Carol Diamond | OL04 | Spring 2021

Frederick Russell’s Curious Composition


The three chosen concepts from my mind map are technology, music, and nature. These three concepts drive my curiosity and urge me to discover more about the world around me. Curiosity, to me, feels like a sense of adventure mixed with fear of the unknown. With technology, it’s usually a novel functionality, bright lights, or great design that makes me curious. With music, it’s interesting emotional expression or a great melody/captivating rhythm that makes me curious and keeps me interested. Lastly, nature always awakens my spirit of adventure and curiosity.

1 Comment

  1. caroldiamond

    Hi Frederick,
    Nice job completing Project 1! Glad that it appears the design process and concepts are making sense – and you’re showing the discipline to catch up in the class. Grades are slow for me, so I’ll get to that later, but I appreciate how you examined areas of curiosity and interest, sketching and refining your designs.

    Carol Diamond

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