Class of 2017

Welcome to the dental hygiene program   :)

Each fall brings back memories of my first day of Dental Hygiene school over 20 years ago.  I was an adult with four children returning to school after 21 years – Very Scary!!!  Many doubts and fears running through my head all asking the question, “Can I do this?”

The answer is obvious now, yes I could and yes I did.  AND SO CAN YOU. 


  • Setting a REALISTIC study schedule.  Taking a realistic look at what was expected of me both at home and at school  (which included eating and sleeping).
  • Then came the discipline which meant that I had to stick to the schedule (as best as possible – revising as I went along)
  • DOING THE WORK – staying on top of EVERYTHING (it’s really tough to ‘catch up’)
  • ASKING QUESTIONS when confused or not sure
  • SEEKING HELP when in trouble.

Ask any dental hygienist you may know how they succeeded and I am sure that you will find that they followed a very similar formula.

I wish only the best for all of you.  Remember, the faculty is there is help and support you throughout these 2 years, help us to help you!

See you in class,                                                                                                                                    Professor Maria Bilello

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13 Responses to WELCOME

  1. thank you so much! for sharing

  2. Arika says:

    Thank you so much for your support and advice Professor Bilello!

  3. Renna says:

    Very inspirational, and thanks for the words of encouragement.

  4. yyang1097 says:

    Thank you for the advice!

  5. Abeer says:

    Thank you, I’m so honored to have you as my professor, I appreciate your encouragement.

  6. AYMAN MOUSA says:

    Hey everyone, I hope you’re all doing fine. I’d like to share this cute song with you and I think you all know it. I wanted to cheer you up since we’re all overwhelmed:). Good luck studying and keep up the hard work.

  7. Jessica says:

    such a cute song, it will definitely help

  8. AYMAN MOUSA says:

    That’s true everything matters and you’re very welcome 🙂 happy labor day everyone 🙂

  9. Professor Bilello:
    Thank you very much. Your encouraging and supporting words is what we needed after the overwhelming information we are exposed to everyday in the Dental Hygiene program .
    Thank you very much.

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