Beginning of Class Writing: Background on the Brain and John Medina

During the first ten minutes of today’s class, write a summary in your notebooks of the two readings assigned for today’s class: Seven, “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower,”, and Medina, “About the Author,”

Before our next class, type up your handwritten summary, save it some place safe (e.g., the Cloud, flash storage, email, etc.), and copy-and-paste it into a comment added to this blog post. Moving forward this semester, these beginning of class writing assignments from one week are due before the first class of the following week. This gives you ample time to type and post your daily writing to OpenLab.

19 thoughts on “Beginning of Class Writing: Background on the Brain and John Medina

  1. Rolando Barredo

    The “About the Author” article discusses Medina’s background in his education and degree. He studied neuroscience in Washington State. Therefore, he is qualified to discuss about the brain in the manner that he does. He has a wife and two kids. The “12 Rules” article discusses his book “Brain Rules” and the topics Medina talks about in each chapter. His style of writing is made so you are not only informed, but also entertained. He is humorous in his own way in his writing. This way, we aren’t hit with a wave of information that we aren’t able to process. The article also talks about how the book is interactive, since there is a video for the book itself, hosting, John Medina. The book is meant for you to use the full potential of your brain by showing what effects stress, sleep, exercise, etc. have on your brain, whether good or bad. Both articles matchup in the way they describe both Medina’s writing style and his personality.

  2. Darien Laurencin

    In the article about John Medina “Brain Rules,” it explains how the book talks about positive steps it takes to increase the brain mental capacity. One thing that caught my attention was that John Medina said, “The brain doesn’t like boring.” Based on my own experiences I agree with him hundred percent. As a college student I tend to get frustrated with certain topics of a subject, if it’s not rather inspiring, or connects with me on a deeper level. The article further stated on the brain ability to function better when one is exercising. It causes the presumption for some to think a healthy body equals to a healthy mind. John Medina fascination with the brain in his bio shows a new a way of how others view life. Because of John Medina deep understanding of the mind, he is able to raise his two boys in a way that their minds will be stimulated, inspired, and have an increase in mental capacity. Both the article, and bio helps readers get the anticipation, and excitement they need to read his book, “Brian Rules.”

  3. shamach campbell

    In the article “About the Author” Medina discusses his education background and degree in developmental molecular biology. This makes him qualified to talk about the brain in the way that he does. The “12 Rules” article discusses his book “Brain Rules” and some of the topics for each chapter. He goes on to talk about things some of the benefits of things like sleep, stress, exercise, etc. and the effects they have on your brain. In addition to the talking about the benefits, he also goes out of his way disprove and inform people about a lot of myths and important impact that people have do that affects our brain. For instance he talks about thing like, exercise is very important for your brain and there are schools that are starting to get rid of Physical education classes and some business are putting treadmills in offices to further stimulate the brain. But in the end the article mainly introduced us on what’s to come later in the book, and can’t wait to read more about it.

  4. Taylor Marie Hernandez

    In the article “about the author” John Medina talks about his degree in developmental molecular biologist and his educational background. He studied at the University of Washington School of Medicine and became the founding director of the Talearis Research Institute. In the book “Brain Rules” Medina talks about how “exercise can boost brain power” and other things that the brain needs or relies on. One thing that Medina stated was how “the brain does not like boring things.” This has caught my attention because the brain likes to see action instead of nothing going on. The brain likes to be kept interested in a topic that it will dig deeper into more of. As a college student, I can relate to thus because when I am in class I like listening to topics that are interesting and will have me look more into that specific topics whatever it may be. Based on John Medina’s book “brain rules” he like to point out different aspects of how the brain works and how it is in the living bodies of humans. He’s shows how people have a very different perspective on seeing things. Medina was appointed the rank scholar at the national academy of engineering. Medina is a father of two young boys. He is interest in how the brain sciences might influence the way how people teach their children. He has a facination with how the brain can react to and can organize information.

  5. Edinsson.P

    In The Seattle times there is article written by Richard Seven about John medina and his “12 rules to boost your brainpower “. According to Seven , John Medina knows what is up with the brain.This because Median is actually a developmental molecular biologist .In addition, Medina’s work and his research is quite important and interesting to other professionals. In fact, there more behaviors about the brain that stop scientist and doctors do not know.I came up with that conclusion because medina’s comment, which was “If we ever figured out exactly how it did this, picking up a soda can and sipping from it”. After reading this comment i was seriously shocked. How can a person with so much knowledge about the brain still have questions about it. Although, medina still knows a great deal about the brain.The matter of this true because Medina put a great effort and research behind 12 rules to boost your brainpower , which actually are part his book “The Brain Rules”. his rule number 2 ,“Exercise boosts brain power”, is the one rule that catches my attention the most, since working out to be in shape seem normal but maintaining my brain in shape is more difficult. Math problems sometimes are more difficult after exercising. Hopefully after reading this chapter in the book I will probably understand more about the effect of physical exercise on the brain.

  6. alejandra

    John Medina introduced himself in the article “About the author” he talks about his career bio-engineering, he believes that humans will never know for sure how our brain work. He decides to learned and apply the concept he had learned in his daily life and career. He learned that the human brain work most of the time according to the senses the body send to it, when we touch or smell. Medina also found out that the human brain was build in a way in which we can not be focus in anything for more than 10 min, Medina also agrees that the brain store the information in a better way and stable when the information it’s been presented in a picture or illustrated on a video. Medina was also interested in this topic because he is father, so he was wondering how the brain can the daily life of his children, and how it develops. Medina is now a teacher and uses his knowledge on the human brain to teach his students every 10 min he stops and gave the brain a little break. like telling Stories or anything else. Today in days he is giving conferences to the public and letting people from the outside know how our brain works, and what should we do to make it work in our favor.

  7. Terris Greene

    In the Seattle Times article, John Medina discusses his studies on how the brain work. This content is further discussed in his book, “Brain Rules”. The brain is a very complex organ that to this day we are still trying to figure out. According to Medina, the brain functions better through physical activity. Physical movements will help improve concentration. Also our brains have to be continuously entertained in order to maintain its highest level of attention. This can be achieved through moving pictures and emotional stories. From the bio posted on his website, I’ve learned that John Medina has written other books, including The Genetic Inferno and Brain Rules for Baby.

  8. p nardeo

    In the short review by Richard Seven on the “12 rules to boost your brain power”, he mentions some very important facts that can improve our everyday life. These include physical health by staying fit it helps your brain to function better. He also said that this is a problem because not everyone is getting the physical activity they needed and that physical educations are disappearing from schools. Another fact is that we need to sleep. Sleeping help the brain correct its mistake and also process all the information we learn. Another thing sleeping help us with is to remember stuff longer. In the end he mention something that from experience seem to be true, this is that the brain don’t like boring stuff. Overall this book sound interesting. This is due to the fact that this book has a lot to teach me about ways, that I could make my everyday life easier and less stressful.

  9. Jean Betances

    In “12 rules to boost your brainpower” John Medina states that not much is known about the brain and how it does things. However there are twelve facts that we know to be true of the brain. An example is that the brain learns better while exercising and this is due to our ancestors. They needed quick thinking in order to survive. He then goes on to say that a regular classroom and office cubicle is the perfect way to stop people’s train of thought. He mentions that it’s simply too boring. John Medina believes that you have to capture your audience’s attention and that you then have about ten minutes to do something interesting before losing it. In “About the Author” it mentions that John Medina is a developmental molecular biologist specifying in psychiatric disorders with a doctorate from Washington State University.

  10. William Santiago

    In the article of “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower”, John Medina writes about 12 rules that one can apply to their everyday life in order to aid themselves in their learning, teaching, doing business and being a parent. Each of the methods he recommends is backed up by neuroscience he has researched, thus allowing each of the methods to be worth while. The other article is based upon a brief biography of John Medina himself, describing what he has done as a developmental molecular biologist focused on the genes involved the human brain, as well as some of his many accomplishments.

  11. Carlos Villalva

    John Medina, is the publisher of the well know book call “Brain Rules”. He had received many awards for his work and study of the human brain. He had made an incredible impact on the world of neuron science, by stating that we really don’t know that much of our brain and it function so well. He also stated that if anybody can truly figure out how the brain really work, than that would be a remarkable achievement that a person can achieve. As the father of two children, he wonders how brain science can impact our children in a good way. In his book, he has lay out 12 rules that he believe that can help improve our daily lives drastically. He argue that our brain work wells when we are exercise or doing something in motion then sitting down. This is because our brain does not like doing boring things. He has applied this in the classes he teaches by always telling a story every 10 min of the class, to keep the student interesting. In his book he tackles down myth about the brain in what he calls neuron astrology, such as multitasking is a myth.

  12. Aaron Chen

    In the article, “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower” by John Medina, we are introduced to to many ways to boost our brainpower, hence the title. One of the many John Medina talks about is how exercise can influence ones brainpower. He goes on to talk about how our brain work better when in motion rather than staying grounded and not moving. By further strengthening his argument, he himself has a treadmill in his office where he’ll exercise as he works on a everyday basis.

  13. Alex Feng

    “Brain Rules” written by Dr. John J. Medina, a developmental molecular biologist who specializes in human brain development and psychiatric disorders believes that there are 12 rules that can be applied to our daily lives to make it more efficient. According to this article, exercise, sleep and non boring things are a few of the twelve rules that could help with brain power, memory and focusing one’s attention on a subject. This article also mentions that there is no such thing as effective multitasking since it only results in losing focus and causing mistakes.

  14. Reynaldo

    the website “Seattletime” topic tittled “12 rules to boost your brain” published by Richard seven taught me more about the brain. I learned pomegranate is brain food that helps you strengthen your brain. I also learned that sleeping in a well time manner allows you to remember things longer. Dr.john is a developmental molecular biologist and focused on the genes involved in human brain. Also Dr.John went to the university of Washington school of medicine. He has written many books like “Brain rules” , “Brain rules for baby”, “The genetic inferno”, and many more. He has a great amount of interest on how the mind reacts to and organizes information. I also learned that the brain doesn’t like boring thing is a key rule. The brain distracts him self from the task at hand when it start getting boring.

  15. Arjoon H

    In summary, “12 Rules to Boot Your Brain Power” gives a brief description of some of the topics covered in John Medina’s book, Brain Rules. One of which is how exercise helps your concentration as well as your problem solving skills. Medina also goes further to briefly describe how our brains work and that the way we acquired knowledge at our primal stage of evolution has not really changed much. To add, the short biography of Medina states some of his accomplishments as a scientist as well as a basis for why he wrote his book. He states that he has had a lifelong fascination about how the brain works and processes information. This in turn lead to his research and by extension him writing his book.

  16. Ryan Karran

    According to the article “12 rules to boost your brainpower,” John Medina is a molecular biologist who spent most of his professional life studying in biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries trying to relate it to mental health. He has currently written two books relating to his studies named “Brain Rules” and “Brain Rules for Babies.” He goes on to state important roles and daily tasks you should perform enhance your brain’s performance. For example his No. 2 rule is, “Exercise boost brain power.” Medina apparently installed a treadmill in his office so that he can stay active while doing work on his computer. He has many other rules to follow such as getting enough sleep or keeping the topic interesting because the brain doesn’t like boring things. According to, Medina was a founding director at Talaris Research Institute where he researched how infants encoded data on a molecular level.

  17. Kevin Rojas

    John Medina is a developmental molecular biologist who has a wide fascination with the human brain. He’s received numerous awards and acknowledgements for his research and work. His most recent work was, “Brain Rules.” In his book, he tells us how little we know about the brain and summarizes the little information we know into each respective chapter. He informs us that the concept of repetition helps the brain remember more things. He also elaborates on the idea of physical exercise and how it helps the brain work more efficiently, how when we sleep the brain rests and repairs itself, and how the idea of multitasking is nothing but a myth. Medina’s book sets the stage for a new perspective on the brain. He lets us know that we should prioritize our brain’s health in order to get our tasks and work done productively.

  18. Ryan De Jesus

    In the article, “12 Rules to Boost Your Brainpower” by John Medina, it explains hwo there are many parts of the brain is still left a mystery. He states that if anyone can find out how the brain fully works, it would be an amazing feat. One of those rules include respecting that sleep is very important on the way it effects the brain. In the brief biography by John Medina it states that he is a developmental molecular biologist focused on the genes involved in human brain development and has a lifelong fascination with how the brain works. He has written two books which include “Brain Rules” and Brain Rules for Baby.”

  19. Dorothy Vera Sanchez

    Based upon the article “12 rules to boost your brainpower” by Richard Seven talks about a developmental molecular biologist John Medina’s book “Brain Rules” and the 12 so believed rules that can be applied to our everyday living. Stating that within rule number 2 “Exercise boosts brain power” of John Medina book says that in order for our brain to function and to concentrate better, our brain needs physical exercise. With this in mind he placed a treadmill in his SPU office while doing some computer work. Also our brains need sleep in order to decrease stress levels. Multitasking never allows you to fully concentrate on either task being done. Our brains respond better to visual moments and emotional connections John medina believes that our brain will be sharp the first 10 minutes of anything if not amused by the talker or the task being done before the mind begins to wonder. In the “About the author” talks about Dr John J. Medina’s work. As a private research consultant. He was the director of the Talaris Research Institution, analyzing how infants encode and process information. Being a affiliated scholar at the national Academy of Engineering in 2004. His 2 books “Brain Rules” and Brain Rules for Baby” with hold information on what you need to know upon Depression, Uncovering the Mystery of AID’s, The Genetic Inferno, The Clock of Ages, and Serotonin, Dopamine and AntiPsychotic Medications. His fascination about the brain has made him the person who he is today.

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