“I see the future”, by Mohammad A.Diakite

  1. Introduction :

In this project, I took a full day to record my thoughts. In all those thoughts, I chose six different thoughts to write about and I use personal pictures to support each one of them.  Step by step, I wrote a 1250 words essay talking about how those thoughts will help me achieve my goal five years from now.


  1. Thinking in writing:

I am really confused about my current job. I hate it most of time, but there was something special about Saturday, February 07, 2015. I was at the pool around 9-10:30 am and I was telling myself that teaching people how to swim is great. I was excited because I was about to teach one of my classes like I always do. I usually tell people that I hate my job, I hate teaching, I hate kids and I hate being in the water, but I actually love those things. I guess on this day, I revealed my true personality on paper. That day I was honest with myself and my opinion came straight from the heart.

On that same day I realized that I like those kids. When I saw a kid almost drown, it dawned on me the importance of teaching them how to survive in the water. Without those kids, I wouldn’t have a job; I wouldn’t do what I really love to do and wouldn’t be who I am today. This job does not only help me to get money, but it also prepares me for the future. Although I am not currently a parent, it prepares to be one. Not just a regular parent, but a parent who can handle kids with disabilities. It also puts me on the right path for who I want to be in the future. It would seem that this job prepares me for my future more than college does.

Is going to college really necessary? I have known and heard of numerous successful people who didn’t go to college. Being successful isn’t just being rich, it is being who you wanted to be. For me personally the thought runs through my mind to not attend college and hope that I am lucky enough to still be successful. However, in today’s society, I know that with a college education, I have better chances to succeed in life.


  1. Thinking visually:


My dream job. Working as a United States Coast Guard.


Do I need to go to college to be successful? Am I wasting my time? Is it worth it?



With one of my most amazing swimmer. Today was her last day of class with me. Her parents wanted a picture with me.



I love my job. They made me feel special on the day of my birthday.




My favorite role, teaching kids how to swim. I love changing lives.



Swimming is my favorite hobby. It is the root of my success and the source of my joy.

4.      Thinking reflectively:                       

Growing up I always wanted to protect and help people. When offered the option to volunteer to help people, I never refused and I was always willing to teach someone else the skills that I am good at. I spent most of my life in the Ivory Coast, which is located in West Africa. Most people over there speak French, so I didn’t have any other choice then to get adapted to the language and culture. When I came back to the United States in 2011, I have to adjust to the language and the culture all over again. I thought that I will never be able to achieve my goals because of the language barrier. My first major goal was to become a lifeguard and swimming instructor. My life changed once that goal was achieved. I am dedicated and always happy that people are learning from me because I have been learning from others all my life. Now that I’ve reached my first major goal, I am in the process of reaching my second major goal. Five years from now, I see myself as a United States Coast Guard Officer. It was important that I achieve this goal during that time since to become a United States Coast Guard, you must be a U.S citizen or resident alien who is between 18 and 27 years old. To become who I want to be, I will have to work hard in school, exercise regularly and stay out of trouble. I cannot be involved in anything illegal or any criminal activity which is why I will continue attending college, to work towards getting my bachelors degree. I will also exercise, work as a lifeguard, swimming instructor and stay out of trouble. In this essay, I will highlight the pros and cons of becoming a United States Coast Guard Officer.

Attending college will not only be beneficial to me but will open up the doors to many opportunities. College is my main challenge at the moment and it will be my main challenge for the next three years. However, attending college plays an important role in my preparation to be a Coast Guard and it gives me a better chance of success in the future. To become a United States Coast Guard Officer, I need to have a high school diploma or a general education development (GED), and attend college for at least four years with a good Grade Point Average (GPA). Attending college and maintaining a good GPA is better than the high school diploma and GED since it proves that I am well educated, dedicated and I am willing and capable to serve my country. The reason why the recruiters are interested in people who attended college for at least four years is because college is a tough life-changing process. If someone was able to complete college with a good GPA, the Coast Guard thinks that they will be the right candidate. Since it proves that the person is ambitious, strong, a fighter and someone who does not quit during hard time. While attending college reduces my time for personal activities and I am overwhelmed with homework. I ensure that I study frequently in order to get good grades. Before college began, I was able to exercise (especially swim) daily, hang out with friends and sleep. Unfortunately, it is the other way around now. I do not exercise and spend time with friends as much. While I miss all those exiting activities with my friends, I always remember to keep my eyes on the prize. I spend most of my time studying, doing homework and preparing for classes.

Exercise, as many people out there refuse to do, is a very important factor of health and long life. Exercising is a key to my success. However, it is not an easy thing to do, but I am facing this challenge like any other challenge. Exercising plays an important role in my preparation to be a Coast Guard Officer. To become a United States Coast Guard Officer, I need to be physically fit, have endurance, a high energy level, and flexibility which can be obtained by doing regular exercise. During the initial Coast Guard training, they do daily fitness activities, swimming drills and other activities to make recruits physically and mentally prepared for life in the Coast Guard.This is why my main area of focus in exercising is swimming. The Coast Guard focuses on border patrol and waterway activities, like rescues, searches, law enforcement and environmental cleanup operations in the United States coasts,etc. The recruiters ensure that the candidates are able to save and not be saved by someone else. Since I started exercising, I have felt strong, energetic and healthy. I rarely get sick or have the need to visit the hospital. Exercising is what I do to relieve myself of the daily stresses such as school work, work and family issues. Although I am not exercising as much as I did before college began, I am still exercising regularly whenever I can, in order to stay fit. At this stage in my life I cannot blame a challenge over another one. When I have a busy school and work schedule, I still have to be able to exercise regularly.

Luckily my job requires me to both work to get paid and it is a form of exercise for me. My job is the best job a swimmer can ever ask for. Working as a lifeguard and swimming instructor makes me a fit and responsible young man. Since I began working, my interactions and communication skills with people from all over the world has improved. I am able to interact with people from different countries, with different languages and personalities and I am able to solve problems and handle difficult situations independently. I think of lifeguarding as a smaller version of the Coast Guard. Both jobs have the same objectives. They are both focused on water safety except that the Coast guard is more into Homeland Security. This job encourages me to become a Coast Guard Officer. It gives me the authority to tell people around the pool area what not to do or do, which brings out my leadership skills and makes me a more mature individual who is willing to help others even if it requires sacrifices.

In conclusion, I will do whatever it takes to accomplish my goal. While my goal requires great sacrifices and dedication from me, I know at the end that it will pay off. I will always give a hundred and ten percent on anything I do. For example, when I visit the gym, I have to set goals to meet by a certain date and create an effective workout plan for my gym. At this point in my life, time is a limited factor for me, thus I cannot waste any of it. To meet my goals, I will continue being on the right path. I will ensure I attend college, try my best to maintain above the grade point average, and I will take my current job seriously because it promotes positive behaviors and work ethics that will describe the kind of person I am around others. As a future coast guard officer, I need to be a person who knows how to interact with others in a professional way. As a coast guard officer I need to be a good leader, and now is the best time to learn how to be a great leader. As long that I keep up with the good job, I will accomplish my second goal and continue striving to do the best on anything I do.