Project 1 is/was about expressing our thoughts in a coherent way. What I did for project 1 is I recorded one whole day of my thoughts. These thoughts were summarized into a coherent paragraph, pictures were taken to illustrate my thoughts. This formed the basis for elaboration which is the thinking in writing section, breaking my thoughts down into manageable chunks and elaborating on the scenarios of these thoughts and why I feel these are important; Further allowing me to refine my thoughts into a better future for myself.
Thinking in Writing:
For the last 24 hours I’ve been recording my thoughts. This recording of thoughts is easier said than done. The Thoughts are marked with a time as seen below; This is the transcript of my thoughts. Until today, I never realized the complexity of my thoughts and actions. I thoughts about my thoughts for a few days, and I come to the realization that my thoughts are in need of channeling Into something productive. Then I realize my mind is normally doing something, thoughts are like shadows or echoes. My thought directly relate to the actions I take. Who would have thought that thoughts would be so important not just to my life but to the people around me.I come to realize that my thoughts tend to revolve around school, entertainment, myself, and the people around me. I then come to realize the mediocrity of it all. I visualize myself, my standing in human existence, I think, I’m insignificant, now, how do I change that? I also realize a 5 day a week school schedule is for me, the most effective way to study. My obsessive playing of video games could lead to some off color thoughts, I should ration my time just a bit better. As for tv, I give thought to how little of it I actually watch. As for school, it’s basically the same old grind that I have gotten used to all my life, wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, got to school, few hours of work, lunch, next few hours, go home, do homework, dinner, watch tv/ video games, unwind, rinse and repeat. Life tends to be a never ending cycle of day and night. My thoughts include the past to predict and possibly change the future. Now I remember, I really need to find a way to channel my thoughts into something constructive. That is this project. How can I change these thoughts? How can I improve the effects of these thoughts on my life? Who would be a good person to ask about my thoughts? Why do these patterns of thought appear? That is what I have been asking myself all my life, now what if I share the same thoughts as someone else? Now I question whether things in life are necessary, education, things of the like, more on this in a few years.
Thinking Visually:
This is the visual representation of my thoughts. My thoughts are clouded;These clouds are pollution, fallacies,dreams,emotions, and sometimes other thoughts. Maybe I should take more time to think about my thoughts
Imagine I am standing on the ground looking at the tip of that building. The tree as I came to realize is the barrier or hurdle between me and success. That building is where I should be thinking, right now, I would be lucky to be beyond the tree in terms of my path to success
I am looking towards Manhattan. I see my future in technology. That is where I think I should be.
I tend to think about people a lot; I am a person thinking about my fellows. Other people are like sources for information whether it be true or gossip. This is where many of my thoughts lie, the people around me.
This is a picture of a clear sky with three power line. These lines are clear thoughts and to me represent prowess. This is why I should think about “clearing my head” more often, it enhances my thoughts.
This picture is representative of my life, twists and turns; many possibilities. There are many things in life I could have done differently. I can say now that I am happy about where I am in life, I feel as if I belong.
Thinking Reflectively:
The first thing I want to think about is my future, my successes. I am Connor Kempf, Computer Engineering Technology student at New York City College of Technology between 2014 and 2019. I know was a person I have some imagination/ thoughts(Insert Pic). I know I am interested in computers and technology in general, I have been for quite a while. As for hobbies, these relate to my interests, illicit sometimes but still my hobbies; Gaming, Hacking and things of the like. I like to test boundaries whether it be online or in person. My future (after 2019) is likely a job in the engineering field, my first real job. Switching to my future self, five years from when I wrote this, a few questions come to mind. What could I have done differently? I asked myself three questions during the writing of this essay, why am I me?, Who am I really?, What is next for me? I am Me, Myself and I, take it or leave it this is who I am. I’ve always attempted to pursue my dreams, to do what is possible. A message to my 2015 self; be who you are, keep it up, succeed, future, be yourself, and how bad will this all hurt? In 2015, I am me, in 2020 you are me five years in my future. Looking Forward, I wonder what that year holds for me. As a person both you and me are part of history, by part I mean small snippet. Take what is given or allowed and run with it.
I can only imagine what kind of person I will be in five years.I can see that in five short years, I will be a employee of a big electronics consulting firm. I have not decided where I will work but I know the industry I will be in. An obvious necessity is a job, it does not have to be a great job at first. I have only been out of college for a year in 2020. I knew when I started college in August of 2014 that I was committed for at least four years, but I soon discovered that if I wanted to work at my own pace, I would need an extra year, pushing my graduation to this year 2020 instead of 2019. With a job comes money, with money comes a place to live, with a place to live comes the future. I give thought to 2020, I am going to be my own person by then. If I was talking to my previous self, I would tell myself to stay on the correct path, you know what it is, only accept perfection, and be yourself. I know now looking into the future that I must succeed, if I do not there is the possibility of me being destitute which I will not accept. I am Connor Kempf, a Computer Engineering Student at New York City College Of Technology. I am currently in my first year of college. As of today, I do not have a job,I am looking for one. The complication is that college must come first. A few years from now, I move on with my life. I become a productive member of society with future employment in , I envision myself being in the technology field.
One question I asked myself during the writing of this essay is why am I me? That is an interesting question as I have advanced myself a bit intellectually, psychologically, maybe some other ways that I still have not figured out yet. I enjoy working on technology; testing the boundaries and experimenting with it. This is probably why I have chosen a technology career. When choosing my career, I thought about the education that would be required if I want to get hired by a company in the field. I knew I would be committed to going to college for a bachelors degree. I knew in middle school but I wanted to go into technology. Then came high school, I went to Information Technology High School, which specializes in career training in the technology field. In the four years that I was in high school, learning about technology and other stuff, I realized how much I enjoyed my choice of career. This is probably why I continued my education past high school, what people don’t realize is I actually enjoy learning, it improves me as a person. I could draw reference to the pictures of clouded and clear thought. My life is full of thoughts. I feel as if school has helped me harness my thoughts and imagination; channeling it into something I can use in my life. My thoughts can be clouded or clear, it depend on the thoughts and on what is prompting that thoughts. I never realized before beginning work on this project how complex my thoughts actually were. I believe before I came to college I was a bit too passive. I never really gave a second thought to my thoughts. What if I had invented something? I doubt I would be here if that was the case. Honestly, I am me, and I am content with where I am, who I associate with on a daily basis. Learning about things in general is something I enjoy, I have never really taken the initiative to learn about myself, let alone my thoughts.
Recently, I recorded a day of thoughts. There were three main thoughts, one thought was me here now, and how it pertains to me. As a college student, I’m obliged to take courses, increase my knowledge, and established my “profile”. My profile is simply what people might see, not just my resúmé, but what I know, who I know, my drive to succeed. Another way of describing a profile is what the world thinks of you. I am still learning about technology, even though I have learned through high school and even in middle school. My learning is not complete; I aspire to know as much as I possibly can about technology and in general every day life. My reasoning for this, it is complicated. I want to see how good I can do in society. I don’t have any estimation but I know that I must at least advance beyond where I am today. This thought could be described by two photos, the one of me looking up towards the building and the one looking towards Manhattan. These photos to me represent my future and higher education is the building block upon which I will succeed. This success to me is being the CEO of some multi-billion dollar technology firm. I aspire one day to achieve this goal. As for 2020, I know I need to find work, hopefully in the technology field
The final thought that came to me on my day if thoughts was my thoughts themselves. This may sound odd but I have taken time to think about my thoughts. Switching to my 2020 self, I can describe my thoughts as snippets, little bits of information coursing through my mind. My thoughts can be contaminated by my emotions which is why I have taken time to think about my thoughts and how to better understand both why I think of these things and how to improve the usage of whatever mental capacity I have. My emotions and/or life events can challenge my thoughts. It is abnormal for me to describe my thoughts, I find it a little bit uncomfortable. I did not realize before writing this paper that my thoughts could be so complex. Why is it that I have not thought about my thoughts with this much detail during prior times. Something I neglected was my thoughts about the past. These thoughts are questions. I am questioning my past decisions to see what I could have done differently and how to improve said thoughts. Something I could have done differently were my grades in high school, employment, and finishing the technology certifications I started back in high school. I know as a human that I have made mistakes but I wish to improve what I have done so far and be the best person i can be. I ask myself each day what could I have changed or done differently to improve my day to day life? This could be represented by the photo of me on the road looking around a bend. This bend is a turning point in my life. It is illustrative of the twisting path of my life. I don’t know where the path will end or where but I know that I am on my path. I hope this path takes me to success, at least I will be happy with myself knowing my life has went somewhere. A message to my 2015 self: Succeed, Imagine, Explore, Innovate, and for crying out loud, be yourself, no matter what anyone may tell you.
What have I learned about my thoughts and how may this affect my decision making? I have learned exactly how astronomically complex my thoughts are. The thoughts themselves could be significant such as my future or rather insignificant, what should I have for lunch? These thoughts I feel are reflective of me both over time and day to day. I believe my life has a lot left to be done within it. I cannot predict my future or anyone’s future for that matter, but I can infer that my life has time left and I have things that I want to or have to do. I wonder what the future holds for me, hopefully technology. My life is just beginning, I must live it.