Exploring City Tech’s Computer Engineering at City Tech and a career in Electrical Engineering by Norman Levy.

My name is Norman Levy and I am currently a student at New York City College of Technology (City Tech) studying Computer Engineering. This is the best career path for me because there are job opportunities available due to the fact that technology is always changing. There are options available for me to further my education and also the salary, which are the benefits that will support my lifestyle and family. In this essay, I will discuss the background and context of Computer Engineering, support my argument with three paragraphs of supporting evidence, describe how to prepare for this career and finally list my sources of evidence.

Vorhees hall the technology building

Vorhees Hall (Technology Building)

This paragraph is about the general research that i conducted about my major and career choice. Electrical Engineering is a good career choice for me because there are always job opportunities available, this is due to the fact that technology is always changing. City Tech Course Catalog 2014-2015 states that, “Manufacturers and users of computers and electromechanical equipment are potential employers of graduates. Among the employers of the graduates of this program are IBM, Verizon, Con Edison, Canon, Eastman Kodak, The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Xerox Corp, and the Elevator Industry” (City Tech 230). I learned a lot of things in this major. The requirements to be in it is to have an Associates Degree in Electromechanical Technology which is also offered at City Tech. I learn how to build programs, measure resistance, current and voltage (which is really dangerous), and many more interesting course. I want to use the education that i received here to work well with co-workers in the future and also to know exactly what I’m doing at all times.

Electromechanical class

Electromechanical Class


I love my major very much and I will do my best to see this through to the end. There are a lot of job opportunities available in this career path. According the article Computer Engineers by, Moncarz, Roger states “There will always be an increasing need for computer engineers by many large industries, such as government agencies, manufacturers of computer related electronic equipment’s, and colleges and university”. There are wide varieties of jobs available for this major in which you can choose a job that focuses mainly on your strengths and succeed at that or choose a job that focuses  on your strengths and weaknesses, but having good communication skills in which you can work together to solve problems and in that process you will learn things you didn’t even know you could do.

There is always a chance or opportunity for me to further my knowledge in this major/field and also my position in the workplace. According to the article from the school library, Differences between the personal, social and emotional profiles of teaching and computer engineering professionals and students, states that “emotional intelligence and personality traits are important qualities that workers need in order to successfully exercise a profession”. In which the right attitude and drive to work and learn in the workforce you will pick up a few tips and tricks added to your knowledge that will aid you in either completing a job or to better your future in your career path which can lead to receiving a promotion or the possibility to further your education which can lead to a raise in your work status and pay.

Finally the fact of the salary. The benefits which are very appealing to me that will support my lifestyle and family. According to the article Computer Engineers by Moncarz, Roger, Computer Engineers states, “computer engineers with a bachelors degree have a higher starting salaries than do bachelor degree graduates in many other fields”. Electrical Engineer salary in the (US) most of them are men. In this career path you can earn an average salary of $70,000 a year. The pay is also determined by what education level you are and also the amount of experience you have in this field. How well you can work with others is also another fact that can determine your pay.

To prepare for my career path in this major i went to my adviser Prof. O. Kwon whom I respect very much as he’s been a huge help to me. I ask a lot of questions about things im not sure about and also to ask for tips and what did he do to to prepare himself back then for this career and asked for pointers. I also held group sessions with friends to discuss what new things we learned in class and share it with others and if we have any problems we help each other example, I had problems with soldering, which is the melting of a compound to connect wires to switches etc. I couldn’t hold my hands straight and could not get a clean job done but with help from my friends they showed me step by step and eventually I got it. In college it will not help to be antisocial, so a personal tip from me to all of you out there, make good friends in college, it will aid you greatly.

Learning electrical circuits

Prof. O. Kwon teaching Electrical Circuitry

Go down this career path for the love that you have for it. Six-figure salaries are achievable after many years of education, such as for lawyers, who require four years of law school after college, or for doctors, who have four years of medical schools, and three to eight years of residency. Computer engineers can start on the high-earning path with only a four-year bachelor’s degree for most entry-level positions. A master’s degree can increase pay by 16 percent, according to the 2011 degree salary survey by Georgetown University. Students also develop the useful skill of computer programming, since software knowledge is needed for engineers to get their computer hardware components to function. In addition, they can gain practical experience in school through internships or co-ops. Professionals in computer engineering will not want for jobs, with an expected average growth rate of 9 percent from 2010 to 2020, according to the statistics bureau. Though the outsourcing of computer manufacturing to foreign countries may affect employment, many companies are now contracting out their hardware designs. This provides opportunities for those working in computer consulting firms. From their present positions, hardware engineers who gain experience or show administrative acumen can become computer managers, who enjoy greater challenges, more responsibility, and higher pay. As of 2011, computer managers made an average $129,350 per year, or $62.29 per hour.

Works Cited

Kwon, Oh. Personal Interview. 5 Dec. 2014

Moncarz, Roger, “Computer Engineers” Web.3 Dec 2014

Pertegal-Felices, Maria L. “Differences between the personal, social and emotional profiles of teaching and computer engineering proffesionals and students”. Web. 3Dec 2014

United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dept of Labor. 8 Jan 2014. Web. 30 Nov 2014

New York City College of Technology. (City Tech). Course Catalog 2013-2014.2014. PDF. 230. 30 Nov 2014

Kirschnoff, Peter B. “Engineers today”. New York Times. 30 Nov 2014. Web. 5 Dec 2014

Levy, Norman “Learning electrical circuits”. Flickr. 6 Dec 2014

Levy, Norman “Vorhees hall the technology building”. Flickr. 6 Dec 2014

Levy, Norman “Electromechanical class”. Flickr. 6 Dec 2014


“Exploring City Tech’s Liberal Arts and Arts major at City Tech and a Career in becoming a Psychologist by Raya Tous.”

Psychologist in the Making

My name is Raya Tous and I am a student at New York City College of Technology (City Tech) the purpose of this paper is that I am reflecting on my major. As of now, I am a Liberal Arts and Arts major. In the future, I plan to transfer from City Tech to attend Brooklyn College where I will major in psychology. Psychology is the study of the human mind and behavior. My goal is to become a counseling psychologist. This is the best career for me, because I want to try and help as many people as I can and advise them on how to deal with their problems. Additionally, this is the best career for me, because I would love to reach out to as many people as I can and help them overcome any disorder. I want to be there for people who think there is no way out of life except for death. Furthermore, this is the best career for me because I love being there for people and showing people that sometimes regardless of what they go through there is always a positive side towards life. In this essay I will explain the career life of a psychologist.

The Next step of my Journey after leaving City Tech

The City Tech Course Catalog of 2013-2014 explains exactly what classes I need and what my learning outcomes will be in the Liberal Arts and Arts major. The Course Catalog explains that the learning outcomes will be “Effective oral and written communication skills, Team work and problem solving skills Foundations in computer and information literacy, with critical thinking skills, for lifelong learning, Improved ability to communicate in a foreign language and fundamental knowledge of the culture of native speakers, Fundamental knowledge of history and Fundamental knowledge of the behavioral and social sciences” (City Tech, 92). While being in the Liberal Arts and Arts at City Tech it introduced me to college. Also, it gave me an option to transfer credits for other schools and other programs. What I wish to do with my education at City Tech is continue it in Brooklyn College. I will enter a bachelor’s degree program for psychology at Brooklyn College since City Tech Doesn’t offer a bachelor’s degree in psychology.

 The Liberal Arts and Arts department

Counseling psychologist is the best career for me, because I want to try and help as many people as I can and advise them on how to deal with problems. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook explains that “counseling psychology advise people on how to deal with their problems” (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1). Therapists advise people on how to deal with problems. They help patients understand problems, including issues at home, at the workplace, or in their community. Through counseling, they work with patients to identify their strengths or resources they can use to manage problems. Psychologists must be able to demonstrate patience, because research or treatment of patients may take a long time. They must also be patient when dealing with people who have mental or behavioral disorders. This is also a good career for me because I have a lot of patience.

Next, counseling psychologist is the best career for me because I want to reach out to many people and help them overcome any disorder they are going through. In the journal article “Outcomes of Introduction to the Psychology Major: Careers and Opportunities Course’ by Roscoe, Lauren J. says that “when becoming a psychologist the outcome of it is to know how to deal with patients with many behavioral or personality disorders” (Lauren J, 2). The journal article also mentions that “you must keep patients’ problems in confidence as a psychologist, and patients must be able to trust a psychologists’ expertise in treating sensitive problems” (Lauren J, 4). It also explains that “in order for the psychologist to be able to see an outcome, the psychologist have to treat their patients as their friends and sometimes as their own family members” (Lauren J, 5). These quotes explain that upon becoming a psychologist you will have to be prepared to reach out to your patients and become a friend to them.

Finally, counseling psychology is the best career for me because I love being there for people and showing people that sometimes regardless of what they go through there is always a positive side towards life. In the magazine article “Your journey into Psychology” by Ella Rhodes, she explains that “studying psychology isn’t only for the purpose of a degree and end up sitting on a couch, talking to people all day”. This quote explains that when you become a psychologist it’s going to be hard and complicated because there are some people that are going to come to you and want to commit suicide. This quote also means that becoming a psychologist means that you might be saving many peoples lives. In the New York Times article “Where Mentally Ill Turn” by Charles A. Kroloff, he explains in this article that Psychologists must have strong communication skills because they spend much of their time listening to and speaking with patients. He also states that the mentally ill turn to the psychologists or therapists so they can get some help.

I talked to my advisor in the Liberal Arts and Arts Department of City Tech in room P616 to learn and prepare more about my career. My advisor Dr. Barlow Helped me out to realize when I would be done with my educational life and go onto my career life. Dr. Barlow advised me to go onto my master’s degree. He told me “although it might be hard work it will be all worth it in the end” (Barlow, Interview). He also advised me to finish my bachelor’s degree. When I finish my bachelor’s degree I will have completed 120 credits. Dr.Barlow explained that I will graduate with a degree of psychology by fall semester of 2017 if stay on track with my credits. Dr.Barlow also stated that to graduate in fall semester 2017 I have to at least take 4-5 classes a semester. Dr. Barlow said that I have to maintain a 3.0 gpa or 3.3 gpa. I can finally say that Dr.Barlow helped me a lot in knowing what I should do with my educational life and career life.

Discussing my future with Dr. Barlow

If you are interested in psychology and want to become a psychologist, I say go for it! Always go for what you want to do and not focus on the money. While, The Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook states that psychologists with a master’s degree earn around $69,280 per year, but the reward comes from savings someone’s life. Being there for people who need it the most is the best feeling in the world. Just knowing that you can be the reason someone doesn’t commit suicide is heartwarming and beautiful. Regardless of the money if you love being there for people and you want to help people who have psychological disorders then psychology is the major for you. Psychology might not be interesting to many people but to me I find psychology a very interesting and attention grabbing topic because sometimes when we read these articles of how someone pushed another person in front of the train we see them as “wow they’re crazy” but sometimes it’s more than that, what if the person is mentally ill? Wouldn’t you want to help them? Psychology to me is saving a life. I chose my life journey, chose yours.

Work cited

Barlow, Aaron. Personal Interview. 27 Nov. 2014

Kroloff, Charles A. “Where Mentally Ill Turn”. New York Times. 29 Nov 2014. Web. 5 Dec 2014

Lauren J, Roscoe. ”Outcomes of Introduction to the Psychology Major: Careers and opportunities course.” Web. 30 Nov 2014

New York City College of Technology. (City Tech). Course Catalog 2013-2014.2014. PDF. 30 Nov 2014

Rhodes, Ella. “Your Journey Into Psychology”. British Psychological Society. 9 Sept 2009.Web. 30 Nov 2014

United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Dept of Labor. 8 Jan 2014. Web. 30 Nov 2014

Tous, Raya “Discussing my future with Dr. Barlow”. Flickr. 5 Dec 2014

Tous, Raya “The Liberal Arts and Arts department”. Flickr. 5 Dec 2014

Tous, Raya “The Next step of my Journey after leaving City Tech”. Flickr. 5 Dec 2014





“Exploring City Tech’s Hospitality Management at City Tech and a Career in Owning My Own Restaurant by Kayla François.”


Night Time Shot Of City Tech Atrium Building

Night Time Shot Of City Tech Atrium Building


My name is Kayla François and I major in Hospitality Management at City Tech. Hospitality

generally involves culinary. After my City Tech career is over I want to pursue starting and

owning my own restaurant. This career is best for me because I am a people person. I also want

to invest in something that I can pass down to my children in the future, and because of the

salary. There are so many jobs to obtain in the culinary industry but being my own boss while

doing what I love fits my criteria so well. For this essay I will be giving a culinary background,

and support it with evidence. Lastly, I will be giving some pointers on how to get started in this

specific area.

Hospitality Management Major Information

Hospitality Management Major Information

My major is Hospitality Management/BTech and I want to pursue a career in owning my own

restaurant. I will be giving you a little background information on these things. Hospitality

management is a major that will teach me a lot of the ins and outs of the culinary industry that I

need to know which includes “Food Sanitation and Safety Principles, Food and Beverage Cost

Control, Lodging Operations Management, and Hospitality Marketing” (page 162). One of the

more important things I can imagine I would need to know about is “Restaurant Management”

(page 165) because this is the job description I want to fit in. I know that when owning,

managing and maintaining a restaurant, it can be stressful and rewarding at the same time.

Another area that may become important is “Menu Planning and Design” (165). It’s important to

know what I am going to sell and how I want my restaurant to look. If I decide to do a five star

restaurant, I cannot serve hot dogs and French fries on a paper plate. My cuisine and design has

to mingle. “Choosing a location” (page 1) is equally important when starting a restaurant of my

own. I can’t sell pork and gelatin in a Muslim dominant area because my business will not do

well since they don’t eat that stuff. As you just read there are many things that go into this

career and that wasn’t even one-sixteenths of it! With this degree, the great benefit of starting

your own restaurant is that you’re free to choose any style you want whether it is fast food,

vegetarian, organic and even vegan! You can create an original restaurant without franchising or

you can decide to become a franchiser.



I don't know what type of food I want to serve at my restaurant but it won't be fast food!

I don’t know what type of food I want to serve at my restaurant but it won’t be fast food!


I have given you background information on culinary and my dream career, now I will get

into specifics for my reasons when deciding what career I wanted to pursue. My first reason for

my choice in owning a restaurant in the culinary field is because I am a people person. When

working in this industry, I will be constantly interacting with people whether it be supervisors,

employees, customers, or vendors. The list goes on and on so I have to enjoy talking to people

on a daily basis to create new ideas, accommodate them, and also helping them out. For

example, if I have a customer who cannot really see the menu well and all of my employees are

preoccupied, as a manager I have to step in to help this customer out by telling them what we

have to offer and help them figure out what they want to eat. While doing so, I have to be

patient and might have to repeat myself a couple of times. If I was not comfortable talking to

people on a daily basis then I do not think that I could pursue this career. A lot of

communication is involved in this career daily and consistently along with interaction.

My second reason for wanting to own a restaurant is because I want to be able to leave my

children something in the future. There are families who are fortunate enough to be born into

wealth, but I did not get that lucky. I want to be able to give my children something that could

last a lifetime. The start of my own restaurant can definitely keep money coming into my family

for generations to come as long as they are consistent. I am going to make sure I teach them

the ins and outs of owning and maintaining a restaurant so that they can carry that wisdom

down as the generations go by. I just want to make sure that my children always have

something going for them and that they always have a plan B to fall back on.

My third reason for wanting to own a restaurant is because of the salary. According to the

Bureau of LaborStatistics, “General and operations managers make about $72,000 a year”

(Bureau). That is a lot more than the average yearly income of a New Yorker. If I am making that

much money a year, I will be able to take care of my family, pay bills and live comfortably. I do

not want to struggle to make ends meet by living off of paycheck to paycheck.

Lastly, I want to be able to start saving up the money for my children’s education from when

they are young or even before they are born.


I have given you my reasons for wanting to get into the culinary field of owning my own

restaurant and your reasons may vary from mine or they may be similar. Now I want to give you

some preparation tips for starting and owning your own restaurant. According to professor

Cantagallo who used to own his own restaurant the first thing you will need is of course

“money; how much will I need to open? How much would I need to stay open for the year?”

(Cantagallo, par 3). These are some concerns that come into play when preparing to get your

restaurant on its feet. Money is definitely a big factor because you will have to constantly have

to pay rent, pay for maintenance, pay your vendors to restock your food, and so much more. In

order to keep money coming in you have to be very successful or else your business will shut

down faster than you think. Most times there are no room for mistakes, even little ones can

cause your business to end. Another tip that can be very helpful is “dĂ©cor, layout and menu.

What does the colors, textures, and layout say about me? How many people can I fit in the

space and how much stuff such as equipment, and furniture can I fit into the space provided?

How would my existing kitchen equipment define what I can produce in the kitchen? How much

staff would I need to execute the menu?” (Cantagallo, par 3). You cannot have a country setting

for dĂ©cor for a five star top chef quality restaurant. It just doesn’t match. You also cannot have

stay and eat style restaurant layout if you only have enough space for a kitchen, you would have

to do a take-out layout for your restaurant. As for the menu, you cannot serve things like pork

and gelatin in a Muslim dominant area, your business just would not do well. One more tip that

I will give you is marketing. “How could I build a buzz about the restaurant without spending

money on advertising?” (Cantagallo, par 3). Well you can always start on the Internet by creating

a website. Creating websites are free and you control what is advertised without anyone else’s

consent. You can also advertise on your own personal social accounts! Everyone is on social

websites so you’re guaranteed to pull in a couple of customers this way. Lastly, you can

advertise on yelp where people are always looking for places to go and reviews, yelp will help

you pull in plenty of customers! It’s all about being creative and cheap because at this point,

especially just starting out, every penny counts.

Remember that owning a restaurant isn’t easy to start but if you are persistent then it can be

very rewarding. This is also a time to get creative with themes, menus, and so much more.

Culinary alone plays a big part in the world because we eat daily, and it is just a part of who we

are. I can only imagine how much bigger culinary is going to get in the next few generations.

Cited Work

Cantagallo, Alejandro. Email to the author. 27. Nov. 2014. Email

Francois, Kayla. “City Tech Building.” Flickr. 2 Dec 2014. Web. 5 Dec 2014

Francois, Kayla. “Hospitality Management Information.” Flickr. 5 Dec 2014. Web. 5

Dec 2014

Francois, Kayla. “No Fast Food Restaurant.” Flickr. 5 Dec 2014. Web. 5 Dec 2014.

New York City Technology. College catalog 2014-2015. 2014. PDF. 15.


United States. Dept. of Lab. Bureau of Labor Statistics.” General and

Operations Managers”. Bureau of Labor Statistics Dept. of Labor. May 2013. Web. 25 Nov.2014


Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal, The Moral of the Story

During the first ten minutes of class, write your summary of Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal, The Moral of the Story. Also, write about how he incorporates the ideas of others into his argument. Does he mention their names? Does he state the title of their work? Does he use quotations? Before our next class, post your typewritten version of your summary as a comment to this post.

Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal, Hell is Story-Friendly

During the first ten minutes of class, write a summary of your reading from Jonathan Gottschall’s The Storytelling Animal, Hell is Story-Friendly in your notebooks. Pay attention to the idea of “universal grammar” and how it applies to storytelling. Before our next class, type up your summary and post it here as a comment.