Reading: “Critical Concepts”

At the beginning of class, you will have ten minutes to write a summary of your reading for today’s class on “Critical Concepts.”

Before our next class, use Microsoft Word or another word processor to type your handwritten notes into a more formal summary. Make corrections to your handwritten writing as you type. Save your work on your computer, flash drive, cloud storage, etc. Always keep backups of your work.

Then, go to this blog post and scroll down to the comment box. Copy-and-paste your typewritten summary into a comment. Post your comment. To verify that your comment has posted successfully, to the Dashboard > Comments. It is each student’s responsibility to verify that his or her work posts successfully.

10 thoughts on “Reading: “Critical Concepts”

  1. connorkempf

    Communication is the lifeblood of human existence. We talk or write to communicate our emotions, or thoughts. Communication relies on 2 concepts: 1. “Communication is rhetorical” and 2. “Communication is multimodal” . Multimodal communication can be described by an acronym “WOVEN” which stands for Written, Oral, Verbal, Electronic, Non Verbal. These are the types of communication employed to present information, arguments or thoughts. Non verbal communication is unique in that it could mean body language or clothing you might be wearing. The concept of multimodal communication involves writing,speaking,sight,electronic communication and body language. Rhetorical communication pertains to argument or rhetoric. The term rhetoric can be described by three principles: 1. Your credibility as a writer, designer, or speaker 2. Logic in arguments and presentation 3. Emotion, expressed or implied. The 2 concepts, rhetorical communication and multimodal communication pertain to many aspects of everyday life. People talking to each other will often use persuasion such as when making an argument or getting someone to do something. The best way to describe human communication is “People agree to disagree”. There will always be arguing in society, it is perpetual. The existence of humanity relies on arguments, without this, society would simply not be what it is. The knowledge or intellect of a person would be different. Knowledge not pertaining to that person would likely not be shared without some argument or statement being made. Arguments are used to sway opinion either for or against a subject. People normally listen to 2 or more arguments and pick a side. When given a second thought, most if not all knowledge is simply arguments or our interpretation of arguments. Communication itself defines what a person knows, thinks, or says. Humans extracts information from arguments and retain what they feel is important. Communication could be described as tactical in every sense, what is stated could be expressed in a number of ways, these are the tactics. Communication is all we have in the end, it is our entertainment, news source, and a way to tell others what we think or how we feel.

  2. Beaton

    The excerpt from GeorgiaTech explains different concepts of communication. The first concept is rhetoric. According to the excerpt, people use rhetorical strategies to argue that their point of view is appropriate. The second concept is multimodal. Communication is used in a written, oral, visual, and nonverbal matter, or WOVEN. A WOVEN approach emphasizes ways communication can help build confidence and assurance in individuals. A rhetoric approach emphasizes self reflection, tactical, and strategic decisions in communication.

  3. Joshua Marquez

    The text shown revolves around the basics of critical concepts. The article explains the two basic concepts which is “Communication is rhetorical and it is multimodal”. These two critical concepts explain and show how important and impacting these concepts are. It’s also important because it will change your experience and the way of thinking when writing. The first critical concept that the text explains is “Communication is rhetorical”. The concept shows the way persuasion is a very effective tool when it comes to writing and trying to convince your audience when there is an argument. The second critical concept is “it is multimodal”. Communication is Multimodal or WOVEN. Written, Oral, Visual, Electronics, and Nonverbal. The text explains what WOVEN is and how it is to be applied to our writings or presentations and such. Written explains what it means to be a good writer and shows the basis of writing such as reading. Oral shows the ways to strengthen your capability of listening and responding well when giving oral presentations. Visual explains how to be “visually competent” such as designing web sites or interpreting and using visuals in documents. Electronics widens your knowledge of today’s technology and media. Nonverbal teaches you how to use your body and your five senses and to apply them to your presentation or audience such as using gestures, eye contact, facial expressions, and etc. These two critical concepts truly give the best guidelines to being a good writer and speaker.

  4. Jo

    The except from Woven text “The student handbook from Georgia tech writing and communication program” consist of basic steps to create a well written, coherent piece of writing. Two basic concepts that are mentioned were “Communication is rhetorical” and “Multimodal”. When a piece of writing is “Rhetorical” its to engage the audience with persuasion for a situation. Persuasion can be achieved thru using appeals that construct logical and credible argument to convince the audience to enhance the writing. These 3 appeals are called “ethos”, “logos”, and “pathos”. “Ethos” is based on the writers credibility and reputation, “Logos” is based on the argument’s logic, and “Pathos” is based on emotion of an argument.

  5. Amir

    According to a text from “Georgia Tech’s Writing and Communication Program”, it focuses a fundamental idea of communication by explaining rhetoric, and multimodal approach; which allows writers to write proficiently and present professionally. There are two critical concepts listed in the text, “Communication is rhetorical” and “Communication is multimodal”. Rhetorical concept mainly focuses by arguing persuasively. A good persuasion must consist of “logical and credible argument” to capture the audience attention. Because it has great focus on the audience, the writer’s ability on what his argument is, must be well constructed with purposes, evidence, language, and organization. A Multimodal concept is a communication through various form of presenting information. It abbreviates WOVEN, which means, Written, Oral, Visual, Electronic, and Nonverbal. It emphasis mostly on how the information is going to be presented through different forms of communication. For example, a Nonverbal communication does not involve any words. Instead, it focuses on the body language such as eye contact, posture,and gestures. Electronic allows you to adapt to many forms of digital communication. Visual communication involves strategic visuals that portrays your presentation. Oral communication focuses on clear and logic presentation. Written communication focuses on picking clever technique to become a great writer. Overall, these concepts certainly helps prepare to any individual to be more confident in how they write and how they present.

  6. PRM

    Based on the reading, “Critical Concepts,” the reading focuses on communication and the two basic but critical concepts, rhetorical and multimodal.
    When communication is rhetoric, it is being persuasive in which you communicate, whether its how you write or what you say, to a particular group of people in a particular setting. When being persuasive, you want to have a believable argument geared to an audience you’re trying to convince that your point of view is appropriate.
    When communication is multimodal, you can express your ideas how you chose via WOVEN, (W)ritten, (O)ral, (V)isual, (E)lectronic, and (N)on-verbal.

  7. Moises

    There are some easy ways to capture an audience’s attention. There are two ways in fact and in learning these types of communications one can evolve their writing skills greatly.This week’s assigned reading was based on these types of communication, rhetoric and multimodal. I was surprised to find out rhetoric communication is a way of writing to persuade a certain type of audience in a certain situation. My initial thought had me believe that rhetoric communication had a completely different meaning. Rhetoric communication spawns all the way back since ancient greece. Since those times there has been three appeals that seem to work to make a good argument. Those include your reputation and credibility as a writer, the logic of your argument, and the emotion of your argument. When using rhetoric communication one must also ask themselves questions to improve on their persuasion. One such question can be, what kind of language should I use to grasp my audiences attention?

    Another form of communication would be multimodal. Multimodal or WOVEN communication is way to choose how you want to express your argument. WOVEN stands for, Written, Oral, Visual, Electronic, Nonverbal. Mastering these skills will improve one’s skills exceptionally . Someone should be a good writer so they can captivate their audience simply through their writing skills and express their ideas easily. When speaking to an audience they should be able to catch their audiences attention and also listen to their questions or inputs and answer accordingly. A person should also understand how to include images or designs into their work and create entire pages with images included with ease. Electronically there shouldn’t be a problem using digital media to communicate and use new media as they evolve. Nonverbal communications seems more useless than the other skills but is very important. It mostly includes your body language and how you express yourself to the audience through facial expressions, volumes or even clothes.
    Rhetoric and Multimodal communication are two great stepping stones to evolve your writing and communication skills to the max.

  8. alejandroco

    The two major concepts of communication were introduced to us to better improve our respective skills as readers and writers, speakers and communicators. One of those concepts is that communication is “rhetoric”, which deals with the way people “make what they write, say, or design persuasive for a particular audience in a particular situation”. The excerpt states that in order to present a persuasive argument, one must possess three appeals; “ethos”, based off one’s “reputation and credibility as a writer, speaker, or designer”, “Logos”, based off of “the logic of your argument”, and “Pathos”, based off of “the emotion of your argument”.

    The other major concept is that communication is “multimodal”, which simply means the manner that you choose to express your ideas. Multimodal communications are broken down in the acronym W.O.V.E.N. W for writing, O for oral, which would be speaking and listening, V for visuals, which means to be able to interpret and/or design visual images, E for electronics/ digital media, and N for nonverbal, such as body language, vocal expression, spatial distance, clothing, etc.

  9. Melo

    I can not remember mush about the writing assignment. I should ask my professor if i can use my mobile phone because I wrote all my notes there. All I can remember is that the person who wrote the paper was talking about a bunch of rules to become a better writer but I always wonder if all the the rules we create really make sense. Whether, applying all the rules will help me on the long run, it could be that it will but Some times maybe I do not know how to take advantage of the resources in front of me. I think one of my problems is that I think i worried too much about my grammar which I think is very important.

  10. Shawn Williams

    There are a lot of ways to communicate. The meaning of communication is to “give information about (something) to someone by speaking,writing,moving your hands.” So the article of Critical Concepts explains how different modes of communication such as; writing,oral,visual,electronic and non verbal.
    I find that if you’re able to incorporate all of these elements in your speech then it will enhance and greatly convey your message. Studies show that without communication relationships don’t last long. Even animals communicate whether it’s oral ,non verbal or visual.

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