Author Archives: mmiler30

Writing My Brain By Marcus Miller


For the last couple of weeks I was able to reflect on my personal thoughts. I did this by recording one day of my thinking and documenting it. I also took pictures to represent my day of thoughts. Doing these things gave me a chance to identify my current thoughts and plan how to think more effectively in the future. This project  opened my mind to a new way of thinking and analyzation.

Thinking In Writing


8:00am- WHY AM I AWAKE, oh I remember I have math at 10:00am.

9:00am- Thinking about this long train ride to Brooklyn.

10:00am- I am surprisingly on time for math.

11:50am- One class down one more to go but it’s 3 AND A HALF HOURS!!!

1:00pm- I was lucky enough to be granted a break that I would use to just stretch and try not to face the fact that I had 2 and a half more ours in that class.

4:00pm- IM FREE!!!!!

5:00pm- I’ve got some work to do so lets get that out of the way.

6:15pm- just finished work so I guess I could go workout for a bit.

8:30pm- Worked up an appetite, thank God dinner is ready.

9:30pm- Something good better be on T.V.

10:30pm- Should I stay up or be the responsible person I’m not and get some rest? Ill stay up a little longer.

11:00pm- Good night America.

Thinking Visually 


My Perfect Push-Up and Basketball – “Workout Toys”


Some Of My Books For Homework -“Working Hard”


Me Taking A Picture During Class – “Stuck In Class”


The Time I Would Stay Up To -“Good Night America”

Thinking Rhetorically and Reflectively

There is a young, charismatic, industrious kid, which happens to be me. I am a 17-year-old teenager from Brooklyn who’s still trying to find his through life. I love sports; I play basketball, baseball and football and also loves the game of chess. On the academic side of things I am a mechanical engineering major at New York City College Of Technology. I am a freshman and am very new to college life. With this being said I’ve found myself lost in my thoughts. I realized that instead of me focusing completely on my academic goals I found myself in the beginning of my day thinking about things that are secondary to my future, personal and academic life. I began slowly getting my priorities straighten out. I believed that my thoughts were all over the place and I understood that I should focus more on my future. Any other things that aren’t essential to my future personal, academic and or professional life should be secondary majority of the time.


My thoughts tend to be more about things that are subsidiary to my future personal and academic life. During my day of thoughts, I wrote,“One class down one more to go but it’s 3 AND A HALF HOURS!!!” (Mmiller par.4). In this example I was quoting the forth item from my day of thoughts. I took a picture of my sneakers and was more focused on if people would like it on Instagram (Miller, “Stuck in Class”). I was lucky enough to be granted a break that I would use to just stretch and try not to face the fact that I had 2 and a half more ours in that class.” I had thoughts about getting out of class. Instead I should have been focusing on the instruction I was being given in the class. I was so all over the place. This shouldn’t be the thoughts of someone who is fixated on planned personal or academic lifestyle. I actually thought to myself well since this class is so long I should entertain myself via social media. Proving that my thoughts aren’t what they should be and that they were disorganized. I spent almost 1 and a half hours not thinking about the criteria but social media and getting out of the class. If I continued to think with such immaturity and disorderliness towards education I won’t succeed academically in the future.

Oddly enough I sometimes think wisely and take the initiative towards my destined personal and professional life. In This quote shows how I can also think about the important aspects of my life. This includes not only my education but also my time management. By me thinking to myself that I have work to complete and taking the initiative to do my work I am showing that my current thought process can be off task but also, put me in a position to have a successful academic life. In the photo “Working Hard” shows my thoughts of me completing my assignments and habits that I need to be successful in life. The picture gives a snapshot of what I pictured when thinking about completing my work. This singular thought is helping my scrambled thoughts slowly become focused on getting me where I want to be in my future academic life.


Now that work is done I’m thinking about play. In “My Day: Friday September 19, 2014” I realize “Just finished work so I guess I could go workout for a bit”. So I now realized that I worked hard and finished my work so I can do what I like to do. Me thinking about working out is closely related to my future personal health, skill and life. I am not just thinking academic I am also thing about me as person and how I would like to see myself in the future from a physical standpoint. This is a sign of self worth, which is what I would like to promote and would relate that to my future lifestyle. In the photo “Workout Toys” It shows a basketball and a workout accessories “The Perfect Push-up” these are what I use to workout with and plan to use these in my future personal life. I am beginning to become a better thinker and to make better decisions for my future life. I am starting to mature as the day progressing as I am noticing how much better it would be when I think on the essentials first and put everything else second.


Moving on, during my day of thoughts, I wrote,”Should I stay up or be the responsible person I’m not and get some rest? Ill stay up a little longer… Good night America” (Mmiller par.11 & 12) . In this example I was quoting the eleventh and twelfth item from my day of thoughts. I took a This quote showed how I contemplated about whether or not I should stay up all night or get some rest. Even though I decided to stay up I only stayed up a half-hour extra before deciding to get rest. This shows that I didn’t let my poor judgment in the beginning cause me to make a decision that could have became a bad habit for my future academic life. Also in the photo “Good Night America” I took a picture of my cable box clock and the time I would have been up if I wasn’t being responsible. This action relates smart thinking towards successful future personal, academic and professional life.


Now there can be arguments about my thoughts and if my thinking pattern is what I believed to be. Some people would say that instead of my thoughts improving they’re all over the place. I disagree. I feel this way because if you read you will see how my early thoughts weren’t that future based due to my ignorance and impatience. But after that I did my work and made time to do some personal things I love. Which shows that I began to think about the end result of success and a better future personal and academic life. Now my last thought could be debated as a digressing one. Due to me staying up relatively later than I planned. But I didn’t stay up so long that I didn’t get enough sleep or can’t function the next day. Therefore that argument isn’t valid which would be the reasons my argument is the legitimate one to support.


Finally, with all of the information I have previously listed I have created a plan for how I want to think and how I can reflect on my thinking moving forward. I have established that I would like to think ahead of my present actions to see if what I am about to do will benefit me in the long run. What I mean by that is improving my thinking to make me think to do the extra or work harder instead of dazing off or not caring. By me changing my mindset to this one I would also want to reflect on such thoughts. I want to reflect to see if my thoughts are realistic and will help me succeed. Moving forward I hope to open up my eyes to thinking differently and improving myself so I can become better in the future. If I can do that then I should be able to reflect and build on my thoughts and ideas that I come across during the course of my day.


 Work Cited List

Mmiller [Marcus Miller]. “Re:Project 1: Thinking in Writing.” Openlab. ENG1101 D346 English Composition 1, FA 2014, 19 Sept. 2014. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

Miller, Marcus. “Stuck In Class” Flickr. 19 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Miller, Marcus. “Working Hard” Flickr. 19 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Miller, Marcus. “Workout Toys” Flickr. 19 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014

Miller, Marcus. “Good Night America” Flickr. 19 Sept. 2014. Tue. 14 Oct. 2014