Author Archives: Amir

“Exploring City Tech’s Computer Engineering Technology at City Tech and a Career in Computer Engineering by Amir Magar”


              My name is Amir Magar, and I am currently enrolled in Computer Engineering Technology at New York City College of Technology. This field of study incorporates both my interest in the electrical, and programming aspect of engineering. This versatile major makes this engineering field not only broad and sophisticated, but also makes job opportunities limitless. My decision to join Computer Engineering has always been my first option in this engineering department, and I am privileged to be in this major. This is a perfect major for me because, jobs in technology are understood to grow rapidly in the future and the passion I have for this industry is second to none. In addition to that, working with computers for a very long time, I understand how technology advances can have a huge impact in our society. Through various internet researches and, peer-reviewed articles guided from my school resource, I will explain how my commitment to this major is worth every second in the long run.


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In this major, I expect that the department will prepare me to utilize my knowledge, and the skills that I will acquire, and be able to perform in the professional world. As an Computer Engineer, I am required to know hardware and software. This school gives exactly that, and furthermore, it gives students an opportunity to provide hands-on classes. Few of the classes that I am really interested are, Electronics, Electrical Networks, and Applied Analysis Lab (NYCCT Catalog 224-225). These classes involves circuits, software, and mathematics. Without these background, it is impossible to work as a Computer Engineer. When I graduate with an Bachelor of technology degree, companies such as, Apple, Microsoft, IBM, or JetBlue, are just the few employers that expects their potential employees with this degree (NYCCT Catalog 218). However, it is important to gain experience before graduating, to do this, I have to apply for internship which this schools is known for its internship opportunity.

Technology is one of the few reasons why this major has grabbed my interest. The reason because, technology live to exists everywhere. It is a universal scientific knowledge that is bound to expand, and grow exponentially in the coming years. Businesses have started using computers as their main gate to sell, and advertise their goods and services. According to Lauren Csorny, businesses that uses computers has had a positive effect as “employment in the industry rose quickly, as many businesses began to invest in computer systems.”(Csorny par 6). Even though the employment has rose significantly, statistics has shown that employment in technologies has a fair amount of decline just like any industry. However, the decline in employment is due to the fact that “for certain positions, thousands – even tens of thousands – of positions remain unfilled, largely because they are so new and lack qualified candidates”(DISYS par 3). Technology is fairly a new industry when it comes to modern business collaboration. Both depends on one another in terms of supplying and demanding. It is only matter of time when in result, as technologies advances, business benefits at the same time, or vice-versa

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It is inevitable that technology continues to improve even though we may think it has reached its limit. Take an example, in the late twentieth century when calculator was first invented, people in the past, thought this was a huge technology break through (Ball & Flamm Par 1). It provided a way to calculate without manually calculating, and which, allowed nations to safely land on the moon, or send a satellite. Calculator was then further improved so much so that, everyone has a calculator application in their phone. It did not take that long for calculator to be portable, but the process that it took based on an underlying procedure showcase that the inventions is limitless.  The idea from this example shows that not only did calculator triumph the science, but it also revolutionized how technology can have a big impact in our society.

The society is dependent on technology as time goes on, and this is supported through my “calculator theory”. Even though calculator may not appeal to many people, it is an necessary advancement. It is important because, a future society will always look for more efficient form of productivity. According to Tim Wu, who wrote an article “As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse?”, states that, ” Technological evolution has a different motive force. It is self-evolution, and it is therefore driven by what we want as opposed to what is adaptive.”(Wu Par 12). In short, humans want to improve things that makes our life better, and that technology is never about “getting used to”. If the technology is not up to the standard, it needs to be improved or it will be improved. From the following quote by Kevin Kelly in his book “What Technology Wants”, it illustrate the main idea of his book, it states ” Technology wants what life wants: Increasing efficiency; Increasing opportunity; Increasing emergence; Increasing complexity; Increasing diversity; Increasing specialization; Increasing ubiquity; Increasing freedom; Increasing mutualism; Increasing beauty; Increasing sentience; Increasing structure; Increasing evolvability “(Wu Par 4). It will always improve, not because it is compulsory, but because it is our interest that drive us to have a better life. Definitely, even the smallest changes in an idea can lead to bigger things.

As an engineer it is naive to only look at the possibility of innovating, and not at the business aspect. As mentioned, both business and engineering works together in this modern society. However, to become successful computer engineer, the main thing that a person must have is, mental strength. It is a characteristic trait that will only happen through personal life. As Elvis Michael mentions in an article “What qualifications do I need to become a computer engineer?”, he describes many aspect of engineering qualities to become a computer engineer. However, he points out the most important quality in this article, he states, “Along with the appropriate education, qualifications for a computer engineer include analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as an aptitude for mathematics.”(Michael Par 3). Thinking critically is in my opinion the best attribute that I have. I like to visualize problems through various ways. Understanding both the correct and the wrong, is the way how it should be in the engineering field. Especially in computers, and as technology involves, thinking critically is the best attribute to offer in this engineering field.

City Tech is fundamental in my journey to have a successful career. It provides necessary skills that allow me to become versatile in computers, electrical, and mechanical. The benefit of this major consist of multiple engineering fields combined into one major. According to the catalog from the computer engineering technology it states, “It is multidisciplinary in nature in that students are taught the fundamentals of electrical and mechanical technology, computer hardware, software, data communications and networking.”(NYCCT Catalog 218). Accredited by the ABET, or also known as Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology,  the employers understand that, “with ABET accreditation, students, and the society we serve can be confident that a program meets the quality standards that produce students prepared to enter a global workforce.”(ABET).  Just recently, the school announced that students in city tech that are to graduate from Computer Engineering Technology are eligible to take the professional engineering exam. Not only does that build up our resume, but as an engineer, the responsibilities that I will uphold in my future job will hopefully make a significant effect to the community. City tech provides numerous opportunities for students to be well prepared before graduating.

This is a course that requires extensive effort from students. If an individual is bound to make bad choices all the time, I fear this may not be the right major for him or her. Students must be open-minded, and disciplined in time management. The work that will be given out in this course gives you an ability to work under pressure, thus allow you to gain real life experience. Last of all, you need to be versatile. In other words, being able to adapt new things quickly. Especially in this industry, technology grows rapidly, and engineers’ responsibility is to keep in date with all things. However, my personal advise would be is to do what you are told to do and, always ask question. It will take time to settle with the amount of work that will be given, but at the end of the day, the amount of effort you have put in will benefit you in the long run. Always strive for best, and be hungry for success.



Works cited:

ABET. “Setting the Standard Worldwide.” ABET Accreditation Comments. Web. 25 April 2015

Ball, Guy, and Bruce Flamm. “History of Electronic Calculators.” History of Electronic             Calculators. Vintage Calculators Web Museum. Web. 18 April 2015.

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2014-   15 Edition, “Computer Hardware Engineers“. Web. 12 April 2015.

Csorny, Lauren. “Careers in the growing field of information technology services”. Bureau of         Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, “Beyond the Numbers“. April 2013 | Vol. 2 /        No. 9. Web. 12 April 2015.

Digital Intelligence System. “High-Tech Sector Job Growth Continues to Outpace Overall             Employment”. “DISYS IT Staffing and Services.” 20 Jan.2013. Web. 15 April 2015

Michael, Elvis. “What Qualifications Do I need to Become a Computer Engineer?”. Computer        Software Job. Demand Media. Web. 25 April 2015.

New York City College of Technology (City Tech). “Computer Engineering Technology.”                   New York City College of Technology College Catalog 2014-15.Web. 11 April 2015.

Wu, Time. “As Technology Gets Better, Will Society Get Worse?.” “The New Yorker“. 6 Feb      2014. Web. 17 April 2015

Hardwork and Motivation by Amir Magar

1. Introduction

In this project, I recorded numerous thoughts I have gathered throughout a day, and noted it on my notebook. After reviewing my thoughts, I narrowed my list to few significant thoughts; which will provide a base understanding of the reason of these thought at a specific period of time. With these thoughts, I did extensive analysis on how my thoughts correlate with my personal life, and the effect it has in my social life in general. This will then allow me to provide the necessary steps to use my thoughts as a gateway to do something that will achieve my goal.

2. Thinking in writing

In the last 24 hours that I have spent, I have gathered numerous thoughts that I did not know I would think this many within a day. The list of thoughts are correlated with the time, and what I was doing in that period to make me think about that specific thought. This experiment was held on Saturday, when I was busy doing my assignments throughout the day. I noticed on my thoughts that there were few repetitive thoughts that I think a lot. For example: on 10:32 a.m while I was doing my homework, I was thinking about the homework I was doing, and thought, how it will actually help me in my future. I asked, “What is the purpose of this assignments? Am I doing this to get credits, or am I actually going to use this knowledge as my benefit in the future?”. Even though, most people would answer “both”, I never thought of it that way. It was strange, I looked upon as a multiple choice question, either I chose answer ‘a’ or answer ‘b’.  Furthermore, on 2:35p.m, I was taking a break from my assignments and took a hour watching Netflix. While I was watching, I thought about the time that I have wasted not doing my assignments. I thought to myself, “Why am I taking a break?”. In other words, what is it that makes me want to take a break. I realize that I tend to take a break quite often, even though I would only be working on my assignments for thirty minutes. I spent more time on my break than what I am supposed to. It was a weird that I questioned myself but definitely an interesting one that had be puzzled.

The one thought that I had wished that I think a lot about are my family and friends. I realized that I do tend to worry about things that literally have no effect on me such as those that I have just shared. However, family and friends do have an effect on me and does a great deal on how I grow. I only wished I had thought about the type of friends I would make and have better relationship with my family in the future. Because, these are the things that makes me relevant.

3. Thinking visually

a.) One word “Unbelievable”, it’s not everyday you get to see “Chili twin”. It made me think about how evolution can easily alter anything in life.

b.) Pen and calculator. Two basic stationaries I need to have it with me in school. I picked this photo because, I don’t know how I’d be able to pass my classes without it.

c.) This is a photo of my driving wheel. It brought back memories of me driving to California with my friend last summer. I can’t wait for it again this summer.

4. Thinking reflectively

I cannot comprehend how quickly these five years has gone by, and how my life vastly differs as I look back to the time I was in New York City College of Technology. I am now in my first year of graduate school at City College, perusing further studies in Computer Engineering program. Life in City Tech was tough, but I kept myself together and made it all the way. The skills I got were priceless, and even led me to two internships from two different small tech companies. I am privileged that I get to be where I am today. However, there are few things I just wished I knew better – Self-motivation and hardwork. If only I had a skim of both of these, I could only imagine how my college years would be so much smoother. But, there are no regrets, or no one to be blamed for but myself. It was a long four years that I learned it the hard way, but an enriching learning experience that pioneered me to where I am today.

Hardwork and self-motivation is the key to success, or at least to where I am now. Without it, I would never imagine where I would be today. Hardwork is the catalyst to any college students in order to succeed . In the past, I had habits of doing as minimum effort I could, just so I would get that passing grade. That will have to change. I have to break this norm of laziness and work hard in all I do. There is no such thing as short-cut. If it means that I would have to go tutoring, I will go. If it means that I would have to do extra assignment for extra credit, then I will use my utmost energy to do a good job to earn that credit. It does not only apply to school life, I figured that most of my school performance affects while I was not in school. Being hardworking outside the class is as equally important while being in the classroom. It is important to be prepared before class – that means reading assignments and getting all my materials ready before the class starts.

It is easy to think about the future; the kind of lives, jobs, family and etc. But these would not be made possible without any hardwork. The problem I had in my past is that, I dreamed a lot about what I could get in the future,  but not about what I must do now! in order to get there. Remember not to think about the future, it will only delude us to the reality side of actually getting there. Do all you can now so that you will benefit in the future. Participate in clubs, service corps, or any organization that will gain you experience before you enter the real world. As a future engineer, try to engage in projects or participate in competition even though you may have limited skills. Building resume is extremely crucial at this point of stage so be active, not just in school life but also in the community.

Self-motivation is an important key factor that I wished I had back in my days. Majority of the late assignments that was handed in, or resulting in poor grade was the key result of not being motivated. To succeed, I need to have motivation. One way to motivate myself is to create a positive reinforcement that allows me to be motivated. In order to do that, I have to list down things that I like to do, for example, watching Netflix, taking nap, or going to the gym. These examples will then serve as a reward for myself until I get things that needs to be done. It is important to always be motivated in whatever you do. Because being motivated allows me to be committed to put my maximum effort. I need to be motivated when things do not go so well in school. In instance, there will be times when I will not be able to solve problems as quick as some people do, or get good grades among my peers but, I still need to be motivated when things do not go so well in school, because when bad things take over, the last thing I would want is to lose my focus .Never give up when problems arise, just remember, the problems will not kill you, so do not stress.  Never run away from problems, always deal with it one at a time. Do not prioritize , I should deal each and every problem accordingly.

Mentally, it is hard to maintain a positive control over mind but, it is a truthful fact that most successful people is somewhat mentally able to motivate themselves even in bad times. As a student, I will fail somewhere along my college career and things will only go worse from then on if I allow it. However, one way to motivate myself during the worse is by thinking about my family. I have to think about the sacrifices that they have done to get me where I am now. I have to admit, I never did a good job appreciating the things my parent have done for me, but this time I have to change. The efforts that they put on me cannot justify in words, or paragraphs. However, watching them do something for me only made me realize that, as much as I depend on my parent, they too depend on me at the same time. This is the sort of motivation that gives me the hunger to do well in college. No matter how big the problem is, always think about my parent, and the sacrifices that they have made for who I am. At the end of the day, no problem is greater than when it comes to family.

Becoming successful does not require me to be highly intelligent or have sophisticated resource to do well in college. It begins with me and only myself. If I see no value in collage, there is no point in me being highly intelligent or have huge amount of resources. Therefore, the only way to be successful is to adapt good mentality practice. Being hardworking and having motivation is a good recipe to be successful in whatever you do. Easy said than done, it is not the easiest to adapt something that you are not used to, it will take time because our mind does not crave for changes. Times like these are just the beginning, and it is inevitable that it will be a slow start. In the long run, I am where I am now because of these skills that I have acquired. If I were just able to change the way I approach in life back then, it could have been much smoother and not only that, I would also be able to realize that anything is possible if I had self-motivation and hardwork.