Daniel Sosanya

Fall 2020

Blog Post 9

New Program


Hey guys what’s up, it’s been a really rough week trying to balance all my working but somehow I’m finding a way to manage. On this week’s episode of the internship my boss Lisa emailed me. Whenever she emailed me I get scared, not sure why but I always feel like she’s going to drop something huge on me. Today when I read Lisa’s email she asked me about animation. She asked if I know how to use animation through After Effects or through Photoshop animation. To be honest I only used both very little. I used

Photoshop animation about two years ago for my communication design and it was for an awareness advertisement. It didn’t really go so really, I didn’t like the end product and we ended up getting an average grade. Although I have used After effects once. It was for my motion design class. It was for the final project, but after effects is a very confusing program. In my opinion it’s worse than Photoshop and Illustrator combined. The program has so many buttons and things that you can edit that it makes the user scared and feel overwhelmed. Somehow by the grace of god I passed my motion class, but I can remember the long hours I put in at the time to learn the program. It was hard, believe me.


I told Lisa my scenario. I explained to her that I’ve used after effects before and how I only took one class in it. I wanted to inform her of the exact level I was at within the program, due to not knowing what she needed. She replied fast saying thanks for being honest and she proceeded with the assignment. I just hoped she wasn’t expecting a Mona Lisa animation because that’s beyond me. The assignment was to create an animation with the various photos she provided. The photos she provided were of Brooklyn Colleges campus. There were various photos that showed the construction of the university over time. She wanted me to conduct an animation that shows the progress of the completed campus of Brooklyn College. She wanted me to go by the time period of each photo to show the start and end. I had to read the assignment multiple times to understand it, due to the fact of being a low level user of After Effects. I have no idea how I’m going to show this with animation but it looks like I’m going to have to take some time to think. I went into my old book bag to hopefully find notes from my old motion design class that could help me complete this assignment. I hope I didn’t throw them out. Worse comes to worst I’ll use YouTube, as a designer I have to make do without and figure out a way to complete this assignment.  I hope this programs didn’t update uh oh that would make me stress more than I already am and, I don’t think that’s possible.