Overview: Research History of Logos and adapt learning to personal Logo image/s related to your character and interests. Learn to stylize and abstract from illustrative imagery to create one or more graphic figure/ground logo that represents you.


1) Research, and sketching.

  • Research : Background history (read article) -Logos and pictorial symbolic language.
  • Open each of the following links and pick a few images to post, take notes from and sketch from: (tip: you may also do your own search in these 3 categories but include a word to indicate your own interests: such as Logo designs related to nature..etc)
    • Pictograms– graphic symbols (you may also search for Pictogram subjects suited to your interests)
    • Heiroglyphs –pictorial language through ancient history-Flag Design- banding ideas, simple composition devices, color symbolism
    • Logo Designs – study styles, composites, symbolism, flow.
  • On 2 sheets of sketch paper, make roughly 5 small sketches each from above 3 sources. Drawing is to learn how these symbolic shapes are constructed and to get ideas for your own designs.


  • Personal Ideation: Make Mindmap or outline in sketchbook pages
  • Write down 4-8 words in these 3 categories:
    • Likes and Interests (sports, music, politics, food, animals, etc)
    • Personal Attributes and Qualities (humor, honesty, messy, quiet, outgoing, etc)
    • Outside affiliations : religion, country, teams, organizations.
  • Make several individual sketches, on mindmap or sketch paper, to illustrate and symbolize your interests, attributes and affiliations.
    • Find reference images , Start by using descriptive illustration to make a subject, then proceed to translate into more graphic style symbols.
  • Develop more graphic style shapes, pictograms, symbols, or logos, to represent these activities and categories.
    • Stylize or geometricize your shapes, use silouetted images. Combine, make hybrids, use negative/positive shape etc.
      • See following link for previous student work related to translation from illustration to graphic images. Visual Language Project
    • Find examples in graphic design, search for your images in your specific interest areas and modify and change to make them your own.
  • note: in order to portray Personal Attributes section you will have to use more Abstract lines and shapes to depict a quality, not a thing. Think about your doodles to music and how to portray emotions with varying line direction, line quality and shape.
  • Critique and revision


  • Final executed in black and white, color or Digital format. Use precise shapes and lines.
  • For this project you will use concepts related to abstract depiction of a mood or idea, such as in your Pattern Mashup Project where you drew lines/shapes to music.
  • This abstract process is important in order to represent graphically your personal attributes; for instance happy, serious, impetuous, moody, generous – to integrate a quality like this into symbolic form it requires abstract properties.
  • You can also use representational means to draw subjects.
    • It is important when creating graphics of activities/interests you enjoy to think about how literal and description do you want the form be vs abstract, using sillouette or simple graphic shape.


  • Presentation of final and class discussion.