Soccer is life By Marc Larose

My name is Marc Larose, and I am a freshman in  New york City of Technology known as City Tech  majoring in Computer Science. I am interested in quite a lot of things, but the three things that I am most interested in is playing Soccer, playing video games, and finding enough time for sleep. Growing up in Haiti soccer was one of the most important things in my life. Playing soccer in Haiti meant you were normal, if you didn’t play soccer or you didn’t know how to play it was like you didn’t know how to walk or talk because playing soccer is a  big part of our culture. Everyone in my family plays soccer including my dad , my uncle ,and even  my grandfather . I have played other sports besides soccer like football and basketball. However, I have never felt the same way playing soccer as when I play the other sports. Therefore, I believe that soccer defines who I am. In this essay, I will explain why soccer is so important to me by discussing what its relationship to my dad,its relationship to me , its experience as a video game, and it’s entering my dreams.

One of the reasons why I have so much love for soccer is because of my dad. He told me stories about playing soccer when he was a kid. He and his friends would get up at 6:00 am every weekend to play soccer it was their routine. My dad was my motivation to get better at soccer because he always pushed me beyond my limits. He was also my coach growing up, him and I, we were already close and  soccer brought us even closer. we used to play against each other as we playing we will state each other’s mistake. That was our way to get better, we were each other’s critics. we spend  time doing other thing but none of them were as good as playing soccer. We also watching professional matches together and the best thing is that we support the same team, so you can only imagine us watching soccer. .  When there’s important match, friends and family come to our house to watch the games because of the perfect ambiance there. Once our favorite team makes it to the final of champions league my dad automatically plan a party because they have never lost a champions league final but they have lost others.

I believe that Soccer is the best sport known to mankind because it gives me a unique feeling when I play. I feel like it’s a gift every time I set foot on the field because I feel joy in my heart when I play and kick the soccer ball. This feeling started when I was young. In fact, I started playing soccer as soon as I started walking. Also, I watch professional soccer matches, which ignites my joy about the game too. I used to be on a team called Brooklyn Italians. During that year, I played for them it was the best time of my life because We made so many memories we traveled to other states to play games. I considered my teammates as my second family, Even after two years after playing for them I still talk to every last one of them . Now, I only play with my friends, but the feeling is nearly the same as if it was the first time I kicked a soccer ball. I still get excited when it’s time for me to play. I believe soccer has made me a team player it has helped to get along with people because it taught me that you can’t do everything by yourself and together we are stronger.

Everything I do is soccer related. When the weather is nasty and I can’t play soccer outside I simply go on my video game and play Fifa which is a soccer video games.  I like to play with my favorite team which is Real Madrid  located in spain also known as Los blancos and My favorite player which is Cristiano Ronaldo .I don’t really like to play against the computer, I prefer playing against my friends or stranger online because I want to interact while I’m playing. When I’m playing against my friend and I’m winning I like to tell them how they suck and they will never beat me but I cannot do that against the computer. My friends and I, like to play Fifa tournament that’s when we play against each other in the video game and whoever has the most wins is the best. Playing Fifa has almost the same feeling as playing soccer in real life. I have other games on my xbox like 2k and GTA but I always find myself playing Fifa. Everytime my little brother come in my room he always see me playing fifa and one day he said’ why do you have other games in your xbox when all you do is play Fifa. Don’t you get bored of playing only one game” I looked at him and said  I brought them just in case I got bored of playing Fifa but then  how do you get bored of doing something you loved. Fifa taught me how to interact with others. I didn’t really like to interact with others until I started playing Fifa online.

In addition to video games, sleeping is also related to soccer because I cannot remember how many time, I have dreamed about becoming a soccer player. The love I have for soccer is unbelievable because even when I am unconscious, I somehow still manage to think about it. One of the best dream, I have had  was when I used to play for the Brooklyn Italians. We had made it to the finals and our opponent was Red Bull .The night before the game I dreamed that the game was 1-1  in the last minute of the fourth half and I had scored the winning goal and I was nominated  man of the match. Another dream I had was as a Real  Madrid player , which is my favorite team and I helped them win their 10th champions league trophy by providing the assist to the winning goal. That Trophy was so important because we been chasing it for 12 long years and  I was the one to help win it.

In conclusion, soccer a worldwide sport mostly known as football. I have play with every race and there was no problem between us. There’s no color when we play soccer but how you move and what you can do with the ball. I guess soccer bring us closer and we see past our differences. I also had bad memories in soccer because I have lost important matches. I have seen the team that  I support lost important matches too. I remember, back when I was still playing for the Brooklyn Italians  we reached the Colombus cup finals and we were winning  and in the last two minutes we concede two terrible goals. That day I cry until I couldn’t cry anymore, only soccer had made me this emotional . One of the most important thing I learn from soccer that night was you can’t win them all. Even if I do not make it to the soccer world as a soccer player. I want to make it to the soccer world somehow and recently I have been thinking of changing my major from Computer Science to Sports Medicine .


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