My name is Jo. Jumalon and I am an active student at New York City College of Technology. I am currently pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Computer Engineering Technology. Earning this degree would be a huge step forward in my current career field as a server technician. It would also enhance my skills in the Computer Engineering field, and give me more background knowledge and leverage for when I pursue one of many computer engineering related work in the future. I believe this is the best career for me, due to the amount of passion I have working with computer technology. I have a very good understanding of computer technology, and in a growing industry to showcase my creative work, to one day create a self-sufficient tech company, and to create new technology for the future generation.
Computer engineering technology is the study of understanding the inner workings of a computer system. This includes working with system software, hardware, networking, and many problem solving. In the computer engineering course you will learn to do basic and advanced mathematics, electrical circuits, fabrication, coding, sciences, and communication. According to the City Tech College Catalog, once you have earned a bachelor degree in this field of computer engineering, you are considered to be hired in companies like JetBlue, Verizon, Apple, Lutron Electronics, General Electric, Con Edison, and many more similar tech companies (NYCCT Catalog pg.218). The one thing I want to do the most with my education in City Tech would be to invent a new technology that can help people live better and easier.
A quote by Sean Aiken” The belief that you can have a meaningful career is the first step to finding one.” The belief of reaching a goal takes time and a lot of effort. Enjoying your activities only enhances the effort put into the goal, thus catapulting your career to endless possibilities. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is a huge fluctuation of jobs between the years of 2012 to 2022. In the growing computer engineering field, new emerging students are going after these positions, and soon competition will only become harder. With my technology background as a server technician, and in the future a Bachelor or Master’s degree in computer engineering, these can be beneficial when applying for a new job in the growing industry with a growing competition. According to Migliorino, Nicholas J. and Jeffrey Maiden, “As a result of enormous advances in communication and computer technology, there is increased opportunity for the application of technology”. More emphasis in the application of technology is needed to work the new technology that has been created. Computer Engineering is a field that requires the application of various new technology to create efficiency in a work place. Creating new technology is still in reach and should be pursued.
With the current technology advancements, and new technology companies emerging, one may think that “new” technology cannot be invented. This technology block was referred to as “The Dot-com Bubble” or “Tech Bubble”. I believe there is still a place for new emerging technology in the market. Although it can be hard to create something new, my passion and knowledge of technology in depth can push me to make innovative things that one day, can probably change how we live. According to Closs, S. J, “Computer technology has revolutionized many aspects of our society and is, without doubt, the most significant innovation of the century. As the technology has advanced it has encompassed more and more of our daily activities until it now permeates almost every aspect of modern life.” New technology is emerging every day, whether it is beneficial or not to our daily lives, the drive towards the goal of evolution, and creating a better life for everyone in this planet is the one thing that will always be there and never change. Technology will always be needed whether it is an old feature that is improved, or a new improved innovation that can significantly change the way humans live.
The effects of new technology, can be a huge burden in the economy. Some examples are automatic teller machines are replacing bank tellers, and new programs are replacing manual labor such as filing your taxes, and etc. As more jobs are being overtaken by automation, there is more urgency to turn to more competitive companies to make blue collar jobs to white collar. According to a survey “OECD” “Highlights the need for policies to encourage innovation. Countries which are the first to use new technologies, the OECD study says, will be the ones most likely to capture the benefits, including new jobs and trade. “Countries which lag in introducing advanced technologies risk the decline or even loss of domestic and foreign markets, resulting in pronounced unemployment,” the OECD warns.” In a survey from “The Guardian”, “More than eight in ten small and medium sized firms intend to introduce or add to their existing new technology during the next two years in spite of the fact that they consider such investment to be costly. It is imperative that new technology companies, implement their new technology instead of thinking about the cost of implementation”. Technology will always find a way to become beneficial and more convenient to implement as it is used more. Advancements can only happen when there is constant usage of the particular invention. Think about a desktop computer and the invention of a laptop. The need and drive of a personal computer to be more mobile, is the process of continued application of technology. I believe I can make a company that will be self-sufficient, in a way that it can market, produce, and innovate technology through constant application. Only then it can be enhanced and improved accordingly to make it cost effective.
The courses in City Tech will provide me the essential skillset to achieve these goals in my career choice. This includes basic and advanced courses such as “Logic and Problem Solving”, “Manufacturing Labs”, “Electronics”, ”Microcomputer Systems Technology”, “Robotics Technology”, and lots more. “Logic and Problem Solving” Introduces basic number systems, and programming techniques, with practical examples in modern programming language. “Manufacturing Labs” consists of manufacturing a working mechanical, and electrical device. This practice will benefit me when I try to innovate or invent a new product. “Electronics” is a course where I learn fundamentals of circuitry, semi- conductors, and etc. “Microcomputer Systems Technology” is an advanced introductory course to basic concepts used in a PC, although I know a lot of things about a computer, I’ve always been curious with how each component is manufactured and made. Whenever I build computers, the components are already pre made, and I just assemble the pieces together. “Robotics Technology” is one of many advance courses that teaches the usage of different robotic drive components, electric hydraulics, pneumatic, sensors, data handling/retrieving, and the usage of robot/computer systems. Overall I will enjoy the courses here at city tech, they sound very engaging and exciting. While enjoying the courses, it will also help me reach my goal, as an innovator, and inventor.
If working with precision tools, getting your hands dirty, and building tools, this major is not for you. Although if you consider trying an engineer program, I would suggest this course. So far this has been the best first experience I had in City Tech. Building a device from scratch, connecting wires, learning basic logic systems, and reading schematics. It is something I only had a slight experience with before attending City Tech and this has kick started my curiosity to make new technology. If you enjoy it, that’s something nobody can take away even if the job is hard. This course is very engaging, and has a great mix of applied science and theory which I enjoy. If you are pursuing this course, I suggest to do your research and make sure you want to learn the topics that are listed in the course catalog, because it will be a big hassle to change.
Work Cited
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