Class 02

Class Info

  • Class Date: Weds. Jan. 31


The written language and origin of  letterforms


  • Learn about visual communication and the origin of written communication and the alphabet.
    • WRITING 
      • Cave Paintings 
      • Pictographs 
      • Ideographs
      • Cuneiform Writing
      • Hieroglyphs 
      • Calligraphy
      • Chinese Calligraphy
      • Invention of Paper
      • Invention of Wooden characters in printing
      • others
    • Origin of the Latin ALPHABET and others
      • Phoenicians 
      • Greek
      • Roman or Latin


To-Do for Next Class
Deadlines are for work to be upload by 11:30PM day before class

Type Challenge – Typeface Selection

Create jpg “lastname Firstname Typeface Selection Studies” upload to Dropbox Homework Folder

To-Do by Class 4

  • Print out and trace/draw letters with pen or pencil bring in tracings

Dropbox Homework Folder to upload homeworks
Dropbox Folder to upload Type Challenges
Dropbox Folder to Upload Final Projects
Dropbox help

Assignments are always due the day before next class by 11:30pm, and must be posted to OpenLab or uploaded as instructed

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