Category Archives: Project 1

Assignment 1- Project 1

Your Logotype Branding

Creative brief

Design personal logotype to promote your brand. It will consist of only typography no other elements.

Design Process:

Creative Brief – Develop a creative brief that outlines goals & objectives and audience.
Research & Discovery – Create a project folder with research, sketches reference and related items. Create electronic casebook file with sketches, show research, reference etc.
Sketching and Conceptualizing – Do a brainstorming activity generating ideas for design concept. Using research, graphic and conceptual sources, begin designing.
Design Process/Rough Draft – Create a minimum of five thumbnail concepts. Choose the best concept and create a tighter draft.
Critique – Class critiques of concepts will lead to final design solution.
Final Presentation – Students will present final concepts printouts mounted for final critiques. They will explain concept as related to research and design choices.
Final Project Presentation:
Print and mount final version of project
Create digital versions uploaded to class site.
Present concepts.
Explain research and concept as related to research and design choices.
Students will be evaluated for their skills in:
Concept, design execution, presentation, production and following the project guidelines.

Assignment 1:

1. Concept sketches
– Work on your logotype design, bring in a minimum of five concept sketches
– You should try and sketch ideas, work in black and white
– Select one tight sketch/concept to develop and print out larger. We will review them in class
– Bring in project physical folder with sketches, any research and reference related to logotype concepts

2. Type Research:
Bring in print outs (two each) of good and bad logotype designs.

3. Select Two Contrasting Fonts
Set your first and last name bring in print out one version

Logotype design principles

Remember, less is more.
This is one thing to keep in mind when creating a logo. Design focused, clear concept. Make it simple and clean. Do not include extra typographic furniture and unnecessary elements. The best logos possess a few elements integral to the core concept.

Target audiences should play  important role in creating your logo.
Your logo needs to be appropriate for its purpose.
For example, the Fedex logo, it works for its audience but would it work for a restaurant?

A logo is more than a design. It should be  your identity, and symbolize you.  It is your brand in design. If a logo is forgotten, you are forgotten. Trends come and go.Your logo should stand out and stand the test of time.

Your logo should remain functional and adapt:
Your logo should retain concept when used in different ways.


Logotype Branding Design

Typography Contrast

Typography Branding

Online Reading

Logotype by Michael Evamy

Trademarks & Symbols Volume 1: Alphabetical Designs by Yasaburo Kuwayama

Related Video

Type Selection Tools

Online tutorials


Other Reference

Creative Brief Sample


FINAL Deliverable


Present your layout and description. Explain your work; research and concept as related to research and your design choices.

Required for Project Presentation

1 Output mounted on board.

2. Written Project Brief Two Copies: Create a written description of your project. Mount to back of matt board.

3. Your physical job folder with all related materials: brief, concept sketches, reference etc.

4. Uploads to Class site
A. Create blog post with category: Project 1
Name the post “lastname firstname project 1”

B. Insert a digital file of project layout saved as a .jpg
Name layout file: “lastname_firstname_p1.jpg”

C. Your digital casebook file with all related materials: page one; brief description page two; final layout, then, concept sketches, reference etc. Document does not have to be a designed document but should reflect your design process. Must be saved as a PDF.
Name casebook file: “lastname_firstname_pcb_1.PDF”


Production Materials
1. Print out of your  project mounted on board.
It can be output on 8.5Ă—11

2. Black mat board or gator board  15×20
Xacto knife
Metal edge ruler
Spray mount

3. Written Project Brief, Two Copies. Create a written description on your project. Include your name, project name, goals , concept and  explain your solution Print out 8.5×11. Mount to back of mat board and have one extra print out.

4. Your Job folder with layout,  brief description, concept sketches, design work, research and reference.





Font Identification
WhatTheFont →
Upload an image it tells you the name of the font

Typewolf →
Typography inspiration.


Incredible Types →
collection of nice typography, mostly print work.


Assignment 3 Project 1-2

Due Next Week

Project 1: Final Presentation

PART 2 Introduction
Project 2: Typographic Poster
Brooklyn Historical Society, DUMBO


PART 1  Project 1: Final Presentation

Assignment Pintrest page

Produce a final version of your logotype assignment.
You will  fully refine your concept, print out mount and present  to the class.
You will be graded on concept, design execution, presentation, and  following the project presentation guidelines.  If you would like to send me  something to review or if there are any questions email me.
You will be graded on:  
Presentation, typography, design, technique and following below instructions.

FINAL Deliverable


Present your layout and description. Explain your work; research and concept as related to research and your design choices.

Required for Project Presentation

1 Output mounted on board.

2. Written Project Brief Two Copies: Create a written description of your project. Mount to back of matt board.

3. Your physical job folder with all related materials: brief, concept sketches, reference etc.

4. Uploads to Class site
A. Create blog post with category: Project 1
Name the post “lastname firstname project 1”

B. Insert a digital file of project layout saved as a .jpg
Name layout file: “lastname_firstname_p1.jpg”

C. Your digital casebook file with all related materials: page one; brief description page two; final layout, then, concept sketches, reference etc. Document does not have to be a designed document but should reflect your design process. Must be saved as a PDF.
Name casebook file: “lastname_firstname_pcb_1.PDF”


Production Materials
1. Print out of your  project mounted on board.
It can be output on 8.5Ă—11

2. Black mat board or gator board  15×20
Xacto knife
Metal edge ruler
Spray mount

3. Written Project Brief, Two Copies. Create a written description on your project. Include your name, project name, goals , concept and  explain your solution Print out 8.5×11. Mount to back of mat board and have one extra print out.

4. Your Job folder with layout,  brief description, concept sketches, design work, research and reference.


Course Pinterest  folders
Logotype Branding Design

Typography Contrast

Typography Branding

Online Reading

Logotype by Michael Evamy

Trademarks & Symbols Volume 1: Alphabetical Designs by Yasaburo Kuwayama

Related Video

Type Selection Tools

Online tutorials


Other Reference

Creative Brief Sample






Project 2: Typographic Poster

Brooklyn Historical Society, DUMBO
Typographic Poster Initial Research

Students who meet all final requirements and specifications to this project will be placed in the Project OpenLab site

Part A Poster Critique
1. Select one Typographic poster from Below:

2. Draft short review of the work you select. Post it to the course site in a new post.

3. Create OpenLab post with tagged category Project 2 Assignment 3
Name layout file: “lastname firstname P2-1”
Insert a single image poster saved as a .jpg named

Start with the principles of typography, design and composition.
Second think about the poster’s purpose, goals, and audience. Is the message clear.
Third think of design as poster, is it effective, is will it stop the viewer?

Principles: Identify any uses of scale, contrast, repetition or pattern
Contrast: Typography can be achieved in many different ways.  Does it lack or utilize contrast?
Identify if there is any use of grid
Hierarchy: Where is the emphasize on which words or letters?
Does the typography stands on its own, as the main design element?
Legibility: Is the type legible? Does it convey a message.
Use of Fonts: Does font used fit concept?

Part B
Initial Research Brooklyn Historical Society
Do research. Look at course Pinterest boards /or museum site.
Select one piece of communications designed for the society create new post
Insert a jpg into post on OpenLab you created for Part A

Creative brief_CUNY_2427
Reference Class Pintrest Pages
Brooklyn Historical Society

Reference Class Pintrest Pages

Typography Poster Designs


Assignment 2-Project1

Assignment 2:

Due Next Week

Two concepts

1. Two different refined concepts of your logotype
– Work on your logotype design, bring in two different refined concepts printed out. They should be refined not sketches. We will review them in class
2. Bring in your project physical folder, native files to work in class
Include sketches, any research and reference related to logotype concepts.


Design Process:

Creative Brief – Develop a creative brief that outlines goals & objectives and audience.
Research & Discovery – Create a project folder with research, sketches reference and related items. Create electronic casebook file with sketches, show research, reference etc.
Sketching and Conceptualizing – Do a brainstorming activity generating ideas for design concept. Using research, graphic and conceptual sources, begin designing.
Design Process/Rough Draft – Create a minimum of five thumbnail concepts. Choose the best concept and create a tighter draft.
Critique – Class critiques of concepts will lead to final design solution.
Final Presentation – Students will present final concepts printouts mounted for final critiques. They will explain concept as related to research and design choices.
Final Project Presentation:
Print and mount final version of project
Create digital versions uploaded to class site.
Present concepts.
Explain research and concept as related to research and design choices.
Students will be evaluated for their skills in:
Concept, design execution, presentation, production and following the project guidelines.


Logotype design principles

Remember, less is more.
This is one thing to keep in mind when creating a logo. Design focused, clear concept. Make it simple and clean. Do not include extra typographic furniture and unnecessary elements. The best logos possess a few elements integral to the core concept.

Target audiences should play  important role in creating your logo.
Your logo needs to be appropriate for its purpose.
For example, the Fedex logo, it works for its audience but would it work for a restaurant?

A logo is more than a design. It should be  your identity, and symbolize you.  It is your brand in design. If a logo is forgotten, you are forgotten. Trends come and go.Your logo should stand out and stand the test of time.

Your logo should remain functional and adapt:
Your logo should retain concept when used in different ways.


Logotype Branding Design

Typography Contrast

Typography Branding


Online Reading

Logotype by Michael Evamy

Trademarks & Symbols Volume 1: Alphabetical Designs by Yasaburo Kuwayama


Related Video


Type Selection Tools

Online tutorials


Other Reference

Creative Brief Sample


FINAL Deliverable


Present your layout and description. Explain your work; research and concept as related to research and your design choices.

Required for Project Presentation

1 Output mounted on board.

2. Written Project Brief Two Copies: Create a written description of your project. Mount to back of matt board.

3. Your physical job folder with all related materials: brief, concept sketches, reference etc.

4. Uploads to Class site
A. Create blog post with category: Project 1
Name the post “lastname firstname project 1”

B. Insert a digital file of project layout saved as a .jpg
Name layout file: “lastname_firstname_p1.jpg”

C. Your digital casebook file with all related materials: page one; brief description page two; final layout, then, concept sketches, reference etc. Document does not have to be a designed document but should reflect your design process. Must be saved as a PDF.
Name casebook file: “lastname_firstname_pcb_1.PDF”


Production Materials
1. Print out of your  project mounted on board.
It can be output on 8.5Ă—11

2. Black mat board or gator board  15×20
Xacto knife
Metal edge ruler
Spray mount

3. Written Project Brief, Two Copies. Create a written description on your project. Include your name, project name, goals , concept and  explain your solution Print out 8.5×11. Mount to back of mat board and have one extra print out.

4. Your Job folder with layout,  brief description, concept sketches, design work, research and reference.





Project 1

Your Logotype Branding

Design personal logotype to promote themselves. It will consist of only typography no other elements.
Follow a Specific Design Process:
Creative Brief – Develop a creative brief that outlines goals & objectives and audience.
Research & Discovery – Create a project folder with research, sketches reference and related items. Create electronic casebook file with sketches, show research, reference etc.
Sketching and Conceptualizing – Do a brainstorming activity generating ideas for design concept. Using research, graphic and conceptual sources, begin designing.
Design Process/Rough Draft – Create a minimum of five thumbnail concepts. Choose the best concept and create a tighter draft.
Critique – Class critiques of concepts will lead to final design solution.
Final Presentation – Students will present final concepts printouts mounted for final critiques. They will explain concept as related to research and design choices.
Final Project Presentation:
Print and mount final version of project
Create digital versions uploaded to class site.
Students will present concepts.
Explain research and concept as related to research and design choices.
Students will be evaluated for their skills in:
Concept, design execution, presentation, production and following the project guidelines.

Assignment 1:

1. Concept sketches
– Work on your logotype design, bring in a minimum of five concept sketches
– You should try and sketch ideas, work in black and white
– Select one tight sketch/concept to develop and print out larger. We will review them in class
– Bring in project physical folder with sketches, any research and reference related to logotype concepts

2. Type Research:
Bring in print outs (two each) of good and bad logotype designs.

3. Select Two Contrasting Fonts
Set your first and last name bring in print out one version

Logotype design principles
Remember, less is more.
This is one thing to keep in mind when creating a logo. Design focused, clear concept. Make it simple and clean. Do not include extra typographic furniture and unnecessary elements. The best logos possess a few elements integral to the core concept.

Target audiences should play  important role in creating your logo.
Your logo needs to be appropriate for its purpose.
For example, the Fedex logo, it works for its audience but would it work for a restaurant?

A logo is more than a design. It should be  your identity, and symbolize you.  It is your brand in design. If a logo is forgotten, you are forgotten. Trends come and go.Your logo should stand out and stand the test of time.

Your logo should remain functional and adapt:
Your logo should retain concept when used in different ways.

Design Process

The following techniques can help the creative process.
1. Creative Brief
Complete a creative brief that outlines the following:
a. Goals & objectives
b. Audience
2. Research & Discovery
Reference: Do online research
Get a job folder to place all research, sketches reference and related items.
Create electronic casebook file with sketches, show research, reference etc. Can be a PDF or Word doc.
3. Sketching and Conceptualizing
Do a brainstorming activity and idea to generate ideas for your design concept. Using your research, graphic and conceptual sources, begin designing.
Create a minimum of 5 thumbnail concepts. These should be quick sketches that highlight a concept/idea.
4. Rough Draft
Choose the best concept from your thumbnail drawings and create a tighter draft.
A successful design communicates its message directly and powerfully through visual impact, interesting color, graphic/image and text combinations.
Related Class Pintrest Folders


Course Pinterest  folders


Typography Contrast

Typography Branding

Online Reading

Logotype by Michael Evamy

Trademarks & Symbols Volume 1: Alphabetical Designs by Yasaburo Kuwayama



Design a logo in 15 miuntes

Typeface Selection Tools


Creative Brief Sample

FINAL Deliverable


Present your layout and description. Explain your work; research and concept as related to research and your design choices.

Required for Project Presentation

1 Output mounted on board.

2. Written Project Brief Two Copies: Create a written description of your project. Mount to back of matt board.

3. Your physical job folder with all related materials: brief, concept sketches, reference etc.

4. Uploads to Class site
A. Create blog post with category: Project 1
Name the post “lastname firstname project 1”

B. Insert a digital file of project layout saved as a .jpg
Name layout file: “lastname_firstname_p1.jpg”

C. Your digital casebook file with all related materials: page one; brief description page two; final layout, then, concept sketches, reference etc. Document does not have to be a designed document but should reflect your design process. Must be saved as a PDF.
Name casebook file: “lastname_firstname_pcb_1.PDF”


Production Materials
1. Print out of your  project mounted on board.
It can be output on 8.5Ă—11

2. Black mat board or gator board  15×20
Xacto knife
Metal edge ruler
Spray mount

3. Written Project Brief, Two Copies. Create a written description on your project. Include your name, project name, goals , concept and  explain your solution Print out 8.5×11. Mount to back of mat board and have one extra print out.

4. Your Job folder with layout,  brief description, concept sketches, design work, research and reference.