Writing My Brain Project by Angel Ramos


This project had me write down a days worth of thoughts and see if there was a pattern with my thoughts. After gathering these thoughts I was to write a paragraph about my thoughts to explain on why I had them and what I would like to be thinking about. After these thoughts I was to take pictures to represent my thoughts and what I would like to be thinking about. Finally I was write an essay representing myself 5 years from now and gathering these goals and explaining to my past self what I needed to do to be able to have the future I had set for myself.

Thinking in Writing:

Writing your thoughts at the bottom of every hour was no easy task despite how easy it sounds. I reviewed my thoughts and didn’t see a pattern. It would vary at the bottom of every hour but one thing i noticed about my thoughts it was more stress involved than pondering about random things. For example before I went to bed at 12:30 A.M. I was thinking about how I was going to work and go to school at the same time. I’d usually think about how I’m going to balance school and work once I was able to find a job so I can be more financially secure than just relying on financial aid from the state. I would’ve like to have been thinking about managing school work just alone because it’s been 3 years since I have really put my brain through the studying and deep thinking my classes make me do. I’m just thinking about my future after I have hopefully graduated from City Tech and earned up money along the way by working and attending college.

Thinking Visually:


This is the patriots logo a football team that recently won the superbowl. It represent my thoughts of sports and how much I watch it on television.



This twenty dollar bill represents my thought about money and how much I worry about paying for school and being able to support myself. Its a thought that happens a lot without me being aware about it.



My thoughts about video games is one I constantly try to suppress. Being in college after taking some time off is proving to be a difficult task for me since in my off time I’d spend the majority of my time playing video games.



This is the logo of a restaurant I used to work in as a food runner and busboy. It represents my thoughts about wanting to go back to work and save up money to be able to support myself while I attend college.



The City Tech logo represents a thought of how much I want to focus more on my classes. I want to improve my ability to focus on class assignments and be able to be successful.



My baby sister in her 2 year old birthday party on Valentines day. She represents what I want my thoughts to be about my family and to spend more of my time I have with her and the rest of my family.


Thinking Reflectively:

It is the year 2020 and I have graduated from City Tech. I have a well paying job in the electrical mechanical engineering field something I thought would change throughout my time in college. I’m living in a house with my family feeling great that I am sharing this success with my loved ones. It was tough road but I made it and I had to change the way my brain had thoughts throughout the day. I would tell my past self to change the way i think. Dedicate yourself more to your family and studies. Try to balance it by also having a part time job to earn up some money while in school. Make a list of the goals you want to achieve and the changes you want to see within yourself to be able to achieve the success I am at in the year 2020. I know you crave success and look where I am better yet look where we are, it sounds difficult but it is a challenge we will complete and win.


To attain the future i set myself five years from now I need to focus more on school. There are a lot of distractions that are hindering my ability to devote more time into my studies. Video games are the one of the major distractions that is holding me back from focusing more in school. Although it is a good way to distract myself from college work and not stressing myself a lot I need to regulate the amount of time I do spend on gaming. If i were to make a set amount of time during each week that I do spend playing video games I feel that it would help me focus more time on school. The City Tech logo I took a picture of is what I want my thought about spending more time being involved with my school assignments. Participating in class can help me be more involved and show my professors that I do want to succeed in their class. Spending time in the library would also help me read to stimulate my brain. If you need any help do not be afraid to reach out to people that can help you. Remember that having a tutor does not mean your slow but that you need help to learn and understand things that are taught within a classroom. If you do find yourself stressed out with school work by all means take some time in relieving that stress. Learn to work hard and have fun because stress is something that should not be brushed aside. In the long run this would be the first step to being able to achieve the success I myself five years from now. It is a challenge but I have overcome a lot of difficult situations that held me back from attending college but I manage to overcome them and I am a student at New York City College of Technology. If I want to be someone with the bright future I set myself in focusing more on school is the perfect way to start

Angel I know we would have thoughts about money a lot. The thought about not being financially secure is one that would keep us up at night. Instead of thinking about this take this as a sign that we need should look for a part time job. Save whatever money you make and manage your spendings. The picture of the Brendan’s Bar & Grill is the visual of what we want our thought to be. It is to be working again and gaining experience in the work field and the desire to feel financially secure. If you balance this out with college work this should be an indication that you do want to be successful and that you would work hard to achieve financial stability. Five years from now you will be using the things you learned in college with your electrical mechanical degree. Working a job that you are passionate about will be different from the job you had as a busboy/food runner. Remember those long nights and getting home at one or two in the morning after work. Having a nine to five job sounds a lot better than wearing yourself out working a job you do not like. Let this serve as motivation to network with people that work in the field you want to study. Creating relationships with people that work in the same field you want to be will motivate you to keep working hard to get the job that they have. These same relationships can also help you start your career shortly after graduating. Remember that after graduating a job will be waiting for us. This same job will thrust us into the path that we hope to see ourselves in.

Family is something that is very near and dear to us. Remember our thoughts about sports and video games. The time spent playing video games would often keep you from spending time with loved ones. Creating lies just to spend the night at home gaming. November 21,2014 we lost a friend way too early. This opened up our eyes about how time is precious and the amount of pain and tears one feels when they lose someone who originally thought would have more time to spend with. Your youngest sister is two years old and your parents are not getting any younger. Let this help you think more about your family and spend more time with them. The memories you create will last a lifetime and you will not feel as if there are things you wish you would have done. Living in a house alone is not how we picture ourselves so this success will humble us and have our family move in with us. Coming home to see your family after a days work is definitely better than coming to an empty house. Also having people to share your success will feel good especially if it is your family. Put aside the gaming and watching sports alone and spend more time with your family because they will be proud to see you successful in 2020 having graduated from college and working a job you love. Remember to stay humble and work hard because we both know that we hold the key to our future and no one can take that away from you.

Life has its obstacles but we have the power to break through those same obstacles and shape our future. Make goals in life that you would like to achieve and attain the success you desire. It requires a lot of work but remember nothing in life is handed to you. Work hard and do not give up while bettering yourself and the people around you, specifically your family that you love. The journey you take will help you achieve this success I have in the year 2020. Remember these changes I am telling you to make in your thoughts will break you out the prison that you feel you are in within your mind. These changes will thrust you into the path that will show the greatness and untapped potential that is hidden inside.