Your Role as a Officer!

Duties of the President

Reside at all meetings of the organization and:

  • Know the proper procedure for conducting a meeting
  • Be impartial. Avoid expressing personal opinions
  • Have a knowledge of parliamentary procedure
  • Prepare an agenda for each meeting
  • Check the minutes of the preceding meeting to make certain that you have not forgotten important business that should be discussed again or finished
  • Begin and end meetings in a timely manner.
  1. Attend or send his/her representative to all meetings from the student gov office. Student activities coordinator each semester.
  2. Understand and follow the constitution and by-laws.
  3. Set an example for your organization in fairness, courtesy and obedience to rules.
  4. Represent your organization or see that an individual is appointed to represent your organization at all campus meetings where representation is requested.
  5. Carry out the organization’s decisions and wishes even though you may not personally agree completely with the decisions reached.
  6. Be familiar with all pertinent college policies and regulations and see that they are followed at all meetings and activities of your organization.
  7. Keep your advisory informed of all meetings. Make certain that he/she is invited to all meetings and be certain that he/she is consulted before making plans for special meetings and events. (New York City College Of Technology expects and requires that your advisor attend all organizational activities).
  8. Know the duties of the other officers and help them in carrying them out.
  9. See that a calendar is prepared for the semester’s activities early in the semester. Each organization should have a project or goal for the semester.
  10. Call regular executive committee meetings and check with your advisory before each regular meeting. Your advisory should attend the executive committee meetings (which should include all officers).
  11. Appoint committees to assist in getting things done; to help spread the burden of work and to give others an opportunity to participate.
  12. Do not try to do all the work yourself. A good president assigns responsibilities to others. It is his/her role to follow-up and check to be sure all the work is getting accomplished. Total participation of all members makes for a strong organization.
  13. Develop the habit of writing things down that you have to do before the next meeting. Trusting your memory is a poor substitute for having a notebook.
  14. Provide for orderly elections.
  15. Consult with advisor.
  16. Act as secretary and/or treasurer in the event that one is not elected.

Duties of the Vice President

  1. Assume the duties of the president when the president is unable to carry out his/her duties for any reason. The vice president must be familiar with all of the duties of the president.
  2. Be ready to assist the president in any way possible.
  3. Assume and carry out all special duties that may be assigned to you by the constitution, the president, executive committee, or members.
  4. Attend all executive committee meetings and meetings of the organization. Serve as an ex-officious member of all committees.
  5. Know and understand your organization’s constitution and by-laws.

Duties of the Treasurer

  1. The treasurer is responsible for all funds of the organization. If the organization is funded, the treasurer along with the advisory are responsible for all expenditures.
  2. Prepare a budget and have it approved by the organization’s executive committee and membership.
  3. Submit a tentative budget for the following year or within a semester at the designated time at student activities coordinator and Office of Student Affairs.
  4. Make certain the organization expends money in keeping with the approved budget and within the financial operating procedures.
  5. Make a treasurer’s report at each business meeting.
  6. See that all bills are promptly paid.
  7. Keep a record of all money handled, both incoming and outgoing, and indicate purposes for which the money was disbursed.
  8. Have records available and in a condition for examination at any time.
  9. Attend mandatory meetings for treasurer when necessary.

Duties of the Secretary

  1. The president depends upon the secretary for information of an official nature which can be found in the records of the organization.
  2. The secretary is the custodian of the permanent records of the organization and they must be kept in a complete and accurate manner.

A suggested outline follows

a. Give the hour, day, month, place of meeting and name of presiding officer.

b. State whether the minutes of the last meeting were:

1. approved as read

2. approved as corrected (if there were corrections, list them.)

c. Give a statement concerning all reports read and the action taken on them.

d. Record items discussed under old business.

e. Record items discussed under new business.

f. Each motion, whether approved or not, should be included either under “old” or “new” business.

g. State the time of adjournment of the meeting.

h. Sign the minutes.

3. Read minutes and correspondence clearly and sufficiently loudly so that everyone at the meeting can hear them.

4. Be able to produce quickly the minutes of the preceding meetings and find items of information quickly.

5. Keep an accurate and up-to-date list of members, their addresses and telephone numbers, and record their attendance at each meeting.

6. Keep in the secretary’s notebook a copy of the constitution and by-laws and have it available for easy reference during meetings.

7. Keep a copy of all reports presented to the organization by committees or officers.

8. Take motions down accurately and be prepared to read them back almost immediately.

9. Be responsible for all organizational correspondence.

10. Act as secretary for the organization as a whole. Officers and chairpersons of committees are responsible for correspondence as it relates to their duties.

11. Submit a calendar of anticipated events and clear all proposed events and functions with the Office of Student Affairs.

12. Submit to the officer or club coordinator student activities coordinator a progress report at the end of each semester.

Duties of a V.I.P

1.See that everyone is doing there job

2.Report anything to all officers of there responsibility

3.Attend any meetings if any officer is called out sick, left the club or any other situations.

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