Curriculum Development


Redesigned History of the Theatre (THE 2280) as an ID course with faculty from Architecture Technology. Arranged backstage tours of Broadway and Off-Broadway theaters each semester as part of the place-based curriculum. Approved by ID Committee, 2016.

Developed new Interdisciplinary Special Topics course with Prof. Ting Chin (Architecture Technology). LIB/ARCH 2205: Learning Places/Understanding the City. Approved by ID Committee, 2017.

Developed new Interdisciplinary Special Topics course with Prof. Nora Almeida (Library). LIB/ARCH 2205: Learning Places/Understanding the City. Approved by ID Committee, 2018.

Designed, implemented, and continue to oversee the Public Speaking (COM 1330) curriculum using McGraw-Hill Connect learning platform and textbook for the Humanities Department. 70 sections offered every semester.

Theatre Studies Minor Degree

Wrote and submitted a proposal for a Theatre Studies Minor degree. Passed College Council on . I continue to serve as Coordinator of the degree.

OER Development

Developed online interactive OER tool for exploring the history of theater in New York City: The City Performs: An Architectural History of NYC Theater.

As part of the completion of the OER fellowship, developed a course site with new OER materials on OpenLab for History of the Theatre: Stages of Technology.

City Tech Stories: Podcast Interview (Library). Episode 4, with Elvis Bakaitis

Writing Intensive Curricula

Developed Writing Intensive curriculum for Play Analysis. 

Redesigned Play Analysis course in Gender and Sexuality concentration for CUNY Baccalaureate students, 2018.