Beginning of Class Writing: Carr, The Shallows, Eight

For today’s class, you read the eighth chapter of Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows. Titled “The Church of Google,” it explores how integrated Google is into our experience of the Internet. What else did you learn from this chapter? How does it fit into Carr’s overall argument in the book? Work on this for ten minutes.

17 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: Carr, The Shallows, Eight

  1. nowshadhossain

    I have just read the eighth chapter from “The Shallows” by Nicholas Carr. Here is the chapter summary: Google views information as a type of product/resource and like all resources they are mined and processed with industrial efficiency. And we love Google for that, because the more pieces of information that we can access, the faster we can get the gist about a certain topic. As a result we become better as a thinker.
    Anything that stands in the way of the speedy collection and distribution of data it becomes a threat to Google and its business. It’s pretty undeniable that we need a search engine because without that the Internet would have long ago become a Tower of Digital Babel (Completely confusing!). Google knows that and this is why they have the upper hand. For Google, the real value of a book is, they are just a pile of data to be mined. The Google is nothing like a library. At least not a library of books. It’s a library of snippets.
    By freeing us from the struggle of decoding text , Google enabled us to become deep readers, to turn our attention, and our brain power, to the interpretation of meaning. With writing on a screen we are still able to decode text quickly . Now we can read faster than ever. But we can no longer read deeply . Instead, we only hurry toward another bit of related information, and then another, and another!
    From this chapter I have learned Google is like any other company/industry . It cares about its profit more than how it would effect a medium(book) . It fits perfectly into Carr’s argument that, “Google is changing us and this may not be a good thing” .

  2. Cisco Alers

    In this chapter it explains how google has effected our lives a great deal. Google is the main reason why we see so much information on the internet. We seek information so much that google has become almost like a necessity which is why we usually say “google it” when we need fast pieces of information, whether it be an answer to a question on your homework or if you’re searching how to do something. Google has become our own searcher we are not becoming the searcher anymore, we are not taking the time to find something our self’s because we can simply just google it.

  3. SandraG.

    In “The Church Of Google” The Taylor system of measurement and optimization is still known in today’s society mainly in the industrial manufacture.
    This is also increasing the ability on software coders as well as computer engineers.
    Google has also been practicing Taylorism to help find us information.
    Because of the popularity Google has gained from giving us data quick and easy, Google has had problems with libraries about putting books online.
    Google has turned into a search engine that can predict the information we want to look up based on what the majority of peoples search is.

  4. Shamani Patton

    As I was reading, I found that Fredrick Winslow Taylor very interesting, he was a young man who carried a stop watch into the Midvale Steel in Philadelphia. This started up plant’s machinists and many experiments took place. He assigned a group of factory hand workers a metal working machines and recorded their every movement. This was called “Taylorism”. I feel like the beginning in working on, about how Google is inhibiting our memory and causing us not to remember things. “Taylor assured in his many followers, it would bring about restructing not only of industry but of society, creating utopia of perfect efficiency”, this tells me that Taylor is for using the internet and technology as a way to “rebirth” society and it would be “perfect”. Knowing what I know now, digital technology is not at all making society “perfect” but it’s making us lazy.

  5. Angelica Vargas

    According to Chapter Seven in the book The Shallows written by Nicholas Carr, explains that there are very limited resources such as books,magazine, and newspaper which are very more dependent than websites. Nicholas Carr will always remind his readers the technology around us is evolving faster than we normally expected. He also describes the net today and it’s way of designing ,and shaping our minds. Humans can mentally and physically keep up with the new advanced technology being distributed now. We could basically blame google for having so much unnecessary information on the web. Google has made itself a searcher and replacing us. Leaving us to do less work day to day.Nicholas carr has made it clear google is changing humans dramatically ,it’s not the best .

  6. sher syed

    In chapter 8 Nicholas Carr explained about the use of google in our daily lives. He satated that google bacame most commom web search engine is the world. Most people depend on google if they need anything to know or for entertainment. People most likely obsessed with google. It became theor part of life and made them lazy. In past humans gad to search for books and other written records for information that requires huge amount of time and focus but google made it easier to seach for stuff you want to know. It makes people more lazy because they dont have to use their brain like they were use to before. The way technology evolving it taking humans places and making their work easier and also making humans lazier which can have really bad impact on humans in future.

  7. Bilal.Shadizai

    Google is a system which is also known as the revolutionary stream. It changed the way most people define computers. It helps in many ways such as education, communication, or researches. In this chapter Carr emphasizes on how Google has changed the world of computers. Carr said, “but Google, as the supplier of the Web’s principle navigational tools, also shapes and our relationship with the content that it serves up so efficiently and in such profusion”. People tries to find everything they can’t find answers for easily. When something requires some time and effort people just search for it in Google which gives them answer. Before Google people had to run to libraries or other places for new information or research but with Google people can easily access a library information with few searches. It doesn’t only give us useful information but, it also saves us a lot of time. The negative side of Google is that it’s making people lazier. Nowadays from elementary school students to adults who have jobs, all of them are using Google to find the answers for their tasks. After using Google so much it feels like Google is using me not like I’m using Google.

  8. younisa97

    In chapter 8 of “The Shallows”, Nicholar Carr talks about the use of Google and how google search has become one of the most dependent things to turn to when in need. If were lost, we would use google maps. If we need to find a place to eat, google maps. If we need help on our homework, google. If we need tools, such as a calculator, we would use google tools. If we wanna read the news, google news. Google is a very powerful and well known web search right now, almost everyone is dependent on it. Google can have a negative impact, or a positive impact depending how we use it.

  9. MarcG

    I have read chapter eight” The church of google” carr has once again made a number of important point on his views in the internet , Google to be exact. Carr says that Google has made it easy to get information although it great and all , It also dismember it.He also gave his own experience with google.To summarize the chapter , his main point was that The internet is changing us and the outcome are not positive.

  10. Emmanuel.C

    Today we are here to discuss chapter eight of Nicholas Carr’s famous book titled “The Shallows”. To start off, I found that details regarding Fredrick Winslow Taylor to be absolutely interesting. It piked my interest because not many people ever used a stop watch the way he did. To put it simply, the stopwatch was used as what I would refer to ass a sort of instigation for a project. A group of people, mostly workers had been tracked by a machine that followed their every movement down to the T. Well, ironically enough, the machines followed their movements down to a T and the system behind this action would be referred to as “Taylorism.” On a latter note, google is a very strong influence on the teenage mind. Honestly, over the last few years I felt like I was the one using Google for my own purposes, but it may just be the opposite now that I know how Google try makes its own money.

  11. marcus.lamothe4

    In chapter Eight of Nicholas Carr’s “The Shallows”, he explains the concept and creation behind Google as well as reasons of why the search engine we know today is worshipped sort of like a god. It is no secret that Google is by far the most used search engine of all time, compared to the likes of Firefox and Safari. Google is another tool that is there to fuel our curiosity as human beings. It is as simple as just asking a question and receiving an immediate answer. It compiles a large database of suggestions that the user is free to explore at anytime.

  12. Vaswanie Cover

    In chapter 8 of the shallows titled “The Church of Google”, Carr talked about efficiency through Fredrick Winslow Taylor Point of View. Fredrick Winslow Taylor is known for breaking down a big task into smaller steps. This made work flow a lot faster and it also lead to develop a time gap limit. When a job is broken into smaller steps, the difficulty of the job decreases. If you are an artisan, you suffered greatly due to the introduction of this type of efficiency. Anyone can work on the job when broken into smaller steps, even people without skills. This chapter also put emphasis on Carr seeing company’s effort to, “digitize all books ever printed.” Carr also states that this is positive but, it still has many negative factors. For example, once the book is put online, it takes away the power of the physical copy and each individual page. Also, the interference of ads play a factor due to distractions.

  13. Jonathan Valverde

    In chapter eight of Nicholas Carr ‘ The Shallows’ Carr breaks down how Google brilliantly has become the very web search engine because the way it breaks down with an analogy you can say. He states, “Google doesn’t believe that the affairs are best guided by software algorithms”.(152) In other words have Google itself program how and where things are where they are placed with a reasonable reason. The chapter was a bit confusing with piles and piles of information stacked on eachother. What I can say as an individual is i use Google in a daily basis, whether it is searching up clothing or to get more information on a particular thing.

  14. PrinceM

    In the eight chapter of “The Shallows”, Carr tells us the story of Google’s creation. In the 90s, two Stanford students got together and set out to create a database to quantify the most credible sites on the web, by recording the hits each website received. Over time, they set out to record more and more information, including all books ever written, and, as recently announced, “all user information”. To achieve this end, they purchased YouTube, and even the rights to many books to build their databases. Carr is disturbed by this, not because of the rapidity of Google’s acquisition of this knowledge, but at the fact that they mean to outsource the storage of information from our brains to the computer. This end, he feels, is unworthy to achieve because it is based in the notion that the human mind is replaceable by computers.

  15. Sasha

    In chapter, eight Nicholas Carr explained about the use of google in our daily lives. Nicholas states anything that stands in the way of the speedy collection, dissection, and transmission of data is threat not only to Google’s business but to the new utopia of cognitive efficiency it aims to construct on the internet. The greater authority of a Web page, the greater the worth of its own outgoing links. In the late 2000, rather than selling advertising space for a set price, they decided to auction the space off. An ad placement would be determined not only by the amount of the bid but by the frequency with which people actually clicked on the ad. To make a book discoverable and searchable online is alsoto dismember it. Surrounding every page or snippet of text on Google Book Search is a welter of links, tools, tabs, and ads, each eagerly angling for a share of the readers fragmented attention.

  16. Claribel

    In chapter eight of The Shallows, Carr speaks about Frederick Winslow Taylor, a mechanical engineer that became the creator of Taylorism. Taylorism being the science of efficiciencies sought to improve industrial efficiency management consultants. He also speaks about computers and computer software that are capable of intelligent behavior and that remove our agency of making our own decisions. Erasmus who was skilled in performing and teaching argumarnts had insights on how to be a rhetorical innovator and created the commonplace notebook.

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