Database.


The term paper is going to define and evaluate the technical term database. Database are the foundation of computer application for business. The benefit of database includes the ability to data independence, efficient data access, data integrity, data security etc. This paper is going to collect information by using several online article and journal, few academic book and online magazine. Next I am going to add and evaluate some quote and definition from my research source, which is interconnected to my technical term and my career pathway. My chosen technical term is database.   


A database is a data structure that stores organized information. Most databases contain multiple tables, which may each include several different fields. For example, a company database may include tables for products, employees, and financial records. Each of these tables would have different fields that are relevant to the information stored in the table. Early databases were relatively old fashion  which means they were limited to simple rows and columns, like a spreadsheet. However, today’s relational databases allow users to access, update, and search information based on the relationship of data stored in different tables. Relational databases can also run queries that involve multiple databases. While early databases could only store text or numeric data, modern databases also let users store other data types such as sound clips, pictures, and videos. According to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), database (1) as it is, “A structured set of data held in computer storage and typically accessed or manipulated by means of specialized software.” (Database 2019) this definition Data, in a database, is rarely useful in its raw form. For example, in a banking application, data is the whole collection of bank account numbers; bank customers’ names, addresses, and ages; bank transactions and so on.

According to the Merriam-Webster (MW), database (2) “a usually large collection of data organized especially for rapid search and retrieval (as by a computer)” (Database 2019) This definition presented with mass of numbers will simply overwhelm the in the computer application — an individual simply cannot process it all.

 According to the translate. Google, database (3) “a structured set of data held in a computer, especially one that is accessible in various ways.” (Database 2019) This definition define as   data is arranged relationally, it then becomes information, which is much more useful to users.

If we look at those definition, they address same core concept like it is an organized collection of data usually store and accessed electronically from a computer system.


Database context to provide relevant information and services to the user. “Access to the security clearance database would disgorge even more detailed personal information, including the foreign contacts of American officials.” (Michael Hayden 2008, 456-457). Base on this context, personal information can be misused. Now a day’s privacy died with information age because vast amount of data is in the hands of third parties. “Diplomacy has always involved dinners with ruling elites, backroom deals and clandestine meetings. Now, in the digital age, the reports of all those parties and patrician chats can be collected in one enormous database. And once collected in digital form, it becomes very easy for them to be shared.” (Heather Brooke 2006, 200)

Base on this context, Information and communication technologies make life better in the time Connected to the Internet, we create, post, and retrieve which also is in the hands of third parties.

“Think about it: if you were running a multi-million-dollar company, and your database of customer information was stolen, would you want to tell your clients? No. Most companies did not until the laws required them to. It’s in the best interest of organizations – when they’re attacked and information is stolen – to tell nobody.” (Hooper, Today 2019 12-14) Base on the context, Data must be protecting and secure from illegitimate use and cyber-attacks. Otherwise it would be great lose for a company.

Working Definition

As a student of data base management system and my future career pathway to database administrator   The database administrator is the person who manages, backs up and ensures the availability of the data produced and consumed. A database administrator responsibility may include such as A database administrator’s responsibilities may include, Modifying the database structure using information provided by application developers, creating user profiles, and ensuring system security by careful allocation of user permissions, Monitoring technical support for both database systems and related applications and all others activity.


Brook, H. (2006). Fundamental of database . Chicago: Chicago Book Press.

Hayden, M. (2008). DataBase System Concept. Michigan: Michigan Press.

Hooper, M. (Today). As Private as a Postcard. Paralegal, 12-20.

Kostas Stefanidis, E. P. (2014). Aware Preference Database System. New york: TROUBADOR PUBLISHING LTD.

Database, (1), (2019). In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved from

Database, (2), (2019). The Merriam-Webster Dictionary online, Retrieved from

Database, (3), (2019). to the translate. Google, Retrieved from