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I began my Curious Composition Project by first creating a Mind Map. In order to do that I had to brainstorm some of my ideas onto a piece of paper. After creating my map I had decided on the topic of “Life” and “Death”. I came up with these idea because I first thought, what am i currently doing right now at this point in time. With that I came to the conclusion that I am currently living. Then the idea of death followed because you cannot have Life without Death. Then I started brainstorming things that correlate to life or death. So for death the first thing that came to mind is disease, so I came up with heart attack, which makes him hold his heart. This helped me gain a better understanding of foreground and background. In this case the heart and the man is the foreground and the darkness is the background. Then I came up with the idea of fruit because I feel life is very fruitful. So one of the first few fruit I came up with was the blackberry. Blackberry helped me create a nice stable figure drawing because I could detail the darkness of the inside well. After this idea came to me I thought of trees because I thought of shrubs which made me think of trees. Then I was really wondering how I didn’t already think of that first. So i added an ambiguous tree and it also represents life. Lastly I had to come up with an idea of something that wipes out life, something that doesn’t benefit anyone. And I came up with the idea of a bomb which I made stable.

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