InDesign Drop Caps & Styles

Create Drop Caps–cms-36394–cms-36394


Text Runaround and Wrap

Style sheets

Paragraph Styles

Paragraph style includes both character and paragraph formatting attributes. You can apply it to a selected paragraph or a range of paragraphs.

Character styles

Character style is a collection of character formatting attributes that you can apply to a selected range of text.

Follow these steps to easily create a new Character or Paragraph style:

  1. Select text.
  2. Select Type > Paragraph styles to open Paragraph styles panel.
  3. Click Create a New Style   to create a style with the selected text format.You can follow similar steps in the Character styles tab to create a new Character style.

Drop Caps

Apply a character style to a drop cap

You can apply a character style to the drop-cap character or characters in a paragraph. For example, if you want a drop-cap character to have a different color and font than the rest of the paragraph, you can define a character style that has these attributes. Then you can either apply the character style directly to a paragraph, or you can nest the character style in a paragraph style.

Drop cap formatted automatically by nested character style
  1. Create a character style that has the formatting you want to use for the drop-cap character.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To apply the drop cap to a single paragraph, choose Drop Caps And Nested Styles from the Paragraph panel menu.
    • To nest the character style in a paragraph style, double-click the paragraph style, and then click Drop Caps And Nested Styles.
  3. Specify the number of drop-cap lines and characters, and then choose the character style.
  4. If the drop cap is aligned too far away from the left edge, select Align Left Edge. Selecting this option uses the original left side bearing of the drop-cap character rather than the larger value. It’s particularly useful for drop caps formatted in sans serif fonts.
  5. If the drop cap character overlaps the text below it, select Scale For Descenders.
  6. Click OK.

Text wrap – call out InDesign


OPTIONAL: Create nested styles

You can specify character-level formatting for one or more ranges of text within a paragraph or line. You can also set up two or more nested styles to work together, one taking over where the previous one ends. For paragraphs with repetitive and predictable formatting, you can even loop back to the first style in the sequence.

Nested styles are especially useful for run-in headings. For example, you can apply one character style to the first letter in a paragraph and another character style that takes effect through the first colon (:). For each nested style, you can define a character that ends the style, such as a tab character or the end of a word.

In this example, the Number character style formats the first word, and the Run-in character style formats text through the first colon.

Michael Murphy provides an article on nested styles at InDesign’s Nested Styles Auto-Format Multiple Paragraphs. He also provides a series of video tutorials that starts at Nested Style Sheets.

GREP Styles

Create GREP styles

GREP is an advanced, pattern-based search technique. You can use GREP styles to apply a character style to text that conforms to the GREP expression you specify. For example, suppose you want to apply a character style to all the phone numbers in text. When you create a GREP style, you select the character style and specify the GREP expression. All paragraph text that matches the GREP expression is formatted with the character style.

Using GREP style to format phone numbers with a character style

A. Character style B. GREP expression 

David Blatner provides real-world examples of GREP styles at 5 Cool Things You Can Do with GREP Styles. Cari Jansen provides a four-part series about GREP styles that begins at Introducing GREP Styles.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To apply GREP styling to individual paragraphs, select the paragraphs and choose Grep Styles from the Paragraph or Control panel menu.
    • To use GREP styles in a paragraph style, create or edit a paragraph style, and click the GREP Styling tab on the left side of the Paragraph Style Options dialog box.
  2. Click New GREP Style.
  3. Click to the right of Apply Style, and then specify a character style. If you haven’t created a character style to use, choose New Character Style and specify the formatting you want to use.
  4. Click to the right of To Text and do any of the following to construct a GREP expression:
    • Enter the search expression manually. (See Metacharacters for searching.)
    • Click the Special Characters For Search icon to the right of the To Text field. Choose options from the Locations, Repeat, Match, Modifiers, and Posix submenus to help construct the GREP expression.
  5. Click OK.

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