Teacher teaching teachings

Jolleli Garcia

project 2

Professor Ellis

I’m Jolleli Sarai Garcia, I am a current student at New York City College of technology also known as city tech. I am currently taking a major in liberal arts and sciences however, I’m looking forward to transferring to another college that offers a major in education. I believe this is the career for me because I have always encountered myself teaching someone younger than me, my first two jobs were as tutor. Another reason why I believe this career is for me is because I love literature and writing, especially grading essays. The last reason to why this career would be ideal for me is that I wholeheartedly agree that education plays a role in every child’s life and education is the key to success. Throughout my essay I will discuss the following topics: I will provide some background information about my major, I will explain the reason why I chose this major and I will discuss how I plan to excel in my major and future career.

New York City College of technology, does not provide eight education major therefore I am currently in a liberal arts and science major. I need 24 credits to be able to transfer to a different college. To be quite honest I have always struggled with the question what do you want to be in the future? Almost as if I were scrolling around YouTube trying to find a video to watch. I am glad I finally found what I want to do in the future. From personal research and experiences I learned teaching is not an easy job and it’s often look upon. A teacher’s priority is the child’s education.

Majoring in education means you’ll learn how to manage a classroom, design and teach lessons, and the ability to help students succeed regardless of their background or learning style. Graduating with such major means I can get a job as a teacher in a school, in states like New York you are required to get a teaching certificate or license. With the license I can work for the department of education which is my main goal.

For me city tech is the first step in reaching my career. Through city tech I will gain a total of 24 transferable credits, that will open doors to new colleges to provide my major. Becoming a public high school English teacher requires me to get a certificate or license in order to work for the department of education. Using the occupational Outlook handbook, I learned about a high school teacher work environment according to the occupational Outlook handbook “teachers must cope with unmotivated or disrespectful students, teachers are also held accountable for their students performance on standardized test.” Through research I have learned that being a teacher especially a high school teacher is not an easy job and requires a lot of patience with both students and education system as it was also stated that “Schools have large classes and lack of teaching tools, such as computers, and up-to-date textbooks.” Working as a high school student requires me to have at least a bachelor’s degree. Majoring in education does not only required you to teach but as the Occupational Outlook handbook states “future teachers typically enroll in their higher education’s teacher preparation program and take classes in education and child  psychology as well.” In the city tech the only teaching program they have is a bachelors of science in education and technology teacher education does not provide a specific major on education, using City text catalog I’ve read that the bachelors of science in education and technology teacher education, provides only technological education. City tech provides a variety of majors in technology education which can be found in the college catalog pages 129 to 135. In order for me to pursue my career I would need to transfer. As I continue my research I came across an article by Peter Nowak called “in a class of their own”

Students go through rigorous courses where they work on a project or on a class work and they get a low score. Most schools have Large classes and large classes mean they can’t always be looking over each student’s shoulder to see if they’re following instructions or whether something might be missing.Variations on this problem are endemic in nearly every school, whether vocational or academic. Large classes mean they can’t always be looking over each student’s shoulder to see if they’re following instructions or whether something might be missing. Variations on this problem are endemic in nearly every school, whether vocational or academic. Test scores are often all that matter; whether students actually learn anything in the run-up to that final grade is largely secondary.  Those students who figure out how to game the system the company’s Sesame Snap app allows teachers to track and document the progress of a project or class with their iOS or Android device, students can share photos, videos and checklists of each step with their teacher, who can see where mistakes might have been made. Ian Tao the co founder of the Sesame HQ company says, “We want to change the output of the school system so that it’s not just transcripts and test scores.” Canadian schools of all levels generally rank well internationally,thanks largely to their willingness to be innovative with how students are taught. Whereas other civic institutions, such as governments and hospitals, have been slow to adopt new technologies because of inertia or bureaucracy, many schools are actively looking for ways to improve the experience for both students and teachers. Canadian schools spent $53 billion on a student population of about six million about $9,000 per student. Though teacher salaries make up the bulk of that spending, technology investment has been a significant part too. The District School Board of Ontario North East, for one, is considering a plan to install Wi-Fi on school buses. Education startups are increasingly finding that schools and entire districts are eager customers with substantial budgets to spend. Many schools are starting to invest as they are learning that each student has a different way of learning and as technology becomes an important part of students lives schools are trying to incorporate in their studies. Teachers and technology make brighter and more educated students. Maybe one day in the future we can actually have this in America and I’ll be a part of it.











Works cited:

New York City College of Technology- College Catalog 2015-2016 (City Tech)

New York: New York City of College of Technology, 2015. PDF (128-138)


Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-15 Edition, High School Teachers, on the Internet at http://www.bls.gov/ooh/education-training-and-library/high-school-teachers.htm (visited October 22, 2015).


Nowak, Peter. “In a Class of Their Own.” N.p., 23 Sept. 2007. Web. 30 Oct. 2015.

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