Author Archives: Vaswanie Cover

Facebook: Emotions correspondence to the Brain By Vaswanie Cover

Social networks have two primary purposes, one is to make the creators profits, and the second is for communication. While these are social media’s primary purposes, what if there was an additional factor beyond its purposes? One such factor I argue is the effects on a person’s brain. Facebook is a widely used social media site that affects many people. I assert that Facebook is beneficial to the brain because its simplicity helps my generation in so many ways. One of those ways is how we experience emotion.  In this essay, I argue that Facebook influences how we experience emotions. I will discuss how the emotion section of the brain is impacted; why the emotions section should not be affected; and also why Facebook should still be utilized.

One Social Network I can say a majority of the population is guilty of using, is Facebook. Facebook is social network that makes a lot of money from allowing people from all over the world to use it for their needs. Many people may use Facebook for personal uses such as, getting into contact with family members they haven’t seen for a while and/or business reasons to be able to be more interactive with work. It has a lot of beneficial features that separates it from other social networks. For example with Facebook you can make group chats,  business meetings, organize a social gathering, gather information, and even meet new people with its built in features. Choosing to use social networks is a personal decision, because not everyone is the same. One person could thrive off the resources provided by Facebook, such as; Messenger, Group chats, and even video calls. A person could not understand the use of Facebook, but they can also go to the extreme and ruin their own lives. Asides from communication and networking, a lot of people get drawn into using Facebook because they see others (Friends, and family) using it. There are a lot of websites and sources available that will tell you why Facebook is the best option currently.

Social Networking sites like Instagram and Snapchat can affect a person in different ways because each one has their own features. Instagram draws in their audience by portraying pictures and direct messages. Snapchat does the same as Instagram but, focuses on short videos that disappear after Twenty-four hours. Facebook is one of the best social networking sites because; it combines both pictures and videos and also has its own source of communication which is the Facebook Messenger. Out of the three social networks, Facebook has the potential to impact a person’s emotions the most. The way Facebook is calibrated; it allows one person’s emotions to be affected. According to LexisNexis Academic, Vindu Goel says that, “The six new emoji depict various expressions, from an open mouth to express surprise to a scowling red face for anger. The other four emotions are love, laughter, sadness and a supportive cheer”Pg2. These new Facebook emoji’s allows the Audience to articulate their thoughts further. For example, Facebook has the “News Feed” which displays every person’s thoughts out to the world based on their privacy settings. This contributes to the impact on a person’s emotions, because whatever is posted online always has an effect on its audience. For example, if a person posted a graduation picture for everyone to see, his or her goal is to entice the audience and get a positive reaction. When you think of an impact, does it cross your mind on how it can affect your brain? John Medina mentioned in the Wiring chapter of Brain Rules that, “When you learn something, the wiring in your brain changes”86. This validates my point because just seeing a post online can restructure your brain. According to the Academic Search complete, Aviva Rutkin mentioned that, “Digital emotions proved somewhat contagious, too. People were more likely to use positive words in Facebook posts [as if they had been exposed to fewer negative posts throughout the week]” (Rutkin 4). This quote shows that depending on how you use Facebook, the outcome will match your overall emotions. In interview 1, Nenson Cover (Age N/A, Electrician, Date: 11/29/2015) believed that, “When you use a social network like Facebook, you have to keep in mind that whatever you post will affect you and others online. So, if you stay away from negativity it will stay away from you, and that is why I agree that Facebook can affect a person positively.”

Facebook can affect a person’s emotion positively to a great extent, but it still has its downsides that should be taken into high consideration. The emotions should not be affected while indulging on the benefits of social network uses. In the second interview, Shamani Patton (Age 18, Student, Date: 11/25/15) agreed that, Facebook does affect a person emotions negatively because, “If we are sitting behind a computer screen, we are not actually comforting the person. Also, we are in competition with people on social media that we are so engulfed in making our life look perfect to on social media, that instead of actually showing emotion to others.” A lot of people may agree with this counter claim simply because, it points out that when a person’s emotions is affected negatively, one of the best ways of comfort comes from the other person physically. Also, the quote points out other negative emotions besides sadness do play a role such as, envy. When people are in constant debate about appearances or even the judgement of another human, the situation does not always play out well. Being the center of attention on social media may not always be a good thing. One person may argue that, not having a Facebook account makes their life much more peaceful due to no conflict. Another person may also not include themselves with Facebook because it is an emotional addiction. Both points can be agreed with, because college students tend to check Facebook on their phones constantly throughout the day but they do not realize how much emotional stress it can have on the brain.        All these negative perspectives could be agreed upon and be proven through experiment, but they do not supply a reason why Facebook shouldn’t still be used proudly. Shamani Patton proved a valid point in her statement when she said, you can’t comfort a person through a computer screen, but most of the time a person doesn’t need to be comforted because of what happened to them on social media. Although I agree with Shamani Patton, I believe that Facebook is harmless. Facebook is not to blame for any actions, but the person on the opposite end is. It is all about how you use Facebook. Facebook does affect a person positively, because they are the ones in control of Facebook and themselves. Some of its uses are for gain, entertainment, and business, which all have positivity in common. All negative aspects of Facebook could be avoided if you choose to use its resources wisely.

Social Networks may not all have the same factors, but mostly have similar purposes. Facebook is one social network that has an impact on its audience’s minds compared to other social networks. The emotional section of the brain was affected more positively than negatively, due to individuals’ way of using Facebook. Even though a lot of negatives did occur on Facebook, it should still be used. As time goes by, social networks, technology, and the human mind will continue to advance. With new advancements and new solutions, it will be developed to keep social networks balanced. Our future relies on new advances due to the demands of growth of technology. Where will the further development of Facebook lead individuals? Will it continue affecting the way humans deal with situations? Will this still lead to the emotions being affected? We won’t know until we keep experimenting for answers. The positives will be shown but, there will always be a negative remark for the way Facebook is being used. As for If Facebook really affects the brain, the answer is still under construction.

Work Cited

  • Cover, Nenson. Personal Interview. 11 Nov 2015
  • Patton, Shamani. Personal Interview. 11 Nov 2015
  • Rutkin, Aviva. “Even online, emotions can be contagious.” EE: New Scientist. Vol. 222 Issue 2975, p22-22. Academic Search Complete. Web. 28 Jun. 2014.
  • The New York Times, July 1, 2014 Tuesday Late Edition – Final. Pg. D1, 1579 words, JARON LANIER, LENGTH: 874 words, LexisNexis

Career Exploration Goals By: Vaswanie Cover

Once you have a career goal in mind, you can either go with that idea when you get older or you can explore various career goals. My name is Vaswanie cover and, I aspire to be a computer technician in the future. This field consists of working with Computer Software and Hardware, wiring of computer systems, and repair of the internal and external parts of laptops, and desktops. The department according to the NYCCT is Computer Systems Technology and, this field lies in the AAS major (College Catalog 222). I will discuss what this major involve/what it is, my reasons for picking this major and, also why it is a great choice as a major for me.

Along with the evolution of computer systems, the technicians also have to evolve and adapt to technological advancements. Technicians from big global companies like IO Cablevision and Verizon FiOS are trained to work with the equipment’s the companies have. I want to be a certified computer technician because I am intrigued by the complexity of all types of modern computers.  I firmly believe I am fit for this because, I am still young and am opens to learn and embody all the new technological advancements.

When Computer Systems Technology comes to mind, what do you think about? Many people think that computer systems technology is only all about computers but, there are actually various aspects of the field. When working with computer, you don’t tend to think of what makes up the computer externally involving hardware only but, also what makes it up internally. In reality, a good percentage of the world’s population has access to a computer or even their own personal computer. Almost all technological device used today need software to be operated. Without a “link” or an icon to click on a computer, what are you really doing? Computer Systems Technology relates to this topic because, to work on a computer you need the proper software to do whatever task you need to accomplish. For example, if you are required to do a 5 page essay which is due on the same day but don’t have a laptop, you can now download Microsoft word on your tablet or phone then, print through a Bluetooth

Information Technology (IT) is not only used when involving software but, it is also an application of computers etc. that store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data. Computers are not the only source of all these functions but, many other technological devices. In this specific category televisions and smartphones can also do these functions. As long as the device can do more than one function and has a specific task then it could be counted as one. Regular cell phones and smartphones differ because a smart phone has applications. These applications vary from apps for location, texting, gaming, and many more ideas. The applications are made through special programs technicians use to build from the core up. The resource used to make up applications are called languages (Technical Term). Building apps and software for computer techs is not always easy. To build, the creators need to be creative. It is not always easy to come up with an idea the audience will like. According to the Academic Search complete, John C. Dvorak mentioned that, “Nothing mentioned is really new, let alone innovative” (Dvorak 185). He was referring to the new windows 10 compared to windows 8.1 lack of creativity. In many cases these creators have to do extensive research and study groups to ensure the success of their product and the ability to withstand competition.

Another reason for my choice of Computer Systems Technology is because of my extreme passion to work with computers. Just using a system makes anyone who is not as experienced want to examine its functions and various tasks it can do. Most of my life revolves around using a computer system to get to where I’m going. When I go to school in the mornings, I have to swipe my ID over a laser you hover over for entry. The laser is connected to a computer system to do that one task. Simply swiping my card alone is intriguing which brings me to my next point. To study how computers work and how I can manipulate it in my favor is drive and influence enough make something out of my young career.

According to the City Tech College Catalog, my course work will prepare me for, “Applying and evaluating technological solutions to solve real real-world problems, basic problem solving using various fundamental algorithms, understanding of various IT operations etc., managing and troubleshooting a computer information system, and understanding the current business practices in computer systems technology”.(College Catalog 222)  All of these Student Learning Outcomes will highly benefit me because; my main goal is to manage a business that involves computers. One type of business that utilize computers a lot is a Sports Stadium, the computers are used to keep track of scores. To obtain this degree, I must obtain roughly 60 credits which consist of electives and, liberal arts/ science credits. I also picked this major because, I desire financial stability. According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, “I would make an estimate of $23.51 per hour and $48,900 per year being a Computer Support Specialist.” (United States, Computer Support Specialist, pay chart.) The first step towards becoming a computer specialist is to obtain my associate degree. This will provide me with numerous entry level positions while I work on my Bachelor’s degree after which my earnings will increase.

I firmly believe in working at my own pace because I don’t want to rush through the months and end up soaking up no knowledge for my major as a result of burnout. One thing to keep in mind is the major you complete might not be the one you want to do due to different interest that may arise in the future. On the other hand, I feel like that wouldn’t be a problem for me. The City Tech College Catalog tells us that, “This is the only comprehensive curriculum in CUNY that addresses the specific needs of the Information Technology industry by integrating theory, hands-on experience through a required internship degree program component” (College Catalog 224). Who wouldn’t want a career that gives the chance of touching objects? Hands-on is one of the best ways of learning. This program also offers internship programs to groom you before being thrown own in the mean work world.

Computer Technicians is one of the best fields to invest in if you aspire to work with computers. If you decide to pick this major, you need to keep in mind that you have to have the specific college ready certifications/credits. The experience that comes with being a computer technician is beneficial if you want to start a business for example. The major consist of software and hardware, and working on physical aspects of the systems, young technicians are equip with the knowledge of computer functions both internally and externally before they start working with computer systems. I my dream is to become a Computer Support Specialist because I want to work with computers and one day own a business. The degree and major do require a bit more credits than other majors but the work put in is worth it. Progression to become a computer technician is a way I would like to grasp my achievements in becoming knowledgeable and successful.

Work Cited

New York City College of Technology- College-Catalog  2015-2016 (City Tech). New York:  New York City College of Technology, 2015 PDF.  

United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Computer Support Specialist”. Occupational Outlook Handbook. Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Wednesday, January 8, 2014.

Dvorak, John. “Last Work: windows 10, Look 3.” PC Magazine (July 2015): 183-185. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Oct. 2015

How technology influences my life To be one with Technology and Self. by: Vaswanie Cover

The simplicity, complexity and evolution of technology are a worldwide phenomenon one must be a part of to completely understand why it is the core of our society. Technology continues to evolve as well as its usage. We evolved from a period of horse carriages to assembly line, black and white television to colored and beepers to cell phones etc. From a personal standpoint, technology influenced my career goal, makes my life easier, helped to develop my social skills and is a main component in personal entertainment.

At Approximately 8 years old, shortly after migrating from Jamaica, I had to adjust to the climate change, and the white foreign phenomenon that fell from the sky. My mother explained that it was snow. What caught my interest was the big shovel attached to a very large truck that removed the snow. I questioned “How can a shovel be so big?” “How it is possible for a shovel to be attached to a truck and what made it moved up and down.” My young mind wanted to understand the nook & crannies of how such a device/vehicle operated. At that moment, I developed a passion for technology and how certain devices work. As a result my goal is to be a Computer Technician where I will be able to develop new software, assess, repair and maintain computers.

People of this generation thrive off the new advancements of technology daily, some are well informed and others learn as they go. Technology has been integrated in our daily lives throughout the world. Majority of the population are utilizing ATMs for banking, Laptops or desktops, cell phones & tablets etc. and the list goes on. Technology has its role in everyone who is involved lives but, technology itself is one of the main cores that are a part of my life.

This can be traced back to the development of the human brain and how it continues to evolve through each stage of life. At the burst of life for most children, their motor functions start to develop and they grow used to doing certain functions without thinking. This is due to the use of muscle memory: if you do a certain activity more than once, your body gets use to doing the task and the repetition makes it much easier. The same applies to “Most” modern day technologies.

When you go to the bank to make a withdrawal or a deposit, the machine tends to know what task to do when information is input in a fast pace. This is done due to 1. The machine was made to do that main task only 2. The main function of an Automated Teller Machine has to do with the handling of money. This topic connects to the simplicity of technology meaning it is there for our convenience. For instance, the subway trains we use on a daily basis, which many of us take for granted is used to get us to and from our destinations. Also, the smart boards most teachers use in high schools and colleges (Prior: Was a chalk board) to display and edit work for students.


4 years after coming from Jamaica, I had to adjust to the climate change. When it was cold n the United States, I was just trying to get use to the temperature when it was cold because in Jamaica it is always a constant, almost the same, kind of heat all the time. My first experience with winter was the bitter cold; I had no knowledge of the substance. Similar to just come experience” (As my fellow Jamaicans would say), technologies has always intrigued by interest to dissect each device works.

At a young age, I always received compliments on my quick advancements when using cellphones, and gaming devices. As I grew older, I fell in love with the feel of having technology literally at my fingertips. As time went by, I found myself very fascinated by the new introduction of technological devices that emerged. Many children were eager to get the most recent cellphones and gadgets. On the other hand, I questioned, “How does this work? What is inside of this device that brings this piece of technology to life?”

Technologies have many uses and basis to start from when you really think about it that is the reason why technology will continue to be one of the main components of my life. When speaking about technologies it doesn’t always have to be about the modern day technologies but, it can also be about the uses of the past. In the past (Late 1800’s- Early 1900’s), everyone relied on their physically ability more because technology was still a fresh concept. For example, the first type writer was invented in 1868. This piece of machine was used for inputting information which is the same as a laptop. It was beneficial until it evolved over time into something much better which became the laptop. This one of the many beautiful benefits of technology, it will always keep evolving and will never stop. One last reason technology is so beneficial to my life is because; it is my own stress relief and my “Break from Reality”. When it comes to stress, the only way I can think of dealing with it is, to pull out my cellphone at any time I am feeling down or upset and listen to music. As music keeps evolving, technologies will also keep evolving alongside of it. As my cellphone keeps getting upgrades and updates, so will my love and respect for technology.

I started to love technology because; it benefits me in various ways. If you happen to know me through association of my friends, they can tell you that I am a very social person and also how I like technology a lot. When you are actively social on a daily basis, it is not an easy task but it is very rewarding more mentally than physically. I could be in the most serious of meetings (Job, Club etc.) but always find myself thinking of ways to win the opposing person over to my side with my convincing argument. When you are social, you find yourself having the ability to talk to almost anyone as long as the other person is in favor. Technology greatly syncs to my Social ability because, I need it to help me in situations which it is required. For example, when meeting new friends anywhere you venture out to on a daily basis, you don’t just introduce yourself, have a good time with, and then walk away. Adding a person’s contact information is a tradition that been useful for years now just in cases you need assistance or just for future reference. Speaking of references, now-a-days you can’t fill out a job application online for a majority of jobs because, you need references. There are other ways Technology and being Social are connected. When it comes to Social Networks, they are one of the most beneficial and highly used technology based communications that a person may or may not require today. I mainly use Facebook, Instagram and Snap-chat daily for Entertainment, resources, and communication reasons. A lot of people use Facebook to connect and contact friends to make plans for work or just to plan a date for activities. Snap-chat and Instagram are mainly used for entertainment. When going through the stress and the slow hours of each day, you need something to balance out the work you did when you get home. This is basically why I keep up to date in most recent applications out today on the market. No social network would be available to use unless there was correspondent technologies to support the updates and the platform of these new resources.


While I try to better myself physically and mentally for whatever the future hold for me career wise and financially, I know technology will always have my back if I need any type of assistance. As long as technology exists, so will evolution of it and my interest in it. When I achieve my goal of being a Computer Technician and owning my own company, I will spread my knowledge and commitment to Technology to another person who need an inspiration to get far in life. In the future, I look forward to seeing how far technologies will advance before I take my last breath.