Advantages of club starting

This video will explain the many advantages that come along with joining a club. Leadership, communication skills and teamwork, are just a small fraction of what you can gain through club joining.

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Steps to creating a college club!

Steps To creating a club

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Step 2. Hold a meeting

Club president will likely  to set up a date (How often should the club meet?)and location for club meeting. Be sure that the club acquires space where they can have effective meetings. The date and location should be convenience for every club member to attend. A club member should be in charge for mapping out thing will do during the meeting.


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Step 1. Gathering member


The club should gathering  a group of people that have common interest to share ideas and to decide type of club. determine the club’s purpose and needs.  Also collecting people’s contact information, such as e-mails and contact number.



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The first meeting is very essential when starting a new club. Just like a first impression, you want your club to appear its best. This is where the club members first meet one another. The meeting should be welcoming, with snacks and drinks provided. It should be relatively interesting, so there should be some sort of games involved to keep members interested and anticipated to stay.
During the first club meeting, members should introduce themselves through the “ice breaker”, a common activity in which members introduce themselves and share an interesting fact about themselves. This is the part where members get to know one another, where they come from, what their majoring, and etc. After going around the circle and learning a bit about each other, it is time to present the ‘constitution’ to the group, and be sure to ask for questions and feedback. Every member should receive a copy. Together, they will talk about the club’s purpose, its leadership structure and voting method. When you’re done going over it, ask if anyone has any changes they would like to suggest. After you have addressed any concerns, ask the group to adopt the constitution. Finally, club members will go over upcoming events.

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When making a club, you should recruit members of similar interests. Anyone can join a club, as long as they are passionate about the theme. The purpose of the club is to promote knowledge and appreciation of drawing. Many club members are friends, but in order to branch out, having fliers will attract attention, therefore, with it being more popular, it will be a success. However, they should limit the club members to around 10-20 persons. Having too many members in one club can result in conflict, anger, and frustration.
With too many people, it is hard to keep track of everyone’s information. In order to have a strong club, everyone should attend the meeting.

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Step#6: Assign Specific ”Positions/Roles”

Everyone within the club should have a certain position or Role that he/she is dedicated to. Assigning roles such as leader, treasurer, secretary, Historian, and even advertiser are all critical in making a strong club.

  • Leader (president). This person should run the club, meetings, and enforce the rules.
  • Deputy leader (vice president). This is the person who is in charge when the leader cannot make it.
  • Treasurer. This person handles the club’s money, and keeps track of dues for memberships, pays the bills for the club’s operations and activities. He/She also keep records of all debits and credits for accounting purposes.
  • Secretary. The secretary keeps minutes of every meeting and reads them for correction or addition at each following meeting. He/She can assist with the activities of the club, such as events that are hosted, and give a report of the event at meetings following these events.
  • Historian. This person keeps a record of activities that the club hosts, etc.
  • Head of Events. This person delegates club members to help in planning and organizing activities.
  • Advertising team. They should be responsible for creating flyers, etc. (

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Step#5: Rules and procedures

The “rules and procedures” of a club, is what keeps a club within stability. It’s the foundation of any club, striving for a great future. Things such as who speaks when, or who decides what, can keep a club in forward motion. Communication should be a prime factor for any club, because with it, a club’s teamwork and chemistry will grow. Creating rules can be tedious, because every club is unique, and some rules might not work well with other clubs. It’s your job to explore what rules work well with your group, and make sure everyone is notified about rule changes that are sudden. If everyone follows the procedures, then even your club can prosper.

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Step 8, Club Records

Club records are important for many reasons. Before we get to that, the persons job in charge of that is either the Secretary or VIP. The VIP can either do it themselves or  can appoint someone else in charge. This is all up to who agrees to do the job or not and by votes to keep everything respectfully fair upon responsibility.  The person in  charge of recording everything down must do the following : write down all the information that has been going on throughout the day, have everyones name, email,phone, school id and maybe address,  contact information for the club,time (attendance) and club location (All college require that you let them know where your meeting are going to be located, just in case that room or location is already occupied) . The reason why this is really important is to keep everything organize, is to keep everyone informed and respectfully up to date. The students need to know who is president, vice, and more in order to have students come up (like questions) to the right appropriate  member about any concerns or actions.

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