Week 5


  • Conley (2019), Ch. 15 (‘Authority and the State’): ‘Types of Legitimate Authority’; ‘Obedience to Authority’; ‘Authority, Legitimacy, and the State’; ‘Radical Power and Persuasion’; ‘Beyond Strawberry and Vanilla: Political Participation in Modern Democracies’; ‘Policy: What if the House Is Too Small?’; ‘Conclusion’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Democracy and Dictatorship
  3. Keywords: hegemony and soft power
  4. Keywords: paranoid style, the
  5. Keywords: power
  6. Keywords: democracy  
  7. Review of Midterm Guidelines
  8. Review of Class Participation Self-Evaluation Guidelines
  9. Q&A

For Next Time

  • HW: Annotated Bibliography Assignment
  • Lennie Irvin, ‘What Is “Academic” Writing?’, in Writing Spaces: Readings on Writing (Parlor Press)
  • Conley (2015), Ch. 5 (‘Groups and Networks’): ‘Social Groups’; ‘From Groups to Networks’; ‘Network Analysis in Practice’; ‘Organizations’; ‘Conclusion’. Keywords: iron cage of rationality, the

Week 4


  • Conley, (2019), Ch. 14 (‘Capitalism and the Economy’): ‘A Brief History of Capitalism’, ‘Theorizing the Transition to Capitalism’; ‘Recent Changes in Capitalism’; ‘The Reign of the Corporation’; ‘Conclusion’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Q&A

For Next Time

  • Conley (2019), Ch. 15 (‘Authority and the State’): ‘Types of Legitimate Authority’; ‘Obedience to Authority’; ‘Authority, Legitimacy, and the State’; ‘Radical Power and Persuasion’; ‘Beyond Strawberry and Vanilla: Political Participation in Modern Democracies’; ‘Policy: What if the House Is Too Small?’; ‘Conclusion’

Week 3


  • Dalton Conley (2017), Ch. 3 (‘Culture and Media’): ‘Definitions of Culture’; ‘Material vs. Non-Material Culture’; ‘Media’; ‘The Media Life Cycle’; ‘Media Effects’; ‘Mommy, Where Do Stereotypes Come From?’; ‘Political Economy of the Media’; ‘Conclusion’

Zoom Session 

  1. Attendance
  2. Q&A

For Next Time

Week 2


  • Conley (2015), Ch. 2 (‘Methods’):  ‘Research 101’; ‘Samples: They’re Not Just the Free Tastes at the Supermarket’; ‘Policy: The Political Battle over Statistical Sampling’
  • Conley (2015), Ch. 2 (‘Methods’): ‘Ethics of Social Research’

Zoom Session 

  1. Any Un-Introduced Intro-ers?
  2. Q&A: The Porn Myth
  3. For Next Time

For Next Time

  • Dalton Conley (2017), Ch. 3 (‘Culture and Media’): ‘Definitions of Culture’; ‘Material vs. Non-Material Culture’; ‘Media’; ‘The Media Life Cycle’; ‘Media Effects’; ‘Mommy, Where Do Stereotypes Come From?’; ‘Political Economy of the Media’; ‘Conclusion’

Week 1


Zoom Session 

  1. Introductions
  2. Ground Rules
  3. Q&A: Ten Core Themes

For Next Time

  • Conley (2015), Ch. 2 (‘Methods’):  ‘Research 101’; ‘Samples: They’re Not Just the Free Tastes at the Supermarket’; ‘Policy: The Political Battle over Statistical Sampling’
  • Conley (2015), Ch. 2 (‘Methods’): ‘Ethics of Social Research’

For Wednesday, 12/9

Zoom Session

  1. Review: Final Exam
  2. Social Network Analysis and COVID-19
  3. Course Evaluations

For Next Time

  • Turn in Your Final Exams by 12/13

For Monday, 12/7


Asynchronous Work

  • Turn in any missing work; read the final exam instructions carefully and begin work on the essay if you haven’t already.

For Next Time

For Wednesday, 12/2


  • Review Conley (2015), Ch. 5 (‘Groups and Networks’): ‘Organizations’; ‘Conclusion’
  • Review Conley (2015), Ch. 15 (‘Authority and the State’): ‘Types of Legitimate Authority’, specifically ‘Characteristics of Bureaucracy’

Zoom Session

  1. Discussion: Bureaucracy and Formal Organisations

For Next Time

For Monday, 11/30


  • Conley (2015), Ch. 5 (‘Groups and Networks’): ‘Organizations’; ‘Conclusion’

Asynchronous Work

  1. You should be working on your Class Participation Self-Evaluation Essay this week, as well as beginning to revise your midterm essays.

For Next Time

  • Conley (2015), Ch. 15 (‘Authority and the State’): ‘Types of Legitimate Authority’, specifically ‘Characteristics of Bureaucracy’