Tag Archives: phone

Step 8, Club Records

Club records are important for many reasons. Before we get to that, the persons job in charge of that is either the Secretary or VIP. The VIP can either do it themselves or  can appoint someone else in charge. This is all up to who agrees to do the job or not and by votes to keep everything respectfully fair upon responsibility.  The person in  charge of recording everything down must do the following : write down all the information that has been going on throughout the day, have everyones name, email,phone, school id and maybe address,  contact information for the club,time (attendance) and club location (All college require that you let them know where your meeting are going to be located, just in case that room or location is already occupied) . The reason why this is really important is to keep everything organize, is to keep everyone informed and respectfully up to date. The students need to know who is president, vice, and more in order to have students come up (like questions) to the right appropriate  member about any concerns or actions.

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