Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 4

This week, we completed our coverage of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Using your notes of this week’s lecture and your reading, write approximately 250 words summarizing and highlighting those points that stand out the most in your mind and in your notes.

After posting your response, take some time to read others’ responses. We can learn a lot from each other in this way.

If you have the time, comment or reply to those that correspond with your thinking or those you might disagree with. In all of our communications, remember to be professional, polite, and cordial. Also, be aware that communicating via writing can result in misunderstandings–always read your responses to yourself aloud before posting and think about what you write from other perspectives. These things will help you craft your responses to others online and avoid misunderstandings.

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 3

For this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment, add a comment to this post that summarizes some of the highlights from your reading of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and this week’s lecture (posted above).

Take time to read the comments of others in the class on this post and the previous posts–especially the first Weekly Writing Assignment post where everyone introduced themselves. Feel free to reply to other folks in the class if you share an interest in SF or discover a connection that you would like to share. Consider our OpenLab Course Site as the place where we can discuss and meet others studying the same topic. While our class might be asynchronous and online, it doesn’t have to be without community and connection.

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 2

For your Week 2 Weekly Writing Assignment, use your notes of this week’s lecture (posted above) and your reading of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, to write at least 250-words summarizing what you identify as highlights or important points. This exercise contributes to your graded writing in the class and gives you an opportunity to return to the course material to think, choose, and report on what you have learned. These are graded on best effort, but they should primarily focus on the course material. However, you may make connections between course material and other SF that you’ve read, seen, etc. Type up your response someplace safe that you can save, and then copy-and-paste your response into a comment made to this blog post.

Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 1

For your first 250-word (minimum) weekly writing assignment, please add a comment to this post (click on the title, “Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 1,” and then scroll down the page to find the comment box and the “post comment” button) that accomplishes two things: 1) introduce yourself to everyone in the class (your name–first name or pseudonym is fine, your major, hobbies, and favorite examples of Science Fiction–authors/books, films, video games, music, etc.), and 2) briefly summarize some of the main points or highlights from today’s lecture on what is SF and why should we study it?

Remember to write and save your response elsewhere (on your computer, in the cloud, etc.) and then copy-and-paste your response into a comment that you make to this post. This keeps your work safe so that nothing is lost.