Lab Description:

The Lab six was about packing data and unpacking data. There is a lot of way to do this but I Used loops, string, and char. You can use bit wise and shift to do this. I put the input as character which is just a regular string, and to do the output of ASCII to hex I did a for loop. I than started working on the conversion from Hex to ASCII and to do that I input the users variable in hex and than I compared the character and equal it to my hex value. I thank displayed the char variable which is equal to hex.

using namespace std;
int main()
	int  x,y;
	string character;

	int z = 0;
	char h[4];
	int a;
	cout << "Choose (1) to pack or (2) to unpack" <> x;
	if (x == 1)
			cout << "ENTER a Character" <> character;
			for (z; z < character.length(); z++)
				cout << hex << "The packed data are:" << (int)character[z] << endl;

	else if (x == 2)
		cout << "Enter a hex value" <>hex>> a;
		char thexa =a;

		cout <<  "The ASCII character is:" << thexa << endl;



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