Author Archives: Jolleli Sarai Garcia

Distraction is the new Black: By Jolleli S. Garcia

Gaming systems date back to the early 1970s. Gaming systems have brought many burdens on American citizens, especially among mothers. Gaming systems have become a world wide distraction. Video gaming is evolutionizing our attention by the way it serves as a significant distraction. Many video games are fast paced and they display lots of information in a rapid speed. With all the information coming at the player, the player’s attention span can be desperately shortened. The time video gamers invest playing is distracting the players from achieving other things. In this essay, I will discuss the following topics: The evolution of gaming systems, how it affects both the player and their surroundings and I will discuss how being a  gamer can help you reach future jobs in the gaming industry.

Gaming systems date back to the early 1970s. You must think that the most recent video game consoles will have the best graphics you can get. Children used to think that the earlier games had cool graphics, but video graphics are getting better and better and more realistic. The latest game consoles have really cool features such as: wireless controllers, Internet connection to use services like Netflix, buy games, and connect with other players. Back in the days, you were only able to play games and the controllers were connected to the console with cords. With all these cool features game systems have to offer you can connect to the Internet, players from all around the world can play together online. While interviewing my mother a 35 year old woman named Rebecca, I asked her how she felt about the new features game systems have she simply said “the more features they add on these games the more distractions they add.” I wholeheartedly agree with what my mother has to say about the new and improved gaming systems as I personally have gotten caught up using these features. During another interview with my dad a 45-year-old man named Felix, he told me that he thinks gaming systems have improved to better as when he was young the only game systems he knew about for the machines they had in laundromat,” he is surprised how advanced video games have become. Gaming systems will continue to get better over time.

Video games, and gaming consoles can distract almost anyone. They are big distractions that pull you away from achieving task. The distraction that these video games bring not only have a distraction to the player but it also affects his or hers surroundings. In Dubai they did a study to prove the effectiveness of new techniques and reducing discomfort during dental procedures. They use 60 healthy children between the ages of five and 11 who have never had any dental experience. They did this to prove that how do you visual distractions and the use of video games was effective and reducing pain during clinical settings. It was found that the video-game distraction was effective in reducing pain. One may think this is barbaric but in fact it was proved to be effective if you video-game is pound four enough to block dental procedures pain then it shows how much of a distraction it is.

On the contrary, gamers are being utilized more and more. With the rise of more technological  things the more people they need who are into these jobs. The increase of drones has made a high demand on gamers. Not every human beings can acquire new skills therefore there is a high demand on video gamers. They need pilots for aerial drones. This is a great pro against all the negativity video gamers get. Gamers can pursue a career or get a job doing something they like to do. This can prove my argument to be not so true, they now consider gamers an important part of society. Industries like Amazon who are looking forward to expanding their delivery options continue to look for drone pilots. I continue to agree that video games are a distraction, but also believe that if you put your distraction in play you can gain something out of it.

One may argue that the games can be a distraction as they evolve over time but I also have to agree that there are new ways to put your distractions away and put them into work. In 5 to 10 years our technology is going to expand, there will no longer be mailman’s, deliveryman,UPS services will be faster and millions of other forms of getting stuff we need will be here in 25 minutes rather than waiting 5-7 business days.  Drones  will soon take over. That’s an inevitable part of our future. We have no power over it we just have to go with the flow however, we should not let game consoles take over our time if we are not going to pursue career with in that field.


Work cited

“Video Games Distract Kids From
pain during Dental Procedures.” LexisNexis. Khaleej Times (United Arab Emirates), 17 Apr. 2010. Web. 10 Dec. 2015.

Green, C. S. “Learning Attention Control, and Action Video Games.” Academic Search Complete. N.p., Mar. 2012. Web. 9 Dec. 2015.

Teacher teaching teachings

Jolleli Garcia

project 2

Professor Ellis

I’m Jolleli Sarai Garcia, I am a current student at New York City College of technology also known as city tech. I am currently taking a major in liberal arts and sciences however, I’m looking forward to transferring to another college that offers a major in education. I believe this is the career for me because I have always encountered myself teaching someone younger than me, my first two jobs were as tutor. Another reason why I believe this career is for me is because I love literature and writing, especially grading essays. The last reason to why this career would be ideal for me is that I wholeheartedly agree that education plays a role in every child’s life and education is the key to success. Throughout my essay I will discuss the following topics: I will provide some background information about my major, I will explain the reason why I chose this major and I will discuss how I plan to excel in my major and future career.

New York City College of technology, does not provide eight education major therefore I am currently in a liberal arts and science major. I need 24 credits to be able to transfer to a different college. To be quite honest I have always struggled with the question what do you want to be in the future? Almost as if I were scrolling around YouTube trying to find a video to watch. I am glad I finally found what I want to do in the future. From personal research and experiences I learned teaching is not an easy job and it’s often look upon. A teacher’s priority is the child’s education.

Majoring in education means you’ll learn how to manage a classroom, design and teach lessons, and the ability to help students succeed regardless of their background or learning style. Graduating with such major means I can get a job as a teacher in a school, in states like New York you are required to get a teaching certificate or license. With the license I can work for the department of education which is my main goal.

For me city tech is the first step in reaching my career. Through city tech I will gain a total of 24 transferable credits, that will open doors to new colleges to provide my major. Becoming a public high school English teacher requires me to get a certificate or license in order to work for the department of education. Using the occupational Outlook handbook, I learned about a high school teacher work environment according to the occupational Outlook handbook “teachers must cope with unmotivated or disrespectful students, teachers are also held accountable for their students performance on standardized test.” Through research I have learned that being a teacher especially a high school teacher is not an easy job and requires a lot of patience with both students and education system as it was also stated that “Schools have large classes and lack of teaching tools, such as computers, and up-to-date textbooks.” Working as a high school student requires me to have at least a bachelor’s degree. Majoring in education does not only required you to teach but as the Occupational Outlook handbook states “future teachers typically enroll in their higher education’s teacher preparation program and take classes in education and child  psychology as well.” In the city tech the only teaching program they have is a bachelors of science in education and technology teacher education does not provide a specific major on education, using City text catalog I’ve read that the bachelors of science in education and technology teacher education, provides only technological education. City tech provides a variety of majors in technology education which can be found in the college catalog pages 129 to 135. In order for me to pursue my career I would need to transfer. As I continue my research I came across an article by Peter Nowak called “in a class of their own”

Students go through rigorous courses where they work on a project or on a class work and they get a low score. Most schools have Large classes and large classes mean they can’t always be looking over each student’s shoulder to see if they’re following instructions or whether something might be missing.Variations on this problem are endemic in nearly every school, whether vocational or academic. Large classes mean they can’t always be looking over each student’s shoulder to see if they’re following instructions or whether something might be missing. Variations on this problem are endemic in nearly every school, whether vocational or academic. Test scores are often all that matter; whether students actually learn anything in the run-up to that final grade is largely secondary.  Those students who figure out how to game the system the company’s Sesame Snap app allows teachers to track and document the progress of a project or class with their iOS or Android device, students can share photos, videos and checklists of each step with their teacher, who can see where mistakes might have been made. Ian Tao the co founder of the Sesame HQ company says, “We want to change the output of the school system so that it’s not just transcripts and test scores.” Canadian schools of all levels generally rank well internationally,thanks largely to their willingness to be innovative with how students are taught. Whereas other civic institutions, such as governments and hospitals, have been slow to adopt new technologies because of inertia or bureaucracy, many schools are actively looking for ways to improve the experience for both students and teachers. Canadian schools spent $53 billion on a student population of about six million about $9,000 per student. Though teacher salaries make up the bulk of that spending, technology investment has been a significant part too. The District School Board of Ontario North East, for one, is considering a plan to install Wi-Fi on school buses. Education startups are increasingly finding that schools and entire districts are eager customers with substantial budgets to spend. Many schools are starting to invest as they are learning that each student has a different way of learning and as technology becomes an important part of students lives schools are trying to incorporate in their studies. Teachers and technology make brighter and more educated students. Maybe one day in the future we can actually have this in America and I’ll be a part of it.











Works cited:

New York City College of Technology- College Catalog 2015-2016 (City Tech)

New York: New York City of College of Technology, 2015. PDF (128-138)


Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, High School Teachers, on the Internet at (visited October 22, 2015).


Nowak, Peter. “In a Class of Their Own.” N.p., 23 Sept. 2007. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

Honduras 2015, By: Jolleli Sarai Garcia

Jolleli S. Garcia

Jason Ellis


October 5, 2015

Honduras 2015


                 My name is Jolleli Sarai Garcia but everyone calls me Sara. I come from Los Angeles, California but I was raised in Brooklyn, New York. I am liberal arts student at City Tech.  In addition to my studies I am interested in politics, religion and reading about world issues, but my passion in helping others and providing support to their lives. In this personal essay I will explain how I came to be this way as a result of a very influential experience I had in Honduras. In the summer of 2015 I volunteered to go to Honduras for a week  with a  non profit organization called Hearts united foundation.We all go through experiences that can transform the way you live. Out of the 52 weeks in the year of 2015 I spent one week in Honduras. The trip to Honduras was not any ordinary trip, it was a humanitarian aid trip where medical help was provided, clothes were given out, food was given. Throughout my essay I am going to focus in three main things, I’m going to tell a few life stories that changed me, the work I did, and how I’m planning to use this experience for my future career.

            Honduras is the second poorest countries in Central America. During this humanitarian aid trip I met hundreds of people in extreme need.  They were in need of things like water, safe shelter, medical help and food, simple things we take for granted everyday. I went to three different parts of Honduras, the first day we went to El Porvenir, Honduras. We were in a small village called “El Terrero.” As we set the small clinic, and the place we set the small clinic, and the place where the clothes was going to be distributed. Around 50 people were lined up desperately wanting to see the doctor. I began to take names and calling them in. Each person had a special story. However, there was a young woman whom her  baby was 11 months but looked like he was a newborn child. The boy was born premature, he did could not grow because he did not have enough nutrients in him. The mother with tears in her eyes told us she was not able to afford the milk the child needed. She said she would need around $40.usd  month for her to buy the special milk her child needed. The doctor told us that if she could not get the milk her child would die in less than 6 months. We immediately made her a special case and thankfully we have been able to offer the milk. The next day we want to Talanga, Honduras “ casillas.” As we did the day before we set the areas so we can all work in our designated area. We were set to leave at 4pm it was 3:30 and there were two teen girls who were waiting and afraid they were not going to be able to see the doctor. I  went over to them to ask them their symptoms. The girl in the blue began to say she had a pain in her uterus she told me she fell while she was pregnant and had a miscarriage. She said the baby came out completely but she did not get to the hospital because she could not afford the transportation. I was able to get her in to see the doctor. I then asked the other young teen with the bright brown eyes what was wrong, her eyes began to fill up with tears, you were able to see the sadness in her eyes as she began to tell me she has had two miscarriages. She told me her first miscarriage was early in the pregnancy. During her second pregnancy she was able to reach 3 months, but one day as she walked home from getting water, she began to bleed and later in the night she had lost her child, she claims the child came out incomplete. The young girl believes some parts of the child are still in her. I promised her I would do my best to get her in. I was moved by her story I began to talk to ask her more questions. She began to to tell me she has a boyfriend who she lives with. Her boyfriends is pressuring her to have his child. She was desperate to know if she could have a baby. If she didn’t get pregnant soon her boyfriend would leave her. I can’t forget the look in her eyes. Likewise the next day we went to Danli, Honduras, “Los Higueros Colorados.” This was one of the poorest place I’ve ever been to. This place was stuck in between a developing community, which means the city above them have working toilets and running water. The water flushed went down a drain to the local river water, and the river water went into the people’s water wells. Without knowing people fetch this water and use it to drink, cook and shower. There was a lad there who greeted us with pleasure and then asked us if we could see her child who suffered from epilepsy attacks. During her consultation we noticed her eye was swollen and bright red with tears streaming down, she told us the smoke irritated her eyes. The doctor told her she needed a surgery or she would lose that eye.  She began to cry and told her son to leave the consultation area. With tearful eyes she began to tell us she could not afford the surgery because all the money she makes she saves up to go see her children whom the government took away from her. We asked why the government took her children away she began to cry and said she let her drug addict sister stay over one night and that by the morning her sister had killed her 2 month old daughter. She called the local police they came and took her sister and all her kids. When she went to court they told her she was an unfit mother and that she put her kids at risk by letting her sister in the house, they took her 4 kids away and told her she could come visit them in the institution but until they were 18 the government would have them. She begged us not to add more to her burden she had already lost all her kids, she had a son who had epilepsy. The doctor told her that she would give her special eye drops but she had to cover that eye when she cooked. She promised she would. The last place we went to was also a poor community, it was at the tip of a mountain. This was in Reitoca, Honduras “Cerro del Senor” over there the people were very humble, I was not able to talk to anyone because we very busy. However, I did meet a women with 5 children who my dad helped build her a home. She recently had a baby boy and when I asked her for the child’s name she had not chosen a name for her son. She then told me I could name her child. One of the helpers and I argued for 10 minutes trying to figure out a name, we finally decided to name the child “Jonas Marel” I was so honored to have had named the child, I am hoping to sponsor this child so he can have the best education. Until this day I can’t forget their stories or faces. Their stories changed me I am not the same person anymore I appreciate everything I have, I learned to value things I took for granted. I am forever thankful for this experience.

                   When I first went to Honduras I volunteered to work with children. When we got to the place I change my mind. I wanted to be in the medical field, I wanted to be where all the action once. I started working in that field and I loved it. It was three of us working with the medicine, the doctor prescribed them and we had to look for the pills and give the medicine to the patient. People thought it was easy but it was not, we woke up at 4 o’clock in the morning and work all day when we got home we organize the medicine from the afternoon making sure we had brought everything and then we packed the medicine for the next day. By the time we went it was around 1 o’clock in the morning. There were nights where I would lay on the floor while organizing the medicine and go to fall asleep. I liked the work and enjoyed working with the medicine but I just knew that I did not want to pursue this type of career.

                 I have always known that I wanted to help people. I always knew I wanted to give back. At first I was stuck in between two careers. I was stuck in between being a teacher for being a pediatrician. Through the humanitarian aid work trip I learned becoming a doctor was not something I’d look forward to do. I learned that I’d like to help and if I ever became a doctor I would not have the time to help in the way I wanted. Although I enjoyed distributing the medicine and learning the names of the medicine and learning what they were used for. I learned that I would want to go every summer and hope the medicine but being a teacher back home. My goal now is to pursue my teaching career and go every summer vacation to Honduras or whatever part of the world the organization takes us,  I will always help in the medical field in a way I would have best of both worlds.

               As stated before my plans are to pursue a teaching career here in the United States and go every summer to a different country with hearts united foundation. Through this organization we will continue to provide health care, clothes and food to people in different communities of Central America. As heart united foundation blooms we are hoping to expand to different parts of the world. We are hoping more people will join and help this noble non profit organization. I will forever cherish this experience, I am thankful for all the people I met and I am thankful for everything I learned. I learned to appreciate things I took for granted. I cannot wait to see what the future holds for me.
