Meet Outside the Library for Class on Wednesday

On Wednesday, April 1, we will meet outside the entrance to the library on the 4th floor of the Atrium during our class time. One of our expert librarians will introduce the library and its useful research resources to you.

During the orientation to the library, we will have some time set aside to use the research tools that the librarian demonstrates to you. Your task during this part of class will be to use the Academic Search Complete database accessible from to look at articles relating to your field of study and your future career. Find at least one article that you would like to return to and read in detail as part of your research. In your notebook, write down information that will help you find the article again: it’s title, an author’s name, the journal’s title, the issue number, the date, and the page numbers. If you have time, you can download the article and attach it to an email to yourself for safe keeping, too. Before our next meeting, write a 250 word summary of the article (or perhaps another that you find through further research in the database) in your own words followed by an MLA-formatted bibliographic entry using the guide available on the Purdue OWL website (

7 thoughts on “Meet Outside the Library for Class on Wednesday

  1. PRM

    In the article written by Landice Wilson in Career Word, focuses on the many career opportunities offered in the field of diagnostic imaging. Radiologic technologists, sonographers, CT and MRI technologists all specialize in diagnostic imaging. Radiologic technologist diagnostic imaging equipment is the X-ray. The X-ray is used to take pictures of inside the body. The radiologic technologist directs all film developed to the radiologist, who then reads the findings to the patient. Because the x-ray equipment releases radiation, both the technician and the patient adhere to certain guidelines to reduce their exposure. In doing so, the radiologic technologist wears a film badge, which monitors and alerts the technician of the amount of radiation they are in contact with. As for the patient, they are given a lead shield to protect the parts of the body not being X-rayed. Sonographers specializes in sonography, or ultrasound. Sonographers use a small tool called a transducer and scans over an area of the body that needs imaging. The transducer uses sonar, an underwater radar, which reflects the captured images on a screen. This field’s equipment does not contain harmful radiation. CT and MRI technologists uses diagnostic imaging equipment in conjunction with computers. The similarity of these two fields is that they lie the patient in a tunnel and the equipment begins to take images in slices of the particular area. CT technologists’ equipment consist of a computed tomography and X-ray images. MRI technologists’ equipment consist of magnetic resonance imaging and their scanner uses magnets. These career opportunities don’t require a four year degree. One to two years vocational school and certification along with clinical and classroom experience will help you obtain a job in this field. Technologist work hours may vary, from working weekends to being on call. This allows flexibility in schedule. Aside from hospitals, there are job opportunities in outpatient imaging centers, doctor’s offices and research centers which makes demand for this job very competitive.

    Wilson, Landice. ” Examine a career in diagnostic imaging.” Career World Apr/May 98, Vol. 26 Issue 7, p21.

  2. momo phelps

    According to the article by Robert Beverly, engineering is one of the top paying jobs in the world. Job employment varies based upon what is required in today’s society. In today’s society, we mostly need engineers. Engineers have a better chance of employment after obtaining their bachelor degree because companies are seeking them. Most people in an engineer field get employed at least a year after their graduation. The reason why engineers have a high employment rate is because there are different kinds of engineers and there are always things to make, create and repair. I personally cannot imagine the world without engineers. The one I am really concerned about is Mechanical Engineering. It is ranked one of the most employed careers with an above average salary. Based on the article, Mechanical Engineers get paid a yearly salary of 80,000 dollars. This is more compared to the American average job’s salaries.

    Robert, Beverly. “Engineer Salaries: Good News, So-So News.” Editor’s Note August 2013. Print.

  3. S. Spencer

    In the article, authors Piotr and Matuesz Muryjas both discuss how the Internet is one of the most important source of the progress of small and medium-sized enterprises. In present day business, the global network is anticipated as the main channel for the marketing and sales of products and services. The presence in the network is so natural and obvious that most businesses tend to have both brick and water(department store) locations and online access to buy their products or service. The existence and expansion of business itself are an explanation of the importance it has on our lives. Business provides a lot of services to the human beings that highlight its significance. These services or products in the present are provided by entrepreneurs who organize, manage and assume the risk of starting businesses mainly for earning profit. As a student studying in Marketing Management and Sales it’s really beneficial to me and to those studying the same major as me because many people want to own their own business but don’t actually know how to. Although many individuals say you don’t really need a degree to have your own business I honestly think a person should have a degree because it shows that the person is educated and knows what he/she is doing. Also you would be dealing with a person’s financial or personal information. It’s just a better way to present yourself to future clients as your degree(s) are hanging proudly in your office to show that you’ve been educated before owning this organization. I will continue to go for my degree in Marketing Management and Sales because just gaining more information about what I’m actually getting myself into made me more of my major choice.


    Studies & Proceedings Polish Association for Knowledge Management. 2013, Issue 67, p70-83. 14p.

  4. Ayesha Javed

    The article “Computer engineering degrees pay off big time” by Brandon Butler talks about how the computer engineering graduates are one of the highest paid workers throughout the country. The data was analyzed to Brooking Institution. The students who have an engineering major are are rewarded with high paying jobs, successful career, and and strong earning potential throughout their career. Computer engineering is counted as the fourth highest earning degree according to data collected. Computer engineering studies refers to the study that integrates electronic engineering with computer sciences to design and develop computer systems and other technological devices. Computer engineering professionals have expertise in a variety of diverse areas such as software design, electronic engineering and integrating software and hardware.It also allows professionals to engage in a number of areas such as analyzing and designing anything from simple microprocessors to highly featured circuits, software design, and operating system development. Computer engineering is not limited to operating computer systems but is aimed at creating a broad way to design more comprehensive technological solutions.This article mainly talked about the pay of the person who has thsi degree and how it can benefit you. It also said that these engineers would be earning an average of $2.02 million throughout their career, and not only that but the top 10% of computer engineering majors earn more than $3.55 million. . Computer engineers have an average starting salary of $49,200, Hershbein found. In the later years of their career computer engineering graduates can earn $102,700 annually.

    Brandon Butler. “Computer engineering degrees pay off big time”. 8 October, 2014 : 3. Print.

  5. Jo

    In this article published by “Ashrae Journal”, it describes the various engineering field that is currently on top of the “engineering salary chart”. Engineering in general has been a huge competitor to many jobs in the job market, and will never lose demand in the future. The growth of engineering is skyrocketing and many more graduates are competing for jobs. Although the salary is great and the job placement is not a problem when graduating, I am pursuing computer engineering because I am passionate about the work I currently put on it, and will reflect even more when I am placed in a job with extensive workload. The article states that “56% of all graduates perform accounting, finance and contractual duties as a regular part of their jobs”, this is due to the extensive math and sciences that are learned, pursuing an engineering major. Even with a bachelor’s degree the rate of employment is high, but will only decrease as more competition and veterans in the field are competing for high rated jobs. No matter what type of engineering is pursued, it is in fact one of many jobs that will never run out of demand, and will only grow as more complex technology is invented.

    “Engineering Tops Salary Chart.” ASHRAE Journal 47.3 (2005): 6. Academic Search Complete. Web. 13 Apr. 2015

  6. Nicole J Lopez

    Mechanical Engineering is a broad career. Mechanical Engineers cover things from designing mechanical devices, develop the prototype, and testing the prototype out. They design, create and analyze machines on computers, whether it be for the entire machine or for a specific part. Mechanical Engineers usually work in industrial, architectural, electrical, research, development, and engineering services. They are also employed for automotive, machine manufacturing, and laboratory testing. Usually, in order to pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering, a bachelor’s degree is required. A degree in an ABET accredited program is needed. Mechanical Engineers must be creative, this way they can design and build complex machinery. Since they usually work in groups, they must also have good listening skills. They must have good math skills because of the amount of trigonometry and calculus that is used in this field. They must have good mechanical skills to be able to apply engineering concepts to their work. They must also have good problem solving skills. Engineers can be paid $50 to $80g as an annual salary, depending on the line of work they are in and pursuing. Because mechanical engineering is a broad field, it is one of the highest demanding. Many people are estimated to hire mechanical engineers in the near future. It is important for these engineers to know the latest in engineering tools and be proficient in using them. Most mechanical engineers are placed in machining, due to the fact machines are replacing manual labor in the job fields.

  7. Nicole J Lopez

    Mechanical Engineering is a broad career. Mechanical Engineers cover things from designing mechanical devices, develop the prototype, and testing the prototype out. They design, create and analyze machines on computers, whether it be for the entire machine or for a specific part. Mechanical Engineers usually work in industrial, architectural, electrical, research, development, and engineering services. They are also employed for automotive, machine manufacturing, and laboratory testing. Usually, in order to pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering, a bachelor’s degree is required. A degree in an ABET accredited program is needed. Mechanical Engineers must be creative, this way they can design and build complex machinery. Since they usually work in groups, they must also have good listening skills. They must have good math skills because of the amount of trigonometry and calculus that is used in this field. They must have good mechanical skills to be able to apply engineering concepts to their work. They must also have good problem solving skills. Engineers can be paid $50 to $80g as an annual salary, depending on the line of work they are in and pursuing. Because mechanical engineering is a broad field, it is one of the highest demanding. Many people are estimated to hire mechanical engineers in the near future. It is important for these engineers to know the latest in engineering tools and be proficient in using them. Most mechanical engineers are placed in machining, due to the fact machines are replacing manual labor in the job fields.
    “Mechanical Engineers.” Occupational Outlook Handbook. (2014-15), Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor

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