- ‘Sociology and the Sociological Perspective’, Sections 1.1 (‘The Sociological Perspective’), 1.2 (‘Understanding Society’), and 1.3 (‘Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology’)
- Karl Marx, Thesis XI of ‘Theses on Feuerbach’
- Max Weber, ‘The Case for Value-Free Sociology’, excerpted from ‘Politik als Beruf’(1920)
- Joel Best, ‘Telling the Truth About Damned Lies and Statistics’, The Chronicle of Higher Education(4 May 2001). Note: You can just skim this one.
In Class
- ‘Activity: Find Top Authorities for a Subject’ (cont’d)
- Discussion:
- The Sociological Imagination
- Macro vs. Micro
- Social Facts
- Objectivity
- Public Sociology
- Manifesto: ‘Facts are not given. They must be taken’.
- Low-Stakes Writing Assignment: What Are Your Goals for the Course?
- For Next Time
For Next Time
- Adam Smith, ‘The Invisible Hand’ (1876)
- Svenonius, Ian. 2015. ‘Against Tipping’. Jacobin.