NOVEMBER 5 @ 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM in N922A
More and more use is being made of cell phones for web exploration at the expense of conventional desk and laptop PCs. The modern web has to accommodate all these many screen sizes from High definition PC screens through iPads to miniature cell phone and maybe even smaller? This presentation will give many outward examples of valid web sites and discuss internal coding techniques.
Anthony is a Lecturer at the Computer Systems Technology Department of New York City College of Technology, City University of New York. He holds a BSc from King’s College London and an MBA from Regent Street Polytechnic, London, UK.
The Modern, Responsive Web Site
More and more use is being made of cell phones for web exploration at the expense of conventional desk and laptop PCs. The modern web has to accommodate all these many screen sizes from High definition PC screens through iPads to miniature cell phone and maybe even smaller? This presentation will give many outward examples of valid web sites and discuss internal coding techniques.
Anthony is a Lecturer at the Computer Systems Technology Department of New York City College of Technology, City University of New York. He holds a BSc from King’s College London and an MBA from Regent Street Polytechnic, London, UK.
Thursday, March 5, 2015 12-1pm
“Mobile is eating the world,” but few developers realize that mobile software is written very differently from desktop software. This leads to lots of mobile apps that simply don’t work well, suck up battery power, or can’t recover from being put into the background. I’ll discuss a few such apps on the Android platform, and explain how they should have been written to improve user experience, illustrating general mobile development principles by example.
Dr. Michael Barnathan is a Director of Engineering at Amplify Access, which deploys educational tablets to K-12 schools across the country. Prior to joining Amplify, Michael founded Clipless, the first contextual deals startup, which survived two appearances on the front page of TechCrunch and was acquired 8 months from founding. Michael’s prior experience also includes a Senior Software Engineer position at Google. He holds a Ph. D. in machine learning from Temple University, with a particular emphasis on using computer vision techniques to automatically diagnose medical scans.

Michael speaking about Android App development.