Author Archives: Bianca M

Exploring City Tech’s Nursing Program and a Career in the Nursing Field by Bianca Maignan


Hi my name is Bianca Maignan and I am currently enrolled at New York City Of Technology. A major I’ve been thinking about pursuing is nursing. This is the best career for me because being in the nursing field there will always be jobs available. Another reason is that I enjoy working with kids, especially newborns. The final reason is because you’ll have stability with the income you make. In this essay I will be giving you background information on nursing and provide evidence on why this is the best career for me. I also include information on how to prepare yourself for becoming a nurse.


Nursing is a profession in the healthcare field in which you work on the care of individuals, families etc. There are many different types of nurses but the one I would like to become is called a neonatal which is a nurse that works with newborns sometimes in the intensive care unit. I would most likely want to work in the labor and delivery area. At City Tech they offer a nursing program which when you’re finished you’ll become a registered nurse. According to the City Tech catalog for 2014-2015 it says “The nursing program prepares students to become members of the health team in health service agencies, clinics,community and long term care agencies and hospitals. In the classroom we practice the skills of becoming a nurse and basic training to fulfill needs.” Nursing is a competitive job field thats why in lots of schools there tend to be a waiting list to get accepted in the program. You can get an associates or a bachelor’s degree in nursing.


Now that I’ve giving you some basic background information on nursing, I will now give you the reasons why this is the best career path for me. The first reason is because when you’re in the nursing field there are many jobs available. Which for me mean stability in your career. Lots of nurses needed in this field that’s why it’s very competitive to get in. the type of nurse I would like to be is a neonatal which is a nurse that provide care for newborns. Your degree determines what type of nurse you can be. According to the book Envision your nursing Future taking the next step in your nursing education it says “there’s three different degrees you can get in nursing. Such as non-degree which are CNAs or LPNs, theirs the nurses who receive a degree which are referred to as RNs and also an advanced degree that when you have finished your masters or doctorate.” I want to earn an advanced registered nurse degree because you have more options in your career instead of being in a closed box.

Another reason that I want to be a nurse is the money you’ll earn in this career path. Like in any other career the more you spend time in your education to get a higher degree the more money you’ll make. Every type of nurse earns a different amount of money. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics it was said that the employment of nurses will grow up to 19 percent throughout the years until 2022. Also its said ” registered nurses on 2012 median pay made about $65,470 per year with an associates degree while nursing assistants median pay was 26,020.” Either way you are still making money but becoming a registered is better because you don’t want to live paycheck to paycheck.

The main reason of all is I love working with children and helping others. Nurses are the heart of any place in the medical field, there with patients most of the time. According to the pdf on The Role of the Nurse in the neonatal Intensive Care Unit it is said ” the NICU constitutes a therapeutic environment appropriate for treatment of newborn in serious condition the increasing implementation of high risk procedures and low tolerance to medication errors”. Being  a neonatal nurse you’re bringing in precious newborns into the world and taking care of them so they can be in the best health to live a good life. Also bringing joy to the parents and family of them but its a risky career.


Now that I’ve given a brief reasons on why this career is the best for me I’ll be giving you the ways to prepare for a career in this field. First  according to the pre- professional advisor Suresh Tewani “you need to fulfill all requirements to enter the nursing program with at least a 3.5 GPA or higher. You must also maintain that GPA or you risk the chance of losing your spot in that program”. Nursing is a very competitive field many nurses are needed and many people want that job. You will also need internships that fit your career field and take all nursing classes stated in the course catalog with a satisfied grade in order to sit for the national exam.

Being a nurse is not an easy job there may be many  places available but because its so competitive and the work behind it people tend to change paths and pick other careers. The good of nursing outweighs the bad because in the end you’ll always have stability in this career choice. If you lose your job tomorrow there will always be a next not a lot of careers can offer that.


Work Sited

American Association Of Colleges “Envision your Nursing Future” pdf dec 2014

Maignan, Bianca “lab coat and book” flickr dec 2014

Maignan ,Bianca “Nursing  on city tech catalog” flickr dec 2014

Maignan, Bianca “nursing uniform” flickr dec 2014


Montanholi,langona Liciane “ The role of the nurse in the nurse in the neonatal intensive care      unit” pdf . dec 2014

New York City College of Technology “college catalog 2014-2015” pdf  5 Nov.2014

Tewani, Suresh “email questions” nov 2014

United states.Dept of lab. Bureau of labor statics. “Employment of Registered Nurses” web Nov 2014