Following One’s Goals by Jonathan Valverde

Jonathan Valverde Ā Ā 


Professor Jason Ellis

Hello, my name is Jonathan Valverde and iā€™m eighteen years old, I am currently attending New York City College Of Technology and Iā€™m majoring in Constructions Management. Growing up I often got asked what I wanted to be when I grew up and to those who asked I would always reply with ā€œI donā€™t knowā€, I really had no idea on what I wanted to pursue and become when I was older. It wasn’t until my senior year in high school that I discovered ā€˜Construction Managementā€™ and the opportunities that came along with it, that is when I decided to pursue a career in Construction Management. In the following essay I will discuss the what the major is in depth, the reasons for selecting this specific major, and finally what I plan on achieving to get to the career I have selected.

The official name for Construction Management is ā€˜Associate in Applied Science in CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGYā€™ (New York City College Of Technology Catalog 2015.234). I am going for my Associate degree due to the fact that City Tech does not offer the Bachelor’s degree for Construction Management, Im still in debate on whether I will go on to transfer to another college to receive my Bachelor’s degree or will go straight to the field from there. The City Tech Catalog states, ā€œ The associate in applied science in Construction Management Technology program is the only one of its kind in the CUNY system. It prepares students for careers as managers and technicians in the field of construction. All facets of the construction process are studied including construction materials, methods, management and mechanical systems as well as all elements of design. Both the public and private sectors

are studied from the time the project is conceptualized until it is turned over to an owner. The program combines an emphasis on construction management with components of engineering technologyā€, in other words I will be taking classes that will only be benefitting me on achieving my goals in my career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, ā€˜Construction managers oversee specialized contractors and other personnel. They schedule and coordinate all construction processes so that projects meet design specifications. They ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget. Some managers may be responsible for several projects at onceā€”for example, the construction of multiple apartment buildings.ā€ in other words it is the duty of the Construction Manager to be on the job site and watch that everything is running smoothly. Just like it states, ā€œConstruction managers need to coordinate activities on large projects.ā€ It goes on to say for one to be hired they not only need a degree in the field but as well as experience, the more experience the better for the employee. As a Construction Manager I plan on being in charge on the project site and cooperating with others to achieve what is needed to be done. It is my job to follow the building code, a book with what Iā€™m able to do and not do in different situations. Overall ā€˜Construction Managementā€™ is a big responsibility and is not for everyone, it is a career for those who are intending to give it their all in their careers.

There are many reasons why I selected Construction Management as my major. Before I even start to say anything regarding Construction, my family has a background in Demolition. Demolition is the exact opposite of Construction, instead of building buildings demolition firms demolish buildings or just may be destroy the interior of buildings. My father is foreman, in other words he is a demolition manager which I find amusing that I decided to follow the opposite and go to construction. Currently I am working for a private demolition company called ā€˜Titan Contracting Groupā€™ where my dad has been working for the past 20 years. A reason why I selected this specific career is because Ā I can see myself doing this and most importantly enjoying it without regrets. When I was choosing colleges and different majors I was telling myself do I see myself doing this, such as a dentist hygienist. However it was different with Construction Management, I saw myself with a hard hat giving out instruction and cooperating with other managers to get the job done just how I have seen with my own eyes my own father do in the demolish business. Another reason why I picked this career is because the statistics, according to the bureau of labor statistics the job will only increase from here by sixteen percent. Moneywise on average ones salary is $82,800 dollars a year which translates to $39.80 per hour. Which is great but I plan on becoming an exceptional Construction manager and getting paid over $100,000 dollars. I plan on providing the individual I marry and my future children the best I can possibly give them as a family. Ā A third reason is because of my parents, as the first generation of Valverde in the United States I want to make both my parents proud of who I will become in my career, they unknowingly motivate me to keep on pursuing my goals. As an individual I have been blessed with great parents and what they have given me is priceless, as my father once told me, ā€œWith hard work and respect, it can get you far in lifeā€. Ā Construction Management comes with great rewards as i’ve been told from those who followed the career and I plan on accomplishing this career myself.


Being a Construction Manager is a career I have selected to pursue and become one soon enough. At New York City College of Technology I will take the necessary steps and requirements to achieve my degree. Ones I accomplish this task I will go on to the field and not only be a construction manager but be a very high sought out one as soon as possible with great experience and firms. I will provide for my future family and give them the best possible future I am able to give them. In human nature it is always one’s dream to become successful in life not earning a salary but enjoying what they do in life and this is my goal as well to be successful in what I will do in the future. I have many to thank and many more that I surely will be thanking in the future. ā€˜Associate in Applied Science in CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT TECHNOLOGYā€™ or known as Construction Management this is the career I will follow and give it my all.

Works Cited

New York City College of Technology- College Catalog 2015-2016(234-235)

United States. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Construction Management Technology. ā€œOccupational Handbook Outlookā€ Washington: Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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