Library Tour and Research Assignment

On Wednesday, we will meet outside the entrance to the library on the 4th floor of the Atrium. One of our expert librarians will introduce the library and its useful research resources to you.

During the orientation to the library, we will have some time set aside to use the research tools that the librarian demonstrates to you. Your task during this part of class will be to use the Academic Search Complete database accessible from to look at articles relating to your field of study and your future career. Find at least one article that you would like to return to and read in detail as part of your research. In your notebook, write down information that will help you find the article again: it’s title, an author’s name, the journal’s title, the issue number, the date, and the page numbers. If you have time, you can download the article and attach it to an email to yourself for safekeeping, or use the database’s built-in features to email a link or copy to your email address. Before our next meeting, write a 100 word summary of the article (or perhaps another that you find through further research in the database) in your own words followed by an MLA-formatted bibliographic entry using the guide available on the Purdue OWL website ( Post this assignment as a comment to this blog post.

14 thoughts on “Library Tour and Research Assignment

  1. nowshadhossain

    Nowshad Hossain

    Prof. Ellis

    English Composition 1

    23rd October 2015

    Library Tour and Research Assignment

    I’ve picked up a research article from EBSCO for my project 2 research, Here is the summary :This research article is about investigating the characteristics of accounting students. Before writing this article the researchers had made some prior studies which involves using survey data and transcript data of several accounting students of one institution. This article talks about :graduation rates of accounting students, distribution of male and female students, and most importantly the importance of taking the CPA exam.

    At first this article suggests that according to the business press the demand for accountants can be expected to remain high for a very long time. According to Ali Velshi’s 2011 report , Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests the accounting jobs would grow 22% between 2008 and 2018 as more accountants would be needed to keep track of international trade in this global environment.

    For globally attractive jobs such as public accounting requires a four-year college degree, then an advanced degree or CPA (certified public accountant) designation, which takes years” . If the accounting major student decides take CPA degree it can open many doors for him/her.

    Accounting educators and researchers have been examining the quality of accounting education and the students it attracts for some time. The researchers are not completely happy with the quality of our accounting education. They thinks Accounting education should have a broader focus on general education and business organization knowledge, more decision making, problem solving, communication and interpersonal skills, and greater use of technology. Another problem with Accounting is CPA exam/ The150-hr requirement. The problem with this test is you only have 49% chance of passing! About 51% of the people who takes it are most likely to fail. It started in 1990, when the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) endorsed a move toward a 150-hr AICPA member requirement. After this decision of AICPA many other organization have expressed their support of the 150-hr requirement. This is not required for all types of accounting job, but some businesses may ask their employees for it. But In 2000 the researcher made another investigation on accounting education . They predicted that accounting education would face a grim future as fewer and less qualified students would choose accounting as a major. Business students could choose other attractive business majors, and it was feared that there would be a decline in accounting majors . All because of this is because of CPA !

    To see the popularity accounting major the researchers of this article has also used survey for their research(To see the survey result check out the article. Table#1). Their survey was undertaken at one of the several campuses of a large, state university system. They surveyed a number of accounting students for 5 years (2005-2010). This survey shows continuous increase in student enrollment. Even though the survey indicated growth in student numbers, this survey was not perfect because of gender mix.The survey in 2009 reported that in 2007–2008, there were 53% women compared with 47% men.

    In conclusion I would say, I have found this article to be very help full for my project-2 research. But in the end this article is very subjective and has few limitation. The main limitation of this article is for data it only rely on one school. While the result be can vary from school to school. So this article is not 100% reliable.

    Works Cited
    Tan, Kim B., Campbell Annhenrie ,Freddie Choo, and David H. Lindsay . “Accounting Student Characteristics From 2005–2010 Archival Transcript Data.” Research Article Mar/Apr. 2013: EBSCO. Web. 23 October 2015

    (N.b: In case if you want to see the article which I picked up from EBSCO, Here is the link:

  2. SandraG.

    Sandra Gil
    Prof. Ellis
    Eng 1101
    According to EBSCO, an article I have picked up on Early Childhood Teacher Experiences (ECTE) is associated with pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and first grade. The article is called “Making visible teacher reports of their teaching experiences: The Early Childhood Teacher Experiences Scale.” and discuss a program that took a survey of 584 teachers who are training. Data found from this survey lead up to categorizing the results into 3 factors. The Factors were recorded that “three teacher experience constructs: Teacher Efficacy, Job Stress, and School Support” The teachers who experience effectiveness of stress usually “spend less time teaching literacy and numeracy interacting with parents”. This means teachers who are stress too much don’t have a connection towards their student’s parents. On the other hand, when a teacher who have a higher level of efficacy shows a teacher being able to communicate and create a bond with the children’s parents. It’s been shown that first grade teachers have the highest level of stress than kindergarten teachers. Head start teachers, which are teachers who are working on getting a degree, are believed to be “efficacious than were first grade teachers or other preschool teachers in child care settings.” What this also means is that someone who isn’t experienced or wants to get into the teaching field will have a higher chance into creating a bond with the students as well as their parents. This could help me with project two by showing me how to handle stress when it comes to children as well as their parents.

    Work Cited
    Sproul, Faith. Making visible teacher reports of their teaching experiences: The Early Childhood Teacher Experiences Scale. Research Article Feb.2012: EBSCO

  3. Shamani Patton

    Shamani Patton
    Professor Ellis
    English 1101 D380
    October 24, 2015
    Research Article

    In the fashion and textile industry, China is a major economic sector which has made significant contributions to economic growth and employment in these areas over the past decade. There needs to be an account for the demand for goods, scarcity of goods, uncertainty, and consumer behavior. People’s interest changes rapidly and they prefer something different. This is why the fashion and textile industry shows more variation, it’s product has a shorter life circle. This goes to show that fashion is fast paced and you can never take a break from your career because people are always going to demand a change. The way that marketers and sellers change the pricing and product dramatically helps to lure more consumers in and be aware of their behavior. There’s is an example of Zara, limiting the number of clothing items in each fashion-like product to get a long- term profit and attract more customers. Dynamic pricing and revenue management have gained an increasing popularity in retail settings and engendered a growing body of academic research. Consumers play a big role on the decisions of the pricing and the affects of the demand and profit.

    Work Cited
    Mengqi Liu, Wenjie Bi, Xiaohong Chen, Guo Li. “Dynamic Pricing of Fashion-Like Multiproducts with Customers’ Reference Effect and Limited Memory”. Research Article Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Volume 2014, p1-10. 10p. EBSCO. Web. 24 October 2015

  4. sher syed

    Sher Syed
    Proffesor Jason Ellis
    ENG1101 D380
    25 October 2015
    Research Article

    Bellam, Kiranmai, Lodgher, Akhter. “Teaching Innovation to Graduate Students in Computer Information Systems (CIS)”. Research article 2011: EBSCO. Web. 25 October 2015

    This article is mainly about to innovate CIS students by giving them three courses CINS 5073, 5013, and 5003. These courses innovate students for their future jobs in CIS. The goal behind this to create a new breed of workforce consisting of critical thinkers and innovators. There is lot of global competition so for that they need innovators that help to change the field of information technology. This article helps me to support my thesis that CIS have high demand in U.S.A and also help to prove that this field is keep developing and rising in the economy of U.S.

  5. rahat ahmed

    Rahat Ahmed
    Prof. J

    Summary of my article called “A hotel job is no longer a dead end”

    I found this article called “A hotel job is no longer a dead end” by Carol Kleiman very interesting because it provided me with some very important information that I have been searching for my essay on my major “Hospitality Management”.
    This article states that getting a job at a hotel is no longer a fight because if you the right skills, you are mostly likely to get chosen. It also states that the “Hospitality industry are hiring more people then ever from all kinds of different race’s. I personally found this article very helpful towards my essay because before reading this article I had no idea that the hospitality industry can only grow for the better. According to this article more than 250,000 new jobs were injected into the industry from 2000 to 2010, which gives you an indication on how much it has grown from strength to strength over the course of 1 decade. The changes are very dramatic because every year the demand for jobs at hotels rises simply because it’s a secure job that if you have the passion for it then you are most likely to succeed.

    Work Cited
    Carol Kleiman’s columns also appear in Tuesday’s Business and Wednesday’s Working sections. She is the author of “Winning the Job Game: The New Rules for Finding and Keeping the Job You Want” (Wiley, $16.95). Send e-mail to

  6. Jason Iraheta

    Jason Iraheta
    Professor Ellis
    ENG 1101

    The article I chose offers information on cyber-security as a major priority for U.S. industrial and public sectors. It mentions the expansion of the IBM Cyber Security Innovation Program. U.S. President Barack Obama has backed career opportunities for cyber-security professionals through education under its Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative. Due to the recent demand for professionals in the field of cyber-security, U.S. private and public organizations have launched a number of initiatives to build cyber-security expertise this year, including partnerships with universities to develop cyber-security training programs and coursework to build a steady supply of technical graduates.

    Works Cited
    Lemos, Robert. “Cyber-Security Training A Top Priority For Industry, Government.” Eweek (2013): 1. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.

  7. Emmanuel.C

    Emmanuel CAsseus
    Proffesor Jason Ellis
    ENG1101 D380
    Research Article

    Works Cited
    Anderson, David. “Historical Reflections Tom Kilburn: A Tale of Five Computers” May 2014: Vol 57. Print.

    In this article I read about a man named Tom Kilburn who made a significant contribution to the development to five historical computers. Kilburn was brought up in an interesting way as stated in the article: “Kilburn had a some what specialized education at Wheel wright Grammar School having been permitted by his headmaster to study almost nothing else from around the age of 14.” It is because he was only allowed to study this that he ended up emerging/graduating being a specialist in mathematics.
    one of the few things I found extremely interesting in the article is the when it refers to “Transistor Computers”.
    A transistor computer is a computer which uses discrete transistors instead of vacuum tubes. The “first generation” of electronic computers used vacuum tubes, which generated large amounts of heat, were bulky, and were unreliable.
    What I found the most interesting is that Kilburn along with a few other people were actually the first people to work on the transistor computers, heck they might as well be called the inventor of them. It was because of this as well as a few other things that I chose this article.

  8. Cisco Alers

    What the article is basically saying is that the topical curriculum for mechanical engineering, should involve in the boost in your critical thinking. In other words finding easy was to solve difficult problems in a short period of time. As well as boosting your creative mind, coming up with new strong ideas for better work and ease of stress. You could say it’s a boosting in your IQ as well as your common sense. Which could also be the reason why people say engineers are so smart.

    Works Cited

    Davies, Huw Charles. “Formula Student As Part Of A Mechanical Engineering Curriculum.” European Journal Of Engineering Education 38.5 (2013): 485-496. Academic Search Complete. Web. 25 Oct. 2015.

  9. Vaswanie Cover

    Vaswanie Cover
    Professor Jason Ellis
    ENG1101 D380

    In the article I found on the city tech library, Microsoft windows 10 update is ready to go but has a few bugs that needs to be worked out before you decide to update from either windows 7 or windows 8.1. The Author DVORAK, JOHN C mentioned that, “Windows 8–derived visuals, and mildly revamped multitasking to the Edge browser, Cortana, and Continuum (basically an auto-screen-re-size feature for tablets or convertibles), nothing mentioned is really new, let alone innovative.” He basically states that windows 10 and windows 8 has no major difference yet at the moment and that is why it would be wiser to wait 11 months before considering upgrading. This information is related to my topic because it revolves around software and updates mainly.
    Works Cited:
    DVORAK, JOHN C., OPERATING systems (Computers) – Evaluation, PC Magazine. Jul2015, p183-185. 3p. MICROSOFT Corp.

  10. Brandon Richardson

    Brandon Richardson
    Professor Jason Ellis
    ENG 1101 D380

    In the article of the “Metal stent placement for two patients with post-transplantation renal artery stenosis, using intravascular ultrasound imaging”, It speaks about how the patients were reported to have an utilizing transluminal expanded metal stents for a patient. I learned that meta stent are the specific medical items used for post transplatants. Using it, The radiologist overall Monitored the persons renal artery that is near the kidneys. They had to do an ultrasound to check and see what is going on scanning near the kidney area. It was overall a test of using the metal stent of seeing if it is possible to check the person’s renal artery with it. Overall the results stated that it is useful by scanning the body with medical imaging.

    Work Citied
    Yoshida, Katsunori, “Metal stent placement for two patients with post-transplantation renal artery stenosis, using intravascular ultrasound imaging”, Clinical & Experimental Nephrology. Jun2004, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p155-159. 5p. Article. October 24th 2015.

  11. MarcG

    Larose Marc
    Professor Ellis
    October 26 2015
    Unfortunately our time spent at the library was not enough for me to find any articles, after I went home I finally found one. The name of the articles is “HISTORY OF SPORTS MEDICINE IN EAST EUROPEAN COUNTRIES “this article does not have a single author due to the fact that it has been manufactured over and over to meet certain criteria
    The article basically talks about how sports medicine been there as early as the 19thHundred but it is now getting more recognition then before because of the tremendous growth in the sport world. It also saying that Sport medicine is more known in the European counties and the development of scientific stuffs enable the athletes to improve their game.
    Work cited

  12. PrinceM

    Prince Miller

    According to the article “A Message from Recent Engineering Graduates in the Workplace: Results of a Survey on Technical Communication Skills”, engineers who are first starting their careers have noticed a pattern. Those of them who had received more Technical Communication training were more initially successful, because they were able to catch on to things more quickly than those who had not had as much or as rigorous training as them. The article states that “Suggestions for improving and expanding the current TC program 
 Make the technical elective, ‘Technical Communication for Engineers,’ mandatory” (690). This was just one of many suggestions given by the recent graduates for improving upon the Technical Communication education they were offered.

    Works Cited: Sageev, P. and Romanowski, C. J. (2001), A Message from Recent Engineering Graduates in the Workplace: Results of a Survey on Technical Communication Skills. Journal of Engineering Education. Web. 10/25/2015

  13. Bilal.Shadizai

    Bilal Shadizai,
    Professor Ellis
    October 26 2015
    Computer System Technology is getting harder and harder rapidly. According to A Two-Tier Based Approach to Improving Students’ computer Programming Skills in a Web- Based Learning Environment, “The rapid development of information technology has created high demands for skillful programming specialists”. This caught my attention because it shows that people who are planning to have a career in programming they should work harder than the current programmers, and should have more knowledge. Now people have more sources and more opportunities such as Two-Tier based programming, which people can use to learn more about programming. A Two-Tier Based Approach to Improving Students’ computer Programming Skills in a Web- Based Learning Environment stated ” Two- Tier test based programming is a system, which provides immediate corresponding feedback, including the correct answer and explanation of the answer and the supplementary materials”. Two-Tier test-based programming is a great way to learn programming and it can prepare people for their careers in programming. People with more knowledge have more chances of getting better jobs.

    T-C, Yang. “A Two-Tier Test-based Approach to Improving Students’ Computer Programming Skills in a Web-Based Learning Environment. “Ebscohost. Web. 1 June 2014.

  14. Jolleli Sarai Garcia

    Jolleli Garcia
    Professor Ellis
    Summary 100 word +
    In a class of their own, By: Peter Nowak.

    All Students go through rigorous courses where they work on a project or on a class work and they get a low score. Most schools have Large classes and large classes mean they can’t always be looking over each student’s shoulder to see if they’re following instructions or whether something might be missing.Variations on this problem are endemic in nearly every school, whether vocational or academic. Large classes mean they can’t always be looking over each student’s shoulder to see if they’re following instructions or whether something might be missing. Variations on this problem are endemic in nearly every school, whether vocational or academic. Test scores are often all that matter; whether students actually learn anything in the run-up to that final grade is largely secondary. Those students who figure out how to game the system the company’s Sesame Snap app allows teachers to track and document the progress of a project or class with their iOS or Android device, students can share photos, videos and checklists of each step with their teacher, who can see where mistakes might have been made. Ian Tao the co founder of the Sesame HQ company says, “We want to change the output of the school system so that it’s not just transcripts and test scores.” Canadian schools of all levels generally rank well internationally,thanks largely to their willingness to be innovative with how students are taught. Whereas other civic institutions, such as governments and hospitals,have been slow to adopt new technologies because of inertia or bureaucracy, many schools are actively looking for ways to improve the experience for both students and teachers. Canadian schools spent $53 billion on a student population of about six million about $9,000 per student. Though teacher salaries make up the bulk of that spending, technology investment has been a significant part too. The District School Board of Ontario North East, for one, is considering a plan to install Wi-Fi on school buses. Education startups are increasingly finding that schools and entire districts are eager customers with substantial budgets to spend. Many schools are starting to invest as they are learning that each student has a different way of learning and as technology becomes an important part of students lives schools are trying to incorporate in their studies. Teachers and technology make brighter and more educated students.

    Citation: Nowak, Peter. “ In a class of their own.”

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