Make a promise to take action on climate change!

Write a letter to a significant person in your life: friend, family member or your future self. Visit or Scan the QR and enter your message.

Envision that it is 2050 and they or you receive a message that is written today.
Write down your current thoughts on Climate Change and your promise to take bold action for a healthy world.

Questions to consider when writing (generated by ):

  1. Share with your child, grandchild, or recipient something special about you or them.
  2. Your thoughts about climate change.
  3. Your hopes for the future/
  4. Your Promise.

Submission guidelines:

  1. Write your letter and submit it on DearTommorrow.Org
  2. Copy writing and Create a PDF Word Document of your letter
  3. Letter should be saved as Firstname Lastname_ LetterForTomorrow ECOFEST
  4. Upload your letter by April 24th, 2022, to the Ecofest Dropbox Folder by scanning the QR.
  5. Join us Thursday, April 28th as we share the letters at EcoFest 2022 ‘CRISIS’ It’s Time To Take Action! on April 28, 2022.