Lecture, Week 2

We are beginning the second week of Science Fiction!

Above, you’ll find this week’s lecture on precursors to Science Fiction and background on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. Watch the whole lecture as your schedule permits and make handwritten notes on what you learn. Remember that your handwritten notebooks contribute to 40% of your final grade (20% midterm and 20% end of semester).

Also, remember to keep up with the reading this week of Frankenstein as described on the Syllabus (linked to the left in the navigation menu).

Watch for posts tagged as Announcements that have opportunities and events that are related to SF that I think might be interesting and beneficial to you.

My office hours are on Wednesday from 3:00pm-5:00pm. See the Syllabus (linked to the left in the navigation menu) for the link to Google Hangouts. I’m also available by appointment–just reach out with your availability by email to jellis at citytech.cuny.edu.

Finally, this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment is available below.

Be well and stay safe!

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