Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 12

With the Thanksgiving Holiday coming up, I am posting this week’s lecture and writing assignment early.

After watching this week’s lecture, write a draft of your research report’s historical background and context section. In the comment box on this week’s Weekly Writing Assignment, create a memo header (TO, FROM, DATE, and SUBJECT: Draft of Background Section of Research Report) and copy-and-paste what you’ve written for your background section by next Wednesday. Include quotes with in-text citations in APA format and APA-formatted references for those quotes at the end of your draft. As I point out in the lecture, this memo is a way of showing me your work up to this point and you should not format your research report using these Weekly Writing Assignment memos. Write in the your research report document and copy-and-paste what you’ve written there into these memos which memorialize the writing that you are accomplishing in your separate research report document on Google Docs.

1 thought on “Weekly Writing Assignment, Week 12”

  1. TO: Professor Ellis
    FROM: Josef Rodriguez
    DATE: 12/01/2021
    SUBJECT: Draft of Background Section of Research Report
    I am going to be doing a historical background report for Python-Bot and other chatbots that I’m going to be talking about. What is a chatbot? A chatbot is an intelligent dialog system that is able to promote interactive learning. It’s also an intelligent agent that is able to communicate with a user (any user) in order to answer a number of questions and provide the correct response. The architecture of these systems “involves a collection of interrelated subsystems that are closely linked to the development of the microservice architecture; that is, small interconnected components that communicate through a lightweight protocol over the Internet.” (Okonkwo et al., 2021, p. 2) With the extensive use of computers and mobile devices comes the increasing need for Educational Chatbot systems. Said computers and mobile devices now have the ability to interact with the addition of their manufacturers to deliver language interfaces that look natural. As a teaching and learning tool, chatbots have a lot to offer. With teacher today, they have the opportunity to offer said learners with a customized learning environment thanks to AI technology. There have been numerous studies showing that Chatbots are very useful when it comes to learning and teaching. In fact, there was a researcher by the name of Clarizia who stated “that the Chatbot system is one of the key innovative solutions that fills the technological and educational gap” (Okonkwo et al., 2021, p. 2).

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