Welcome to Type & Media

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Class Meetings

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Course Information

Course Number: COMD1127

Section: D036

Course Title: Type and Media

Course Description: Foundation course in typography with emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications ranging from print to interactive. Students are introduced to principles of type design and terminology including: variations of type structure, anatomy, font usage, grid, leading, kerning, tracking and alignment

Credits / Hours: 1 cl hr, 5 lab hrs, 3 cr

Pre/Co-requisites: CUNY proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics or concurrent enrollment in ENG 092R, ESOL 022R or 032R; ENG 092W, ESOL 021W, or ESOL 031W; MAT 0630 or MAT 0650 as required

Student Survey ( Only Instructor Will See Reponses)

  • *Required

Technology Requirements


Add a schedule of topics to be covered. Include a detailed schedule on the Schedule page.

The detailed grading policy can be found on the Grading Policy page.

Class Etiquette & Netiquette

  • As this is an online course it is important that students establish weekly virtual participation.
  • All assignments need to be submitted on time as they are part of the online class sessions.
  • Proper attire, dress as for physical classes.
  • Adjust your posture, sit up as straight and look into the camera.
  • Learning online requires paying attention, especially with classmates unsure of when to speak. Conference apps, BlackBoard and Zoom, have a chat feature. If you have questions in class sessions type in the chat, or raise your hand.
  • Voice volume; most microphones can pick up your normal speaking voice, so you don’t need to yell. You do need speak clearly in a normal voice volume.
  • Mute your mic as needed to eliminate background noise when not speaking

Course Resources

Materials /Supplies

  • Computer with internet access and Adobe CC.
  • Cloud storage and Flash drive (any storage for your files)
  • Sketchbook for notes, ideas, process / pencils
  • Approximately $40 misc expenses (cloud, printing, art materials, etc)

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Welcome to Communication Design II

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Class Meetings

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Course Information

Course Number: COMD1127

Section: D036

Course Title: Type and Media

Course Description: Foundation course in typography with emphasis on using type for a multiple of industry related applications ranging from print to interactive. Students are introduced to principles of type design and terminology including: variations of type structure, anatomy, font usage, grid, leading, kerning, tracking and alignment

Credits / Hours: 1 cl hr, 5 lab hrs, 3 cr

Pre/Co-requisites: CUNY proficiency in reading, writing and mathematics or concurrent enrollment in ENG 092R, ESOL 022R or 032R; ENG 092W, ESOL 021W, or ESOL 031W; MAT 0630 or MAT 0650 as required

Student Survey ( Only Instructor Will See Reponses)

  • *Required

Technology Requirements


Add a schedule of topics to be covered. Include a detailed schedule on the Schedule page.

The detailed grading policy can be found on the Grading Policy page.

Class Etiquette & Netiquette

  • As this is an online course it is important that students establish weekly virtual participation.
  • All assignments need to be submitted on time as they are part of the online class sessions.
  • Proper attire, dress as for physical classes.
  • Adjust your posture, sit up as straight and look into the camera.
  • Learning online requires paying attention, especially with classmates unsure of when to speak. Conference apps, BlackBoard and Zoom, have a chat feature. If you have questions in class sessions type in the chat, or raise your hand.
  • Voice volume; most microphones can pick up your normal speaking voice, so you don’t need to yell. You do need speak clearly in a normal voice volume.
  • Mute your mic as needed to eliminate background noise when not speaking

Course Resources

Materials /Supplies

  • Computer with internet access and Adobe CC.
  • Cloud storage and Flash drive (any storage for your files)
  • Sketchbook for notes, ideas, process / pencils
  • Approximately $40 misc expenses (cloud, printing, art materials, etc)

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

Faculty Information
Office Hour Mondays & Wednesdays • 11:00AM-11:30AM

Contact Information

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