Based on the great comments and suggestions from GA6, it sounds like it would be a good idea to collect and share our personal literacies narrative essays.
There are several different web-based tools that we could use to do this. For instance, Google Docs, PBWorks, BlackBoard, etc. However, since we are using the City Tech OpenLab to facilitate our online discussions, I suggest we use this platform.
To post your essay on the our course OpenLab site, please do the following:
- Create a New Blog Post by clicking on the plus sign in the top menu bar.
- Cut and paste your essay into the body of the Blog Post. The formatting of your essay will be lost when you do this, but we are not going to worry about that. Instead, we will treat these posts as “working documents” that we are sharing not as “final documents” that we are publishing and sharing.
- Use the title of your essay as the title of your Blog Post.
- Post your Blog Post to the OpenLab by pressing the Publish button in the side-bar.
There is no due date for this “extra” group assignment and we will review these instructions in class next Wednesday. However, for anyone who might like to try posting his/her essay now, please feel free to do that.