Midterm Notebooks Submission, Week 5

For your first big grade in the class, you need to create a PDF of your handwritten notebooks and submit them to Prof. Ellis. This counts as 20% of your grade, and it gives me a substantial amount of work on your part to calculate your midterm grade.

You may scan your notebook into a PDF using any software that you prefer. Some of the examples that I discussed as options in the lecture that are free to use with a smartphone running Android or iOS include:

After you have created a PDF of your notebook, you should open it and verify that it accurately shows the pages of your notebook that you want me to grade. Then, visit the following link to submit your work–click Add files > File from computer > Choose the PDF, then enter your name and email address, and click Upload. When you see the marathon runner image, you know that your upload was successful and your notebook has been submitted.

In all of my classes, I think it is vitally important for students to learn how to use these tools and technologies. This is building up your digital literacy while serving the practical purpose of getting your work to me in an asynchronous class setting.