Category Archives: Reading

Reading: Gary Marcus’ Kluge, Chapter 1

During the first ten minutes of class, write a summary of your reading from the first chapter of Gary Marcus’ Kluge. Also, how would you compare Marcus’ writing to O’Shea’s? Before our next class on Monday, type up your summary and post it as a comment to this blog post.

Reading: O’Shea’s “The Brain”

For today’s class, you read the first chapter from Michael O’Shea’s The Brain. Spend the first ten minutes of class writing a summary of your reading in your notebook. After class, type up your handwritten summary, save it on your computer/drive, and copy-and-paste it into a comment to this blog post. To receive credit, this has to be done before our next class.

Reading: “Neuromyths”

During the first ten minutes of class, write a summary in your notebook on your reading from’s “Neuromyths” post. In your response, indicate if you had been taught or heard people repeat these neuromyths.

Before our class on Monday, type your summary into a word processor and save a copy on your own media. Then, copy-and-paste what you wrote into a comment added to this blog post.

Reading: “Critical Concepts”

At the beginning of class, you will have ten minutes to write a summary of your reading for today’s class on “Critical Concepts.”

Before our next class, use Microsoft Word or another word processor to type your handwritten notes into a more formal summary. Make corrections to your handwritten writing as you type. Save your work on your computer, flash drive, cloud storage, etc. Always keep backups of your work.

Then, go to this blog post and scroll down to the comment box. Copy-and-paste your typewritten summary into a comment. Post your comment. To verify that your comment has posted successfully, to the Dashboard > Comments. It is each student’s responsibility to verify that his or her work posts successfully.